07/19/1982-CC-Minutes-RegularCouncil agreed if Cornell would put'a 1-way valve on the main line and get it approved by the engineer they would approve the permit. It was agreed. Lloyd was asked to check with the city attorney to see how the city could force the property owners to close up holes in private sewer lines since 82 places were discovered when the infiltration study was done. This should help with in- filtration. Lloyd stated that he and Billy Barclay had trouble reading the report to find the troubled spots which the city could repair. (b.) Benny Bridges requested information on the garbage bags. The city received a bad shipment and they are to be exchanged. (c.) A budget workshop was scheduled for Monday, July 12th at 6:00 P.M. (d.) Council questioned Sidney about police coverage of the City on Monday's? The S.O. is on call on Monday's. (e.) Lloyd advised council that the trial brief on the landfill case was available. The hearing in Austin is scheduled for July 16, at 2:00 P. M. (f.) A copy of the water well specifications and plat of where the well will be located is available. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: MINUTES:. City Council. July 19, 1982 PRESENT:. Benny Bridges, Danny Spindle, Carolyn Adkins, �Tendell Thomas and Freddy Inman ABSENT: Mayor Ralph Cole OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd: Henderson, �`'Tary Jo Stover, Garry Kraus, John White, J, Cs N�cReynolds, Deborah Roeder, Bob Roberts and Anne Kyle Mayor Protein Benny Bridges conducted the meeting in the absence of rZayor Cole, 1, The Minutes of the June 21., 1982 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Motion was made by Danny Spindle toyapprove disbursements for $10,738<09. Freddy Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Mayor Protem Benny Bridges declared the public hearing open on the E. P. A. Grant. Garry Kraus with Hunter Associates, Inc. explained the Facility Plan and enviromental aspects of the Plan. Kraus stated there would be a definite need for expanding the City's present sewage facility due to the population growth factors. An estimated 6,000 population by the year 2000 is anticipated. The City's present sewage treat- ment plant capacity is based on 3,000 population. Kraus gave five alternative processes and the evaluation of each along with cost figures. He stated there would be no serious enviromental impact to the area. Based on the alternatives presented, the alternative having the lowest equivalent annualized cost, without over- riding adverse social or enviromental considerations was recommended for future implementation. The Plan, for wastewater treatment plant improvements includes the construction of an a,(1d tionalconcentric-circular Contact -Stabilization Unit, renovation of the existing lift station and blower building, and construction of additional sludge drying beds. With no comments from the floor Mayor Protem Bridges called for the closing of the public hearing. Motion was made by Carolyn Adkins to close the public Hearing on the E. P. A. Grant. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 4. The Contractors Performance Manual for the CDBG Housing Rehatation Program was discussed, The manual sets forth the quality control standards which contractor will be expected to comply. CDBG Director John White answered numerous questions by council. Motion was made by Carolyn Adkins to approve the Contractors Performance Manual for the CDBG Housing Rehabilitation Program. Wendell Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 5. A summary of electrical improvemetswh.ich were made with HUD Funds was presented to council. These im- provements were capital items such as upgrading lines, new primary and new seconday lines throughout the target areas. Motion was made by Danny Spindle to accept the Electrical System Capital Improvements which were made with HUD funds. Freddy Inman gave the second. ° Voted unan. 6. Mayor Pro-Tem Benny Bridges declared the public hearing open on the Municipal City Budget and Revenue Sharing Budget for Fr 1982-83. With no comments from the floor the public hearing was declared closed. 7. John Anderson submitted a variance request on Lots 19 and 20, B1k. A, Section III of the Bucklew-Freese Addition. Mr. Anderson wants to construct a house at 110 and 112 Freese Drive. The City subdivision ordinance requires 8' side lots and the houses Anderson wants to build leaves only P 10" on the side lots. Planning and Zoning recommended approval of this request. Motion was made by Danny Spindle to grant the 4" variance request on Lots 19 and 20. Wendell Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 8. Lloyd discussed the Santa Fe Crossing Contract with Council. He said that the City Attorney had reviewed the contract and recommended its approval, however there were two things which he wanted to point out in the contract: 1. p. 6, item 19 says City will participate not less than 5% in future projects in connection with traffic control devices... Until now we have always talked about not more than 5%. 2. p. 7, item 2 says they can terminate the - crossing with 6 months notice. Mr. Philips says this is standard in most contracts and they probably would never exercise this option. Lloyd further stated that he had ask if the Willow Street crossing signal system was contingent upon getting the contract. The Railroad official had stated no - they were two entirely different items but said he would hope that the city would give serious consideration in the future for helping to signal the crossing. The railroad compamy has a goal of putting signals at all crossings. The railroad company has requested the city to construct a gate to the 'landfill site on the west side of the tracks as opposed to the east side for controlled access. Council was in agreement to the contract contingent upon ^1al. .f j cation of Item 19 on page 6 of the con- tract. Lloyd was asked to get clarification and call a special meeting for action on same. 9. John White explained the policies for administration of renter rehatation grants under the CDBG Program. He stated that this was a pet program with HUD. The maximum grant permissable to any one landlord or on any one structure is $4,000., or one half M the cost of rehabilitation, whichever is lesser. Eligibility, selection of applicants, and appeals procedures was discussed. Motion was made by Danny Spindle to approve the Policies for Administration of Renter Rehabilitation Grants under the CDBG Program. Freddy Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 10. Motion was made by Danny Spindle to approve the Policies for Administration of Renter Rehabilitation Grants under the CDBG Program. Freddy Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 11. The regulations for administration of homeowner rehabilitation grants and loans was explained thoroughly by John White. John stated the grants were designed for those who need the most. Eligibility, Improve- ments, selection of Applicants and the appeals process was discussed. Motion was made by Danny Spindle to approve the Regulations for Administration of Homeowner Rehabilitation Grants and Loans under the CDBG Program. Wendell Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 12. Motion was made by Freddy Inman to adopt the resolution establishing a five member citizens committee to be titled the Housing Rehabilitation and Relocation Committee; establishing goals and policy for the Committee; accepting nominations, and the appointment of members to the committee. Those appointed to the committee for a 2 year term are as follows. 1. Allie Davenport - Minister 2. Charlie Haskins - Self -Employed 3. Georgia Royal - Homemaker 4. John Springer - Teacher and Real Estate 5. Frank Smith, Jr, - Retail Business Owner Danny Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 13. Mr. J. C. McReynolds met with council to discuss the parking of large trucks adjacent to his property at the corner of Diane Drive and Houston Streets. Mr. McReynolds stated he had secured a petition with nine signatures opposing the truck parking on Houston Street. He told council if they wouldn't do anything and if his lwayer couldn't do anything he would take care of the matter himself. Council explained the truck route ordinance and why it was created. Mr.,McReynolds requested a copy of the Ordinance. Mr. McReynolds stated he couldn't understand why Houston Street was made a truck route in the first place. Wanted to know why the truck route didn't run in front of councilmembers houses. Joe Lynn Roeder was discussed. he had talked with Joe and Joe gotten a ticket when he parked his house but wouldn't get one house. Mr. McReynolds stated had told him he had his truck in front of in front of Mr. McReynolds Lloyd related the incident of two trucks being parked in Mr. McReynolds area and felt the problem had been worked out. That Joe had always been very cooperative in working with the city and he would like to give it a while to see if everything would get back in order. The man with the cattle truck had created the problem. 14. Lloyd explained to council that Lone Star had submitted their Statement of Intent to change the City gate rate. This is a statewide increase and Thogmartin advised Lloyd that it would raise Sanger's gate approximately 17 %. The Texas Municipal League has invited member cities to collectively participate in an investigation of the rate increase. The financial participation is computed at .04� per capita which would cost the City of Sanger $102.28. Lloyd further advised council that Lone Star Gas was on the agenda for August 2, 1982 requesting a rate increse to the citizens of Sanger also. Motion was made by Danny Spindle to join with T. M. L. on the rate increase. Freddy Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 15. Council was asked to accept the Streets and Utilities in the Gateway Subdivision, Section II. Lloyd stated he had received the performance maintenance bond from Roberts and Siegmund and aletter from Schoell, Fields and Associates stating their approval based on an agreement that was made between them and Bob Roberts concerning the fire hydrant on Stephen Street and the east section of curb on the street right-of"way within one year. The curb will be fixed during construction of Section III or within one year whichever comes first. It was mentioned that both items were covered by Roberts and Siegmund's maintenance bond. Motion was made by Freddy Inman to approve the streets and utilities in the Gateway Subdivision, Section II contingent upon corrections to be made by Roberts and Siegmund. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voted man. 16. The City received five bids for the new Water Supply Well to be constructed on Acker Street. Bids, Amounts and remarks are as follows: 1. Layne Western $1389826.00 Dallas, TX 90 Days 2. Layne Texas Co. $1352877.00 Mesquite, TX 90 Days 60 Day Wait Before Start. 3. J. L. Myers Co. $ 902409.00 Dallas, TX ( 86,409.00) 100 Days Less $4,000 deduction for Tejas log which is acceptable. 4. Strittmatter Irrigation $164,390.00 Pilot Point, TX 180 Days 5. Key Drilling $ 86,560.00 Garrison, TX 90 Days Motion was made by Freddy Inman to allow Hunter Associates, Inc. to study the bids since there was some large variations and before council was asked to make their decision and for item to be placed on next council agenda. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 17. Other such matters: A. Bob Roberts talked with council about the drainage dip on Diane Drive beside his house. Stated he thought he knew what to do to correct the problem. Said he would ask to be placed on agenda when he felt he had the problem figured out. He also offered his labor if City would furnish materials. B. Wendell Thomas raised a question regarding sewer charged to Benny Johnson's camp- ground. It was noted that the park con- tained approximately 12 trailers during the day during the month. Question was raised regarding whether the trailers were paying separate sewer fees or if the city was charging for one commercial fee to the park? Lloyd said he would check the ordinance and inform council regarding the terms of the ordinance. Item to be placed on next council agenda. Council requested that Benny Johnson be notified of the next council meeting. ATTEST; �� retary yor