05/17/1982-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council Meeting May 17, 1982 f r- PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Thomas, Spindle, Bridges, Adkins and Inman ABSENT: Mary Jo Stover OTHERS PRESENT. Lloyd Henderson, Rose Shuffield, Anne Kyle, David K. Lewis, Leslie Browning, Ken Cornell, Bill Switzer, Charles Pittman, C. S. Davis, J. P. Hampton, Elizabeth Sweetman, Jack Russell, Travis Roberts & Garry Kraus from Hunter Associates, Rufus Heinscheid, Jess Coffey and Billy Barclay 1. The minutes of the May 3, 1982 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Motion was made by Spindle to approve disbursements in the amount of $10,671.60. Adkins second. Voted unan. 3. PZotion was made by Spindle to approve Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for $6,423.14. Bridges gave the second, Voted unan. 4. Bill Switzer was present to discuss the Park Committee with Council. This Committee is to include one repre- sentative from each church in town and is to be in charge of the planning and regulations concerning the park. He stated that the Presbyterian Church has donated 3 acres of land for a city park and they will also donate $8,000 for a steel building approxi- mately 120' x 60' to be used for sports such as basket- ball. The actual cost for the building will be about $16,000 - $20.000. Mr. Switzer presented council with the following list of person's to serve on the committee. Sanger Church of Christ - Eddie Romines Hillcrest Church of Christ - Jimmy Sebastian Assembly of God Church - Jack Pennington Methodist Church - Russell Madden First Baptist Church - Helen Bounds Landmark Baptist Church - James Fuller Queen of Martyrs Roman Catholic Church - Ray Testa Presbyterian Church - Bill Switzer Galilee Baptist Church -- Sharon Periera Holy Temple Church of God in Christ - Georgia Royal Trinity Chapel - Buck Howard Carolyn .Adkins is to act as an ex-officio member. Motion was made by Bridges to appoint all of the above to Park Committee. Spindle second. -Voted unan. 5. Council was presented with a list of fees the City is presently charging and the proposed new rates. The proposed rates were discussed thoroughly. There was a great deal of controversy over the increase in the building. -.-permit fees,- particularly from the builders. Jack Russell commented that Mien: the City got the grant for a million dollars, HUD stated that the City needed to try to improve in order to prevent the deterioration of any further areas. Discussion on the occupation tax on pool tables and Pool Hall License followed. The present rate that we are charging is to remain the -same since this is 2 the amount levied by the State of Texas. Impounded vehicles is changed to reflect a $15.00 fee plus costs, with an additional $2.00 a day charge after five (5) days. lz3 Since the fees for the building permits raised such a high controversy, Psayor Cole asked for a motion to accept the proposed fees with the exception of the building permit fee. Bridges made the motion. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 6. Rufus Heinscheid from Muenster and .Travis Roberts with Hunter Associates. were present with information on the Santa Fe Well. Travis Roberts said that if the City wanted to make an investment of about $20,000, the well could be put back in operating condition. Mr. Heinscheid suggested to council that if the well was put back in service, it meant having to go inside the well and perforate the casing, bail the well out and then run a new casing with a screen. He told council that .the City would probably need a new pump but the motor appears. to be in good condition. He also stated that it probably would cos-t less than $20,000 to put the well back in operating condition but it did not include the cost for pump, pipe and new wire. Mayor. Cole asked Travis Roberts if the City is supposed to take bids on this_ Mr. Roberts stated that he was not sure but that the City needed to talk to City Attorney to find out. This item was .postponed a decision is to be made later. . Bridges made a motion. to dec-lare an emergency to repair Santa.Fe Well with Rufus Heinscheid, subject to approval by City Attorney. Thomas second. Voted unan. 7. Motion was made by Spindle to appoint Dr. Clyde Chapman as our city health officer for a two year. term. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 8. Mr. J. P. Hampton and Ms .._Elizabeth Sweetman were both present to express their concern about the drainage problem at the corner of 5th and Willow Street, and also on corner of 5th and Locust Street. Mr. Hampton wanted to know if the drainage work in the area had been completed. He stated that something has to be done at the corner of 5th and Willow Streets, and also at 5th and Locust Street in order to alleviate the problem. Mrs. Sweetman on 103 So. 5th Street said that when it rains Like it has been lately,- the water comes down 5th street, and since it has no place to drain to, it all settles in her yard. She said that she has checked the other drainage ditches in the area and none are as bad as on 5th Street. Mayor Cole stated that he knew there was a problem on 5th Street. He said that when the drainage improvements were started the State had agreed with the City that they would go in across Fifth Street at the corner of Willow to alleviate the problem. Somehow the State has refused to keep up with their agreement and until they grant their permission or do their part, there will be no relief. Mayor Cole advised Mrs. Sweetman that she could write to the State and maybe if she had enough people to do the same, maybe the State would change its mind. Lloyd is to get with J. P. Hampton to check the area and see if there is something that can be done. and 9. Jack Russell and David Lewis presented council with Codification of Ordinances which were a.) Uniform Building Code, b.) Plumbing Code, c.) National Fire Code and d.) Substandard Building Ordinance. David Lewis stated that the Uniform Building Code, 1979 Edition, had no provisions regarding a license for builders. It sets guidelines for builders to follow. It also has an appeal board which would be the city council. Mr. Lewis also gave some information on Plumbing Code, 1979 Edition. It set provisions for permits and does not require plumbers to be licensed. In the plumbing code there are general penalties of up to $200. If an inspector advises a plumber to correct a problem and the plumber refuses, the inspector can file charges against him. Jack Russell stated that cities under 5,000 do not have to have licensed plumbers. National Fire Code - Lloyd recommended that council not.adoPt National Fire Code until more information was gathered. Motion was made by Spindle to remove Uniform Building Code, Plumbing Code, and National Fire Code from the Codification of Ordinances. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. Since a decision on the proposed building permit fees had not been settled, Jack Russell stated that it would sure speed up the process if they could make a decision on this item. Discussion. Inman made a motion that the building permit fees be raised to $15.00 minimum up to 1,000 sq. ft. under heat and air, and anything over 1,000 sq.ft. $45.00. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 10. The consideration of bond election for Capital improvements was deleted from the agenda and Lloyd was asked to put this item back on the agenda for next council meeting. 11. Consider Water and Sewer Rate Study - Garry Kraus with Hunter Associates went over the projected water and sewer rate study. The increase is to cover the cost of debt service on Utility Bond for the drilling of a new well and elevated tank West of I-35. On the water rate the minimum rate would be $8.00 for the first 1,000 gallons and $1.00 for every 1,000 gallons thereafter. The sewer rate would be raised to $4.00 minimum for residential and $7.00 minimum for commerical and .40� for every 1,000 gallons thereafter. This rate would be based on the consumption taken from a winter month. Council asked .Travis to draw up an ordinance on these proposed rates and present it at the next Council meeting. 12. Lloyd briefed council on the rental adjustments on Sanger Electric Building. It seemed that John L. Sullivan never settled an agreement on the rental of the building. No action was taken. :Mayor Cole asked Lloyd to get with Sanger Electric to see if they wanted council to take action on this matter. 13. Other such matters: A. Lloyd advised council that he had talked with Cable T.V. and they assured him that cable would be installed on the West side of the highway this summer and that the rates would be the same. I �5 B. Lloyd also informed to know who would be VIII Meeting on May Meeting adjourned 11:30 P. M. ATTEST: council that he needed attending TML Region 21, 1982. MINUTES: Emergency Called Meeting City Council May 20, 1982 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Adkins, Inman, Thomas, Bridges, and Spindle OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Rose Shuffield 1. Mayor Cole advised Council that the City Attorney had given his approval in adopting the following resolution declaring an emergency to repair the City's Santa Fe Water Well. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS DECLARING AN EMERGENCY AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT TO REPAIR THE CITY'S SANTA FE WATER WELL. Bridges made a motion to pass and Thomas gave a second. Voted unan. Meeting Adjourned ATTEST: MAY MINUTES: City Council Meeting June 7, 1982 approve the resolution. PRESENT: Mayor Ralph Cole, Benny Bridges, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman, Wendell Thomas, and Carolyn Adkins OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Bill Carpenter, Garry Kraus, C. G, McNeil, Anne Kyle, Claudine Andrews and daughter. 1. The Minutes of the May 17, 1982 Regular Meeting and the May 20, 1982 Emergency Called Meeting were approved as printed.