09/07/1982-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council Meeting September 7, 1982 PRESENT: Mayor Protem Benny Bridges, Danny Spindle, Carolyn Adkins, Freddy Inman, and Wendall Thomas ABSENT: Mayor Ralph Cole OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Jeff McNeill, C. G. McNeill, Joe Spratt, Lindon Carr and Anne Kyle 1. The minutes of the August 16, 1982 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Disbursements totaling $63,719.66 were approved for payment by a motion made by Thomas. Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for a total of $17,083.46 and the estimated cost to serve Gheen Addition for a total of $3,857.00 was approved on a motion by Adkins. Thomas gave the second. 4. The Fire Department received a total of 13 bids for the new Fire Station facility. Motion was made by Thomas to award the bid to Stinson Construction Co. of Arlington, Texas for a total bid of.$42,136. (Which includes insulation). Inman gave the second. Voted unan. It was agreed that a letter of agreement be drawn up between the City and Fire Department since the Fire Department has the money for the project and the City has the legal authority to make contracts. Some of the things to be included would be (1) How the inspections would be made (2) How the money would be handled, and (3) City's reimbursement to the department (No. of years, etc...) and draft a letter and council is to receive a copy of the letter of agreement. 5. Citizen Complaint � Fred Simmons. Mr. Simmons was dissatisfied over the City's policy regarding cutting electric meter seals and on permits which require the Master Electrician's signature. Simmons stated he could go out and cut REA and Texas Power and Light's meter seals and they say fine. He stated he could also call Denton for a permit without going in and signing for it. He is also billed for the inspection charges at the end of the month. Lindon Carr stated that he would in no way recommend to the City that electricians or anyone be allowed to cut meter seals without first checking with the City or Electric System. Too much stealing and too many people repairing meters. The City would lose control. Discussion. Simmons did not want to have to pull off a job to come in and sign for an electrical permit. Lindon stated the work needs to be coordinated. He asked Simmons if he was aware of the City policy before he started the work. Discussion. Paying for inspection at the end of the month was discussed but was not agreed upon. Motion was made by Freddy Inman to amend the electrical code ordinance to reflect tha.4- an electrician be allowed to bring a letter of author?ity to the City Manager designating their secretary as their signatory on electrical permits. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 1�3 6. A copy of the proposed contract with Hunter Associates, Inc. on the Acker Street water well, tank, and water line improvements was discussed. Lloyd stated it was a standard contract and the company required a contract for a project this big. Motion was made by Freddy Inman to approve the contract with Hunter Associates, Inc. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 7. Other such matters: (a.) Lloyd updated council on the Presbyterian Church project. The church voted to disband. The members have asked that the Presbyteria assist with disposing of the property. They have asked for $4,000.00 (which is a loth of 40,000) to be given to the church's mission work. Lloyd advised council that Mayor Cole had agreed the City would be glad to work with them but there is nothing in the city budget at this time. Lloyd stated there was no immediate rush for the money. Lloyd stated that Mayor Cole offered two suggestions: (1) Put in the budget (2) Prefer to get money from private donations. Bill Switzer wants the churches to contribute and leave . the committee. in charge of getting funds. Lloyd advised council that the park grant was in the final stages. The City is requesting $30,000. (b.) It was again requested to see why CATV Cable T. V- would not service the west side of the Interstate. (c.) Bids on the landfill fence at the new site was discussed: The bids were exceptionally high and Lloyd stated this could possibly be done in�house for considerable less. The use of Ag students from the high school was discussed as possible help. Lloyd is to go ahead with the project. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: i. /� "' r t '� yor MINUTES: City Council September 20, 1982 (�',,:� 6 .ra PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Bridges, Spindle, Thomas, Inman and Adkins OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Ken Cornell, Ronny Jones, and Roy Lemons 1. The Minutes printed. of the September 7, 1982 meeting were approved as