03/01/1982-CC-Minutes-Regular14. Other such matters: (a.) Lloyd briefed council on the codification of ordinances being done by Jack Russell. He stated what he had received was well organized and invited council to come by office and review what had been done. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: MAYOR MINUTES: City Council March 1, 1982 v PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Thomas, Nesbitt, and Spindle ABSENT: Benny Bridges VACANCY: Place 1 - OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Dewey Fields, Anne Kyle, Kathy Toups, Jesse Coffey, Barbara Carter, Marie Rash and Gene Williams 1. The minutes of the February 15, 1982 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Disbursements in the amount of $16,970.46 were approved on a motion by Donn Nesbitt. Wendell Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Mayor Cole opened the public hearing on Zoning Petition Z-57 for Rony Beard. A change from R-1 (Single Family) to LB (Local Business was requested on Lt. 1, Blk. 75, Original Town. Dimensions of the property being 87.5' x 87.5. There was no opposition to the petition. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to accept the recommendation of P & Z and approve the petition Z-57. Dan Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Motion was made by Wendell Thomas that election ballots 1-20 be assigned for the absentee voting in the city officials election for April 3rd. Donn Nesbitt gave the second. Voted unan. 5. Mayor Cole advised Council of the need to increase sanitation rates now in order to help pay off the interest indebtedness on the Certificate of Obligation at the bank and assist In making the necessary payments when the bonds for the $150,000 landfill project came due once the bonds are sold. At a $1.00 per month increase for both residential and commercial customer an approximate sum of $1,066.00 would be generated per month and $12,552.00 for 1 year. � o"s Motion was made by Wendell Thomas to increase all residen- tial and commercial customer rates by $1.00 and that the money raised by the increase be set aside to help pay off the indebtedness on the landfill. Dan Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. Increase in effect on the March billing. 6. Two bids were received on the 1978 Ford LTD. J. L. Wright submitted a bid for $150.00 and Joe Ashcraft's Garage sub- mitted a bid for $106.00 Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to award the bid to J. L. Wright for $150.00. Wendell Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 7. Final Plat for Second Phase of Gateway Addition. It was noted that 10 of the 12 points requested by the City Engineer have been complied with. Lloyd stated he had checked with the City of Denton about using polybutelyne tubing for water service. They don't know anything about it. They just don't use it. It has been approved by several organizations and it is a savings of approximately .57� per foot to the Builder. Lloyd noted that Billy Barclay stated that 1/3 to 1/2 of the City's pipe is polybutelyne. The reason Travis Roberts, in Item 9, did not recommend polybutelyne was based on the San Antonio case where some 600 home lines had to be replaced. Stated factors such as soil conditions could have caused the problems. Council discussed Item No. 10 requiring a "concrete pad be placed around each water valve box after final adjustment to grade." Lloyd stated that some cities are going to this and should consider in the future. The existing water valves in Gateway are encased in concrete and there are no pads on the water valves located in the yards. Lloyd recommended that the 2nd Phase be consistent with the lst Phase and no pads be required. Donn Nesbitt made the motion to approve the Gateway Final, 2nd Phase, as presented. This would include the use of polybutelyne tubing and require no pads. Dan Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 8. Other such matters: (a.) Three ladies with Central Telephone Co. and members of Communication Worker's of America met with council to request council's assistance in opposing the centralization of the Decatur Office to Killeen. Our local area would loose operator services which are now handled through the Decatur Office. They stated they would like Sanger and other surrounding areas to back the group to help keep operations in Decatur. This involves 12 area towns. Lloyd stated that Jane Curry, Vice -President of the group had contacted', him and requested a letter be drafted to PUC and Centel's president at Killeen. Item to be placed on next council agenda for action. It was also mentioned that a petition was being circulated in town for a business office to be put in Sanger. (b.) Mayor Cole stated that Mr. Ed Thomas had called him regarding personal items lost in his recent HUD demolition project. Mayor Cole stated Mr. Thomas claims he lost $750.00 of items. He would like to know if council wants to �04 help him in -any way on this... Council requested to know if the item had been turned over to the insurance company, which it had. The insurance company advised Mr. Thomas by letter that the city was not legally liable for the loss. It was the general consensus of the council, if the insurance company found no liability that the city should -not get directly involved. - Lloyd to write a letter to Mr. Thomas. (c,) Anne Kyle stated that she had talked with the Corp of Engineers and this project did not include a swimming area. The swimming pro- jects they have done in Texas have been taken over by the cities. She wants the city to consider this and feels the community would benefit. Mayor Cole asked hex where do you designate a swimming area - at the flood plain or at the constant level. He stated that Lake Ray Roberts was a retention dam to keep Lake Dallas at a constant level, This type lake project would not work when considering a swimming area. Donn Nesbitt added that the Corps may on1:y develop one park also. The City will check more about these areas of interest. (d.) When discussing the Gateway Phase 2 council failed to discuss the possibility for the city to share the cost to install an 8" line on Stephen Drive instead of 6". This would extend the loop to I-35 for future extension to the west side of I-35. Lloyd to check about the 8" line and item to be placed on next council agenda. (e.) Lloyd briefed council on the Santa Fe Water Well. It was agreed by council to meet with Hunter & Associates and the man from Muenster who did the logs and see what could be worked out. Item to be placed on next council agenda. (f.) Lloyd explained that the Corp of Engineers had some old homes they wanted to have removed from Lake area. The Chamber is interested in looking at those with historical value. Lloyd said they were trying to get a group together to look at these houses. Mayor appointed Lloyd and Donn Nesbitt to serve as city's representatives. (g.) Lloyd reminded Council that the City would need to be thinking about a new city attorney. Mayor Cole stated the City also needed to pass a Resolution on behalf of John L.`s family. Lloyd stated that John L. had recommended Mike Griffeth to replace him. Lloyd and Mayor Cole to look for new city attorney. _' Motion was made by Dan Spindle to adjourn. Donn Nesbitt gave the second. Voted unan. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: �����