03/15/1982-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council March 15, 1982 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Nesbitt, Bridges and Spindle ABSENT: Harvey W. Thomas VACANCY: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Lindon Carr, Robert Flood, Bill Arnett, Marvin Parker, Anne Kyle, Billye and Jack Hollingsowrth, Freddy and Teddy Inman, Gene Hughes, Dorman Johnson, Billy Gentle 1. The minutes of the March 1, 1982 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to approve disbursements in the amount of $17,761.69. Benny Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. Lloyd advised council that Mr. Jack Gray had billed the City $2500.00 for John L.'s work on the landfill and he has requested the check be made to John's brother Gambill. Discussion. Motion was made by Spindle to approve the payment but to make the check payable to the law firm of Gray, Whitten, and Loveless. Benny Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 3. The Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for $2,376.31 were approved on a motion by Donn Nesbitt. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Consider request of Communication Workers of America to approve Centralization of Operations in the Decatur office - There were no operators present at the meeting to speak for their cause. It was noted the workers were in fear of losing their job if they showed up. Mr. Robert Flood, Bill Arnett, and Marvin Parker were present on behalf of the telephone company's position in the matter and to answer questions council might have. Mayor Cole called on Mr. Flood to speak. Flood stated he had no prepared statement but would be glad to answer any questions. Mayor Cole, Council and Citizens directed numerous questions at Mr. Flood with regards to telephone service, billing complaints, response time on calls through the operator, personnel, costs, and the city franchise with Central. Mayor Cole read the following from the City Franchise "...central office shall be maintained in the City of Sanger, attended by resident telephone operator on a 24 hour daily basis, working in said central office in the City of Sanger, Texas..." Councilman Nesbitt felt the item should be delayed until the representatives of those who requested the item be present. Discussion. A motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to have an attorney look over the telephone franchise, contact the Public Utility Commission and see what to do. Councilman Nesbitt asked for the item to be tabled. Motion died for lack of a second. More Discussion. Motion was made by Benny Bridges to take the contract, obtain an attorney, let him look over it and present it to the PUC. Spindle gave the second. Voting for were Bridges and Spindle. Motion carried. 5. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt for the City to cost share the difference between the 6" and 8" water line Mr. Coffey is installing in Gateway to extend the Loop to I�35. Benny Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 6. John Coker was not present to speak on the Workmans Compensation Insurance Claim on Lee Pennington. It was noted however, that Coker had been paid by the family. A letter from Texas Employer's Insurance explaining the insurance company's position was in the council packet. It was the consensus of council that the city was missing the advice of an attorney on this. Lloyd was instructed to check with an attorney about this matter. 7. Lindon Carr presented the following cost estimate for line extension improvements in Gateway Phase II. Estimated cost to construct electric facility to serve Gateway Addition, Section II, is $7,088.00. Note: Central Telephone Company has tentatively agreed to set the poles, this will reduce our cost by $1,900.00. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to approve the line extension construction to serve Gateway Phase II as presented. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 8. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to approve termination of Joe Ashcraft's wrecker service agreement with the city. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 9. Jesse Seal utility pole relocation request - Mayor Cole brought council up-to-date with regards to the removal of the utlity pole on the Seal's property on the frontage road. Mayor Cole advised Council that Seal is selling the land to Doc Johnson and Doc is planning to construct a feed store on the land. Mayor Cole stated to do what Jesse wanted done would cost the city approximately $35,000. To do it like the city wants to would cost about $2,000. The city had rather work with the new owner. Councilman Bridges stated if Doc was buying the property to get him and Lindon together and see what needs to be done and do it. Thats what we agreed. Mayor Cole stated when the property is secured and Doc gets his building plans that he will get with him and see what could be done. Mayor Cole assured Johnson that the city would get the pole out of his front door. He stated the city would work with him. 10. Lloyd recommended to Council that the city place a page of dedi- cation in the new ordinance codification book and dedicate the codification to John L. The page would include a picture and 18 copies of the codification. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to dedicate the codification to John L. Benny Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 11. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to adopt the Resolution to permit the city to construct drainage culverts under the spur track on the south side of the Sanger Grain Elevator. Benny Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 12. Other such matters: (a.) Lloyd reminded Council that the codification was available for their viewing and offered to circulate portions to each councilman and be responsible for picking up the copies each evening. (b.) Council received a walk-in replat of property owned by Ben Terry. Council is still concerned about the street. Lloyd to get with Terry about the plat. (c.) Council was advised that the FHA Loan has been accepted in the Ft. Worth office. Council agreed to go to Temple on April 1st for the negotiations on the bond sell. \\9� (d.) Council discussed the water well possibility on the Cooper land. Lloyd to get with Hunter E Associates and look at possibilities. Ralph to talk with Cooper. (e.) Lloyd stated the Hiway Dept. will trim out the ditch on the west side of 5th Street but will not replace the culverts. He will attend a meeting with the HiWay Dept. on the 17th. (f.) Santa Fe Well to be placed on next council agenda. (g.) Mayor Cole stated he still was not happy with the City Engineers. He felt they should be doing more for us. Had reference to the EPA Grant that has never been completed. He felt the city should look for a new firm. Lloyd to check about this. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to adjourn. Bridges second. Voted unan. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: MAYOR MINUTES: Special Called Meeting City Council March 26, 1982 PRESENT: Councilman Bridges, Nesbitt, and Spindle ABSENT: Mayor Cole and Councilman Thomas VACANCY: Place 1 OTHERS °PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, John Coker Mary Jo Stover, Gene Hughes, and The special called meeting was not held due to the lack of a quorum. ATTEST: