10/18/1982-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council October 18, 1982 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Thomas, Adkins, and Spindle ABSENT: Bridges and Inman OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, John Coxsey, D. Spivy, Harold Gore, Esmeralda Gamez, Charlotte Jolly, C. G. McNeill, Jeff McNeill, Debra McGuire, Robert L. Tucker, Vicky and Ray Testa, Vinson E. Waggoner, LaVerne Schertz, Billye Hollingsowrth, Mike Fischer and Tracey Fischer 1. The minutes of the October 4th and October 7th meetings were approved as printed. 2. Motion was made by Spindle to approve disbursements of $12,983.05. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Motion was made by Thomas to approve Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for $7,037.32. Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Mayor Cole opened the public hearing on Zoning Petition Z-59 for Mr. John Cosey. Mayor Cole stated that P & Z had recommended the petition be denied and that city staff had recommended its approval. Those in favor of the petition were asked to speak. John Coxsey spoke in favor of his request. He stated that he had been led to believe that the property was already zoned properly before he purchased it but he did not check about it and therefore it was an error in judgment. He stated he planned to put from $125,000 to $150,000 into the construction of his facility. He stated a solid cedar fence would be built to shield the area residents from the business. Street dimensions and parking areas was discussed. Charlotte -Jolly of 909 No. 7th spoke in opposition to the petition. She stated that she had bought her property thinking that the area around her was residential. Mayor Cole interjected that Mr. Coxsey's property was zoned for multi -family. She stated with the possible amount of traffic the area would draw would put the children of the area in jeopardy. She stated that a carwash could not be closed at a certain time and would have to be lighted all night. She felt there would be too much congestion for the area to handle. LaVerne Schertz stated she was in opposition for the same reasons and that she could not understand why the City Manager was for the peon. Lloyd requested to speak and stated as the City's Manager he had to look objectively at the pros and cons of each case and make a recommendation to council. He further stated that he never forced his views on Council but he felt for the following reasons the petition should be. approved. (1) He stated first that the lot isPiesidential but multi -family and that Sanger is growing. There are two strips where business can come come in and Chats I-35 and 455. These two strips are natural concourses for businesses. If you tell a business man he can't build in a business area where are they going to build. Growth will stop. (2) The City is overloaded in housing and underloaded with business. Businesses help to take some of the tax burden off the homeowner. t It also brings in a great deal of salegtax revenue s. for the city.. Mayor Cole stated when council made a decision they made one that was best for the city as a whole. Anytime the City makes a decision it can hurt someone. Esmeralda Gamez wanted to know what the zoning change would do to the value of her property. Mayor Cole stated he didn't know what it would do -- it could go up orL down. General Discussion. P & Z voted and the was given. Council requested to know how reasons for denial. Information Motion was made by Spindle to accept P & Z's recommen- dation and deny Zoning Petition Z-59. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 5. Motion was made by Thomas to approve the variance request of John Anderson on Lt. 20, Blk. A. Bucklew- Freese Addition. Variance is from 8' side lot requirements ti 7'6" side lots. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 6. Council discussed possible improvements to the sidewalks in the Central Business District. Lloyd to get figures and advise council. 7. It was the general consensus of council that the interior sidewalks in the park be removed. 8. No action was taken on the renewal of membership in Texas Public Power Association. 9. Motion was made by Adkins to approve the preliminary plat on Block 24, Lot 39A and 39B. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 10. Motion was made by Adkins to .approve the preliminary plat on Block 24,- Lots 39A and 39B. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 11. Motion was made by Thomas to grant the variance request on Lt. 8, Blk. 2, Northgate Addition for Miss Robbie Gore. She is seeking a loan from the Federal Housing Authority and the structure is not in compliance with the 25' side lot request. The side lot is 13.1 at its narrowest point. The F. H. A. needs a letter from the city stating the city will not make Miss Gore bring this situation into compliance before they will approve the loan. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 12. Other such matters: (a.) Reservations to the TML Annual Conference were discussed. Carolyn Adkins stated she could go Monday. Lloyd encouraged council to attend Hunter's Appreciation time. (b.) Lloyd requested council to let him. know by November 11th if .they could attend the Region 8, Quarterly Meeting of T. M. L. (c.) Lloyd briefed council of landfill progress. Stated gates are now up. Stated that Fred Simmons had amended his petition and filed an injunction against the City. Lloyd also advised Council that the City would be using. Mr. Bill Wood as the attorney in the case since it was agreed with Phil Philips prior to his acceptance to the City Attorney position. (d.) Lloyd requested Council's assistance with regards to the purchase of equip- ment for the new landfill. Lloyd said he felt what the City needed was a track loader, which is a multi- purpose machine. A new one would cost around $70,000. He told council that the market was flooded with new and used equipment for sale. Stated that Bill Switzer said he had a TD24 for $300. Parts are a problem on a machine this old. Council instructed Lloyd to advertise for bids for new and used equipment. (e.) Council was informed of the possibility of the City getting grant funds to relocate and refurbish the old Santa Fe Railroad Depot. (f.) Lloyd reminded council that the bids on the water lines came in higher than the city had hoped for. The city hoped to draw enough money off interest on the bond money to pay for laying the additional lines. There is approximately $13,286. in interest money earned. Charlie Canady can build the road into the well and save $3800. Brown Construction has agreed to release that amount. Lloyd handed out his two proposals for construction which included a partial loop and a complete loop of the lines. To do the complete looping would cost a total of $16,275 a difference of $2,989.00 which could be paid out of Revenue Sharing Funds. Council agreed with the complete loop and ask for change orders to the proper individuals. (g.) Harvey Cantelou of 902 Plum stated he was having a lot of trouble with Blackbirds in his area. Their droppings have caused a health hazard and he wanted to know what council was going to do about it. Mayor Cole advised Cantelou that the City would check with the the City of Denton and see what could be done. Meeting Adjourned. ATTEST: OWN Mayor