09/20/1982-CC-Minutes-Regular6. A copy of the proposed contract with Hunter Associates, Inc. on the Acker Street water well, tank, and water line improvements was discussed. Lloyd stated it was a standard contract and the company required a contract for a project this big. Motion was made by Freddy Inman to approve the contract with Hunter Associates, Inc. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 7. Other such matters: (a.) Lloyd updated council on the Presbyterian Church project. The church voted to disband. The members have asked that the Presbyteria assist with disposing of the property. They have asked for $4,000.00 (which is a loth of 40,000) to be given to the churches mission work. Lloyd advised council that Mayor Cole had agreed the City would be glad to work with them but there is nothing in the city budget at this time. Lloyd stated there was no immediate rush for the money. Lloyd stated that Mayor Cole offered two suggestions: (1) Put in the budget (2) Prefer to get money from private donations. Bill Switzer wants the churches to contribute and leave the committee.in charge of getting funds. Lloyd advised council that the park grant was in the final stages. The City is requesting $30,000. was again requested to see why CATV Cable T. V. would not service the west side of the Interstate. (c.) Bids on the landfill fence at the new site was discussed: The bids were exceptionally high and Lloyd stated this could possibly be done in�house for considerable less. The use of Ag students from the high school was discussed as possible help. Lloyd is to go ahead with the project. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: yor MINUTES: City Council September 20, 1982 s PRESENT: 'Mayor Cole, Bridges, Spindle, Thomas, Inman and Adkins OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Ken Cornell, Ronny Jones, and Roy Lemons 1. The Minutes of the September 7, 1982 meeting were approved as printed. � 11Y �k 2. Spindle made the motion to approve disbursements in the amount of $6,180.51. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Council was advised that P & Z had approved Ken Cornell's preliminary plat on Elm Street Addition. Thomas asked Cornell if he would grade out the ditches to alleviate the water problems. Cornell stated there was no water problem in that area. Thomas asked how deep the sewer was and Lloyd responded it was plenty deep. Motion was made by Bridges to approve the preliminary plat of the Elm Street Addition. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Motion was made by Thomas to approve the lot variance and preliminary single lot subdivision plat for Ronny Jones. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 5. Motion was made by Spindle to contract with Maston A. Wright, C. P. A. to do the Audit for FY 1982-83. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 6. Item No. 6 (Consider Ordinance approving the Appraisal Roll as approved by the Appraisal Review Board) was passed over. 7. Other such matters: (a.) Lloyd gave council an update on the landfill fence. (b.) It was noted that the HUD audit was complete and in good shape. The CD Program Director has received notification that the 1982�83 grant money is now available. (c.) The new Acker Street well, tank and lines were discussed. Ralph requested Lloyd to take a look at running the lines down Keaton Road and looping instead of along I-35 service rcq d. Lloyd to check with Hunter. (d.) Lloyd advised Council -that Carolyn 1,dkins should be commended for getting the $4,000 needed for the purchase of the Presbyterian Church building paid by the Chamber of Commerce. Also, there will be a Recognition Service planned for October 17th at which time the church will turn over the property to the city and recognize past members, give a brief history, etc. All council members were requested to attend. Lloyd was instructed to write a letter of appreciation and acceptance to the Chamber of Commerce on behalf of the $4,000 contribution. ADDENDUM ITEM: 1. Mayor Cole recommended that council go to .45� per $100 on taxes. This amount would generate a $2200 surplus which could be put back into the Electric System. No vote taken. Discussed item only. Bridges made the motion that council take a record vote to conduct a public hearing for exceeding the 3% limit as prescribed by State Law. Adkins gave the second. Those voting in favor of exceeding the 30 limit were: Benny Bridges Carolyn Adkins Danny Spindle Those voting against were: No Absentees. None Freddy Inman Harvey W. Thomas Mayor Ralph Cole Spindle thenimade the motion that the public hearing be conducted on September 29, 1982 at 6:00 P. M. at City Hall. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. Meeting adjourned. ; //% �� City SeVr -Mary MINUTES: Special Called Meeting September 29, 1982 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Thomas, Spindle, Adkins and Inman ABSENT: Benny Bridges OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, and Carlos D. Brown 1. Mayor Cole declared the Public Hearing on the tax rate increase open. Mr. Carlos D. Brown was the only citizen that attended the special tax rate hearing. --- Mayor Cole explained in detail why the city felt it necessary to exceed the 30 limit. The effective rate_whch the County Appraisal District figured for the City was .3252. To pay for the landfill bonds .08� is necessary to take care of the indebtedness, .01� for cost of insurance increase, .01� for the city's part on the new fire station, .012� due to inflation, and .01� to hopefully create a small surplus in the operation fund. Total increase to be .45�. M r. Brown stated he did not attend the meeting to complain, but to -get a better understanding of the need for the increase. He stated he did not feel his property was over valued or the rate too high. He stated he appreciated what council had to say. Mayor Cole closed the public hearing and announced that the tax increase would be voted on at the next regular meeting on October 4, 1982 at 6:00 P. M., at City Hall. Danny Spindle made the second. Voted ATTEST: CIO y S E(drifary the motion to adjourn. Freddy Inman gave unan.