02/15/1982-CC-Minutes-Regular1�3 Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to adjourn the second. Voted unan. Meeting Adjourned. ATTEST: MAYOR MINUTES: City Council February 15, 1982 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Bridges, Nesbitt, and Thomas ABSENT: Danny Spindle VACANCY: Place 1 Bridges gave OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Lindon Carr, Dan Swenke, Clarence Carpenter, Dewey Fields, and Ben Terry. 1. The minutes of the February 1, 1982 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to approve disbursements for the amount of $11,324.19. Benny Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Item 4, 5, and 7 were questioned by Donn Nesbitt. Lindon to get with Lloyd and give explanation on the labor, etc... Donn Nesbitt made the motion to approve Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for $12,720.15. Wendell Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to approve the Final Replat for Royce Jones, Lot 45R, Block 23, and Lot 59R, Block 22, Hampton Addition. Wendell Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 5. Motion was made by Donn .Nesbitt to approve the Final Plat of the single lot subdivision for Mae Hackney on Lot 4, Block F, White Addition. Building and setback variance to be brought before council at time building permit is requested. Benny Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 6. Council discussed the Final Replat for Ben Terry on Part A, Block 9, and all of Block 13 in the Hampton Addition. Council was concerned about the extension of Walnut Street as shown on Mr. Terry's replat. Council wanted to know if Terry planned to build the street. Mr. Terry stated that it was not feasible to open at this time and that he would not obligate himself to open it in the future with the economy as it is. Terry asked Council what their feeling was about closing off the Walnut Street portion that runs through his property and making a driveway to the lots on either side. It was council's consensus that this is private property and Terry could do what he wanted with it. Discussion. Motion was made by Benny Bridges to deny approval of the replat for Terry. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 7. Motion was made by Wendell Thomas to adopt the Community Development Program Management Policies. These policies are in compliance with HUD Regulations. Donn Nesbitt gave the second. Voted unan. 8. Two bids were received by Council - One on the 1950 Motor Grader for $3001.01 submitted by Chet Switzer and one for $100.00 on the Ford L. T. D. submitted by Joe Ashcraft. Ashcraft did not submit his bid on time therefore council did not accept his bid. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to accept the bid amount of $3001.01 for the 1950 Motor Grader from Chet Switzer and to rebid on the Ford LTD. Benny Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 9. The Sanger Electric Eudget for the 1982 year was presented to council. In addition to the requested Budget the following items were requested: 1. Payment of $5,375 to the Sanger Electric System for the 1981 guarantee. 2. Guaranteed debt retirement of $17,000 for 1982. 3. An agreement to reimburse Brazos for the actual cost of a Long -Range Planning Study in an amount not to exceed $4,600. 4. Approval of the new fuel adjustment clause presented to the Council on January 18, 1982. Use of the existing fuel adjustment charge will decrease Sanger Electric Revenues by approximately $15,900 from those shown in the budget. Because of the 400/60o provision in the OPerating Agreement, the City would suffer a reduction in revenue of $9,600 and the net system debt would increase by $6,300. If the proposed fuel adjust- ment clause is not approved, the Cooperative requests that the guaranteed debt retirement in (2) above be increase by $6,300. Council action was as follows: 1. Motion was made by Benny Bridges to approve the payment of $5,375 to the Sanger Electric System for the 1981 guarantee. Donn Nesbitt gave the second. Voted unan. 2. Motion was made by Benny Bridges that the city guarantee a debt retirement of $7,000 for 1982 in lieu of the $175000 requested. Wendell Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt that the City reimburse Brazos for the actual cost of a Long -Range Planning Study in an amount not to exceed $45600. Wendell Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Motion was made by Wendell Thomas to approve the following Fuel Adjustment Clause: Fuel Cost Adjustment FCA=F+CF S Where: F = Total estimated cost of fuel included in wholesale power supplier's invoice for the current month. 1�5 S = Total estimated Kwh sales for the current month. CF = Correction factor adjustment to be applied in the current billing month to account for the difference between actual revenue received and actual cost incurred _in proceeding periods. Benny Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. The budget was discussed at length. Mayor Cole asked Mr. Swenke how much Brazos recovered on the original debt from last fiscal year. Mr. Swenke referred to Schedule E and stated the difference between $30,492 and $30,296 which revealed a loss of $196.00. Mayor Cole questioned the $34,500 depreciation figure. Stated it was not .actual cash and yet- on Schedule B it was showing as an expenditure and was subtracted from the income. Swenke stated that the depreciation could be scratched out. More Discussion. Council questioned Expense Item on Schedule B with regards to the generating plant operation and maintenance. Council wanted to know what Brazos planned to do with the plant. Lindon stated they were planning to give a complete overhaul and repair one generator which will be used as a backup. Schedule C - Mayor Cole asked if the $22,765 figure was the amount actually owed from the $121,000. Carpenter believed this to be right. More discussion. Mayor Cole ask for a rate comparison on one of the city's customers using the new fuel adjustment rate. The bills compared were Wendell Thomas and Denton Plastics. Motion was made by Wendell Thomas to adopt the 1982 Sanger Electric Budget with a change to amounts (Schedule A) payable to city funds: (a) Guaranteed Debt Retirement from 17,000 to 7,000. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 10. Lloyd discussed the Santa Fe Water Well problem with Council. He presented a log on the well. He said the well had been pumping rust and dirt. When two of the wells were turned down it was discovered that the Santa Fe well was old and no accurate records were available. The records the city has, shows the casing goes approximately 1200'. When the pump was pulled the well was sitting on 546'. An upper strat of water is coming through the rust spots. He told council that it was decided to bail out at 1000'. There are several levels of good water sand. Lloyd explained that we will have to reline the pipe and seal (in concrete) it off. The approximate cost would be $5,000 plus the pipe which will need replacing. These figures were not available at this time. 11. Council received the monthly budget report. No questions. 12. Salary Step Plan was discussed. Council felt the time period was too close. Lloyd to take a look at the post office step plan and rework for further consideration. 13. Final Plat for Gateway Addition - The City engineers received the plat and plans for Section II of the Gateway Addition. The following points were brought to the attention of the council: 1. The file plat should have the proper place for City to sign. This includes and Mayor and City Secretary. 2_ The location of water and sewer lines along I. H. 35 as proposed creates a problem. The water line will be within 2 feet of a house wall. This is entirely to close and not practical for the City to repair possible future breaks. The contractor could easily lay the line so it falls under the foundation area of a future house. We suggest the water line be relocated so it still remains at least 91 feet from the sewer (per State Health Requirements) or a large building line be established. 3. The file plat as presented does not show the utility easement on Lot 6, Block D, or Lot 2, Block E which would be necessary if the water and sewer were built like proposed. No easements are proposed for record. 4. Access permit needs to be acquired from the Highway Department for the street to connect to I. H. 35 service road. 5. The engineer needs to detail or call out on the plans how a flume or rip rap is to be constructed at the end of the curb and gutter. This is needed to control erosion around the low end of the street when it drains into the Highway bar ditch. 6. The engineer should show the future pavements grades on David Drive at least 200 feet beyond the end of what will now be constructed. This will then ensure that a smooth street grade can be constructed now, and it will be possible to extend it in the future. 7. Bench mark should be shown on the plans for control data. 8. The City may not want to consider having the developers contractor set meter boxes on each water service (meter stop). This will make it easy to find the service in the future with the least damage. It also ensures the service is properly located at the time of acceptance by the city. 9. We note the plans proposed the use of Polybutelyne tubing for possible water service. We do not recommend this. If the City selects to allow this material be sure it is properly placed and tested. Problems have developed in other cities on this product. 10. The water valve boxes should have a concrete pad 18' x 18" x 16" placed around each after final adjustment to grade. One additional gate valve should be installed in the water line at the corner of Lot 10 (street inter- section). This would allow for proper feed and control by the water department. 11. The manhole cover TVN. 672 should not have pick holes through the lid so water can inflow. No pick holes are permitted by the State Health Department. There are those available which have a lift lug without holes. 12. All fees should be paid to the City per ordinance. Mr. Dewey Fields stated that most of the changes had been made. On _Item No. 4 his firm will prepare a secondary drawing and present it to the city and the city will request the permit from the Highway Department. With reference to No. 9 Mr. Fields stated that his firm had called three places and received three different answers on the Poly Butelyne tubing. Fields stated because of the cost of copper they would like to look further before deciding. Hunter and Associates are not recommending this type tubing. Mr. Fields questioned No. 10. Stated it dosen't state if this is to be on pavement or dirt. He felt this was an unusual request. Mayor Cole requested that Mr. Fields make the requested changes, and the Gateway Item be placed on the next council agenda. It was agreed. 14. Other such matters: (a.) Lloyd briefed council on the codification of ordinances being done by Jack Russell. He stated what he had received was well organized and invited council to come by office and review what had been done. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: MAYOR MINUTES: City Council March 1, 1982 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Thomas, Nesbitt, and Spindle ABSENT: Benny Bridges VACANCY: Place 1 OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Dewey Fields, Anne Kyle, Kathy Toups, Jesse Coffey, Barbara Carter, Marie Rash and Gene Williams 1. The minutes of the February 15, 1982 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Disbursements in the amount of $16,970.46 were approved on a motion by Donn Nesbitt. Wendell Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Mayor Cole opened the public hearing on Zoning Petition Z-57 for Rony Beard. A change from R-1 (Single Family) to LB (Local Business was requested on Lt. 11 Blk. 75, Original Town. Dimensions of the property being 87.5' x 87.5. There was no opposition to the petition. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to accept the recommendation of P & Z and approve the petition 7-57. Dan Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Motion was made by Wendell Thomas that election ballots 1-20. be assigned for the absentee voting in the city officials election for April 3rd. Donn Nesbitt gave the second. Voted unan. 5. Mayor Cole advised Council of the need to increase sanitation rates now in order to help pay off the interest indebtedness on the Certificate of Obligation at the bank and assist In making the necessary payments when the bonds for the $150,000 landfill project came due once the bonds are sold. At a $1.00 per month increase for both residential and commercial customer4 an approximate sum of $1,066.00 would be generated per month and $12,552.00 for 1 year.