04/19/1982-CC-Minutes-Regularu� MINUTES: City Council April 19, 1982 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Bridges, Spindle, Thomas and Adkins ABSENT: Freddy Inman OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Dave Prewett, Garry Kraus, Jeff McNeil, C. G. McNeil, Henry Cooper, Donn Nesbitt, and Anne Kyle 1. Mayor Cole presented Past Councilmen Cooper and Nesbitt with plaques of appreciation. 2. The minutes of the April 2, 1982 and April 5, 1982 meetings were approved as printed. 3. Motion was made by Thomas to approve the disburse- ments for $8,192.92. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Mr. Dave Prewett with Hunter Associates brought council up-to-date on the Facility Plan for the E.P.A. Grant. When council applied for the grant it was to upgrade the city's sewer system. There were three steps to the plan: (1.) Planning documents the city needed. (2.) The Design phase of (3.) The actual physical facility. to determine what the Facility and construction of the Step 1 of the plan was completed in June of 1979. This plan consisted of the Infiltration/Inflow Analysis which determined an excessive amount of inflow getting into the system; the Evaluation Survey which quantifies the amounts getting into the system and the Facility Plan which was completed in July, 1981 and submitted to the State. Hunter Associates recommended the same type of system the city is now using for a twenty year period. The Enviromental Assessment was completed and Mr. Prewett stated that this is where the city is on the E.P.A. Grant. Mr. Prewett showed council the revised Facility Plan. This plan is a city match to E.P.A. Funds in order to increase the capability of the city's present sewage treatment plant. As to current status Mr. Prewett felt it would be better to wait until E.P.A. and the Water Resources finish making the new rules the cities will have to live with. He stated the Reagan Administration had asked for drastic changes and E.P.A. has to change their regu- lations to comply with the new laws. They have til April 29 to become final. The State will have their Public Heating on the 14th of May. Prewett will attend on behalf of Sanger. They will give a priority after that time which will tell where Sanger will be as far as funding. Council discussed the city's $150,000 loan which was approved previously by Texas Water Resources. These funds are only available until August 13, 1982 and the loan committment to the city would be terminated. Mayor Cole ask Prewett if Hunter Associates had a recommendation on what to do with the $150,000. Prewett stated there was two options: (1) to accept the funds (150,000) and do the work; or (2) release the committment. He stated that by July 1, 1982 they would have a better feel whether the city would get any funding. If the city wants to delay their decision until the lst of July he didn't feel it would hurt the city's position with Water Resources. The general consensus of the council felt the city should hold on to the money. Prewett stated there could be a possibility of an extension after August 13th. He would check and see. Mayor Cole ask Prewett if council should take action on the revised Facility Plan. Prewett felt it was not necessary. It is basically the same plan and he just needed council to tell him to turn it into the state. Council agreed. It was further agreed to place the item on the agenda in July to take action on whether to keep the funds or release them. 5. Mr. Garry Kraus with Hunter Associates spoke to council regarding the construction of a new water facility. Mr. Kraus stated that the city's chances of getting funded with Farmers Home and Texas Water Resources would be slim. However, without the needed improvements the city could find itself in a situation. TWDR request for funds are being granted on an emergency basis. Kraus ask council if they would want to go on the open market for funding. Debt service was explained. It was noted that the city's debt service would probably double by going to the open market. Mayor Cole requested that the City Manager contact Bill Carpenter to do a rate study to see how the city could pay for the improvements. A special called meeting was scheduled for Friday, April 23rd, at 5*00 P. M. to consider this issue with Carpenter's findings. Mayor Cole's recommendation to the council was to go to the open market and get on with the construction of the water well. 6. Park Plan and Equipment - Lloyd advised Council that softball, tennis, soccer and horse shoe pitch had been mentioned by different ones in town for the new park facility. Mayor Cole had some reservations about the park since it had only been offered. At this time the city does not own the land. He stated he didn't want to do a lot of work and planning on something the city does not own. Lloyd explained that in order to receive a matching grant the land had to be given at the time the application is made, and the plans must be submitted with the application. Mayor Cole advised Lloyd to go ahead and work up the plans. 7. Salary Increases - Lloyd requested salary increases for the following employees: Rachel Thomas to $4.20 Jerry Don Linn to 4.76 Arthur Phillips to 4.76 Rickey Harrison to 4.02 Lloyd advised council that he was continuing to work on the STEP Plan and would probably present it to council prior to budget time. Motion was made by Thomas to approve the increases. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 8. Other such matters: (a.) Lloyd reminded council of the TML Mayors and Councilmembers Institute to be held June 5-7 in Austin. (b.) Council set May 3, 1982 (regular council night) to have a codification and fee workshop. (c.) Lloyd advised council of the Brazos annual meeting on Wednesday, April 28th. (d.) Lloyd stated he had checked with Cable T.V. about getting service to customers on West side of Interstate 35. Stated there was no problem, just need to measure and get it done. Motion was made by Thomas to adjourn. Bridges second. Voted unan. ATTEST: yor MINUTES: City Council Special Called Meeting April 23, 1982 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Bridges, Spindle, Inman, Thomas and Adkins OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Bill Carpenter, Garry Kraus, and C. G. McNeil 1. Mr. Bill Carpenter, with Kidder Peabody, met with council for their consideration of the issuance of $150,000 General Obligation Bonds and $450,000 Utility System Revenue Bonds. Mr. Carpenter dis- cussed General Obligation Bonds first and passed out a five and ten year debt service schedule. Carpenter advised Council if they went with the 5 yr. debt it would take an approximate .10q� increase in the G. 0. debt service to pay the additional bonds. On the 10 yr. debt schedule a .02(� increase would be necessary. The interest rate on the 5 year schedule was estimated at 11% and on the 10 year schedule at 11.75%. By going with the 5 year schedule the city could save $61,327. Discussion. It was the general consensus of the council to go with the 5 year debt service schedule on the G. 0. Bonds.