10/07/1982-CC-Minutes-SpecialIt was agreed. It was noted that Ronny Jones single lot plat should also be considered. (c.) Lloyd informed council of the Annual T. M. L. meeting in Ft. Worth. (d.) Mayor Cole requested Lloyd to check with B. J. Thogmartin about the Lone Star Gas Rate increase and the Gate Rate increase. (e.) Carolyn Adkins stated that she and Lloyd had discussed removal of the sidewalks in city park and that street money could be used. She also requested council to take a look at the condition of the side- walks on the south side of Bolivar Street. (f.) Lloyd stated that Cable T. V. was doing a feasibility study on the West side of I-35. (g.) Bridges stated he would like to get back to the street sign program. Lloyd stated he had talked with Howard Ashcraft and he is getting samples and prices for the city. Motion was made by Benny Bridges to adjourn. Freddy Inman gave the second. Voted unan. ATTEST: MINUTES: City Council (Special Called) October 7, 1982 PRESENT: Mayor Ralph Cole, Benny Bridges, Freddy Inman, and Carolyn Adkins ABSENT: Wendell Thomas and Danny Spindle OTHERS - PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, and Ken Cornell 1. Motion was made by,Benny Bridges to accept P & Z's recommendation to approve the Final Plat for Ken Cornell's Elm Street Subdivision. It was noted that 5 houses would be built on the property. Freddy Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 2. Motion was made by Benny Bridges to accept P & Z's recommendation to approve the Final Plat for Ronny Jones' single lot subdivision and grant a lot variance from 6,000 sq. ft. to 5500 sq. ft. Freddy Inman gave the second. Voted unan. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: C ITY SECRETARY R , OR