04/05/1982-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council April 5, 1982 PRESENT: Mayor Ralph Cole Bridges, Nesbitt, Spindle and Thomas OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Dave Lewis, Travis Roberts, Kathy Toups, Anne Kyle, Carolyn Adkins, Freddy Inman, Garry Kraus, Teddy Inman and John Taylor 1. The minutesof the previous meetings were approved as printed. 2. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to pay disbursements in the amount of $16,212.91. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Motion was made by Benny Bridges to approve the Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for $1,345.05. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. Councilman Thomas requested that Sanger Electric provide a schedule of items which are included in the depreciation part of the revenue statement. 4. Council canvassed the ballots of the April 3, 1982 City Officials Election. Results were as follows: Mayor 286 Votes Ralph B. Cole Place 1 (1 yr. term) 166 Votes Freddy Inman Place 2 278 Votes Harvey W. Thomas Place 3 231 Votes Carolyn Adkins Donn Nesbitt made the motion to accept the election results. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 5. Mayor Cole swore in the new council members. 6. Codification of Ordinances - Mr. Dave Lewis, with Governmental Services presented a compilation of old and new ordinances to be considered by council. Mr. Lewis stated that they had taken the existing City Ordinances and codified them into a format easily accessible and which could be utilized fairly easily. He explained that Section 10 outlined the new provisions that have been added. Mr. Lewis described the book in its entirety listing the information provided by each chapter. When and if the adopting ordinance for this codification is approved, all the obsolete ordinances now on record of the City would automatically be repealed. Mayor Cole questioned the addition of certain new ordinances. Two in particular was the National Building Code and National Plumbing Code. He was concerned that if these ordinances were passed they would put some of our plumbers and builders out of work, since the codes require state licensing. He advised Council that if they approved this codi- fication they would be passing ordinances which they have not read. Mayor Cole stated that Governmental Services had defined codification as "an updating of present ordinances," this did not include adding new ones. Mayor Cole stated that the fee schedules were still the same, and these should be looked at and possibly changed now and not later on. He went on to say that council should receive a copy of all new ordinances for their viewing and consideration. Mayor Cole further recommended a workshop on the codification before it comes back to council and to place this item on next agenda. It was agreed. 7. Motion was made by Wendell Thomas to adopt the resolution designating the City Manager to act for and on behalf of the City with regards to receiving assistance from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Danny Spindle gave the second. It was voted unan. The City will be submitting an application through the Governmental Service Agency to Texas Parks and Wildlife to develop a park at the Presbyterian Church property. 115 Dave Lewis requested council to be thinking about what type of needs they want for the park, keeping in mind the city would have about $20,000 to work with. Mr. John Taylor requested council to consider soccer fields at the park. 8. Mayor Cole made the following City Department Appointments: Police Department - Harvey W. Thomas - Street Department - Carolyn Adkins Water Department - Benny Bridges Sewer & Sanit. Department - Freddy Inman Fire Department - Danny Spindle Electric Department - Ralph Cole 9. Wendell Thomas made the motion to adopt the resolution authorizing the clearance and demolition of various structures and lots in accordance with the approved CDBG Program. These properties are located at 908 No. Church Street, 102 Plum Street, 204 Railroad Avenue, and 208 Railroad Avenue. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 10. City Engineers report regarding the construction of a new city water facility - Mr. Travis Roberts with Hunter Associates briefed council on the Water System Improvements and sewer system rehabilitation. Mr. Roberts stated that FHA had a requested $55 Million for funding but u7culd be receiving only $17 Million per year. Mr. Roberts recommended that the city get the Santa Fe Well back into the system as soon as possible. He further recommended that a.fifth well be drilled west of I-35 on property now owned by the city and elevated storage facilities be constructed in the vicinity of the well. Mr. Roberts recommended the work begin on the new well and the water line work in order to integrate it into the system as soon as possible. Mr. Roberts stated the well could be in operation within two months. It would take several months to construct an elevated storage tank and this tank would not be in service until next fall. Mr. Roberts estimated the ', construction cost of Water System Improvements at $450,000. The following financing alternatives were presented: Water System Improvements Cost - $450,000 1. TWBD Bonds 25 yrs. @ 12% $57,375/yr. 2. Open Market Bonds 20 yrs. @ 14% $68,000/yr. These options show the annual cost of the improvements depending on whether the funds are obtained from the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) or on the open market. The $150,000 left on the City's EPA (Sewer) Grant was discussed. Mr. Roberts stated the possibility to use the $150,000 for matching funds on sewer would be nil. Mr. Roberts advised council that these funds could not be cross pledged to apply for water improvements, and he did not feel the Texas Water Quality Board would consider any new application for assistance with the $150,000 outstanding to the City. Mayor Cole recommended cancelling the $150,000 EPA (Sewer ) Funds and pursue the application for a new water loan. Motion was made by Benny Bridges to allow the city engineers to pursue making application to the Texas Water Development Board for $450,000 for the drilling of a water well, overhead storage, and line improve- ments. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. Mr. Roberts stated the City presently has two options for sewer system rehabilitation. They are as follows: Sewer System Rehabilitation Cost - $150,000 1. TWDB Bonds (1982) 25 yrs. @ 5 3/4% $ 11,500/yr. 2. EPA Funding @ TWDB Bonds (1987)' 25 yrs. @ 12% $ 125700/yr. 'Assume EPA funding for 55% cost in 1987; 8% Annual Inflation; TWDB Bonds for local share. Roberts advised Council that TWDB funds @ 5 3/4% would only be available until August 13, 1982 and then the loan committment to the City would be cancelled if funds were not used. He further stated there would be no E.P.A. grants available until October, 1982 and EPA has not released any funds for Texas. Roberts recommended the city consider using the low interest funds available from TWDB. Mayor Cole recommended the city accept the recommendations and the item be put back on next council agenda giving new members time to acquaint themselves with the issue. Agreed. 11. Danny Spindle made the motion to elect Benny Bridges as Mayor Protem. Wendell Thomas made the motion Bridges be elected by acclamation. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 12. Other such matters: (a.) Thomas Requested Council to consider passing a curfew for kids after certain times of the night. Might help to alleviate some of the recent burglaries. Mayor Cole explained the problem of identification, age, etc... but said he would check with the Mayor's Association and see how they are handling this type of problem. (b.) Mayor Cole requested Lloyd to check and see why the citizens on West side of I-35 could not get on the cable. (c.) Bridges requested to know why Willow and 5th Streets were not draining properly. Lloyd explained this project originally was the highway departments problem but they decided they did not have the funds. They permitted the city to allow the city to do the work but they would not bear any expense. Lloyd stated the permit for cutting the 5th Street at several intersections is in hand and work would begin on the 6th. Thomas made Voted unan. ATTEST: the motion the meeting adjourn. Bridges gave the second. MAYOR