03/26/1982-CC-Minutes-Special\\9- (d.) Council discussed the water well possibility on the Cooper land. Lloyd to get with Hunter E Associates and look at possibilities. Ralph to talk with Cooper. (e.) Lloyd stated the Fiiway Dept. will trim out the ditch on the west side of 5th Street but will not replace the culverts. He will attend a meeting with the HiWay Dept. on the 17th. (f.) Santa Fe Well to be placed on next council agenda. (g.) Mayor Cole stated he still was not happy with the City Engineers. He felt they should be doing more for us. Had reference to the EPA Grant that has never been completed. He felt the city should look for a new firm. Lloyd to check about this. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to adjourn. Bridges second. Voted unan. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: MAYOR MINUTES: Special Called Meeting City Council March 26, 1982 PRESENT: Councilman Bridges, Nesbitt, and Spindle ABSENT: Mayor Cole and Councilman Thomas VACANCY: Puce 1 OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, John Coker Mary Jo Stover, Gene Hughes, and The special called meeting was not held due to the lack of a quorum. ATTEST: 1"lt1 S V l�