12/20/1982-CC-Minutes-RegularTo apply for funding that would move, rehabilitate and restore the Santa Fe Railroad Depot to its intended use: $600. To apply for funding to create an "historic district" with more than one structure: $15001. - Marketing review, analysis and recommendation: $1000. Motion was made by Bridges that the city engage the firm of Clark Marketing Agency. Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 9. Motion was made by Bridges to approve the HUD Demolition Project D-33. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 10. Motion was made by Bridges to grant the 5'4" variance on Lot 1, Block 1, Elm Street Addition for Ken Cornell. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 11. Motion was made by Thomas to approve the Preliminary plat with lot size variance and plat corrections as recommended by P & Z. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 12. Other such matters: (a.) (b.) Council reviewed the Community Development Contract Status Report and Financial Summary. Open house for HUD projects December 20th or 21st. Meeting Adjourned. ATTEST: Mayo MINUTES: City Council December 20, 1982 h is sceduled for PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Bridges, Spindle, Inman, Thomas, and Adkins OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Lindon Carr, Tony Wright, Tori Wright, Jack and Billye Hollingsworth, Debbie McGuire, and Howard Ashcraft 3. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as printed. Motion was made by Thomas to approve disbursements for a total of $9,775.74. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. Motion was made by Bridges to approve Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for $4,462.50. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Auditor Tony Wright discussed with council the city's audit for the FY81-82. He stated the audit was based on a Qualified Opinion since the city did not have records to back up all of the costs of the Electric System. The opinion could change in 1985 when the old cost estimates will be depreciated off. The General Fund is under budget due to the Street Fund money not being used. The Utility Fund was over budget because of the well repairs that were necessary. He stated the record 15b system of the city and now the money is being spent is sufficient. Wright gave the following recommendations he felt would strengthen internal controls. 1. Invoices -Employees receiving products or services should sign the bill. This would help clarify responsibility for such purchases. 2. Agreements -A written agreement should be drawn up between Brazos and the City to eliminate any mis- understandings over how additional guarantee money paid by the City is recorded by Sanger Electric. 3. Security -If possible, the number of individuals that have keys to the City's shop gates should be reduced. Additional security, tool cage, locked cabinets, etc., should be built to house equipment and tools which could be easily lost or misplaced. 4. Gas Usage -A reconcilement between the gas usage re- port and gas purchase invoices should be performed to help insure proper recording of gas usage. Since council received the audit at the meeting Mayor Cole recommended council be given time to go over the audit and consider action at the next meeting. It was agreed. 5. Motion was made by Spindle to approve the final plat for Fred Simmons Replat of Block 2, Hampton's Addition. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 6. Mayor Cole explained to council and several concerned citizens that he and Lloyd had met on December 16th with Brazos regarding the high rates on businesses with demand meters. The city sets a demand of $2.00 per KWH. The November rate based on a formula voted on last January went to $-6.89 per KWH. Mayor Cole had Lindon Carr estimate the rate for December and it will be approximately .39�. The demand is a charge (based on the peak month) from Brazos to the city that is passed on to the customer. Mayor Cole recommended a rate study be done. Howard Ashcraft with North Texas Plastics received a very high utility bill as did others on the demand meters. Howard wanted to know who all had demand meters? He wanted to know at what level of service do you have to have for a demand meter and do you have a choice? When is the demand meters read and are they reset at the time they are read? Lindon Carr was asked to speak on these questions. Carr stated a business had no choice since the determination is arrived by the number of Amps you require to operate your business. 25 KVA is the breaking point. Meters are -.read around the 15th of the month and they are reset then. Lindon stated he would have to check his records to -know who all had demand meters. Mayor Cole stated the city would keep a close watch on the rates for December and that council could take action if they looked as if they were going to jump again. He would like to have the rate study done before any changes are made. Motion was made by Bridges to hire the firm of H. C. Gernsey Company for an approximate $5,000 fee to do a rate study on the Sanger Electric System. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 7. Motion was made by Bridges that the city give employees with 1-year and less tenure $50.00 for Christmas extra work, and employees with over 1-year tenure $75.00 for extra Christmas work. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 8. Other such matters: (a) Lloyd handed out copies of the new park plan prepared �5 4 by the Texas Parks and Wildlife.. He stated he would like council to consider amendments to the plan. Tennis courts, softball diamonds, basketball facility and play- ground equipment was discussed. Bridges suggested one unlighted tennis court, completely separate from the basketball area. Have one basketball court with several goals for practice, one non -regulation baseball field and playground equipment. Lloyd to check about the changes and costs. (b) Council was briefed on the HUD tour for Wednesday, December 22, hosted by developer, Bob Hopper. Four homes are completed and the owners are to receive the keys. A reception will follow at the Mike Hughes Ranch. (c) Lloyd requested Council consider a Master Plan for tree replacement, shrubs, plants, etc., for the City Park. Landscape Unique will do this for $25.00 per hour. It was the general consensus of council for Lloyd to proceed. (d) Lloyd advised Council that the Air Control Board had called him and were really upset about the burning that again occurred at the landfill. He stated they said they had tried to work with the city but that the city had no honor and that our case would be sent to Austin for handling. Lloyd stated the city might need to consider Switzer's equipment and go ahead at the new landfill site. Mayor Cole was somewhat skeptical of the idea since the landfill has not been permitted. Mayor Cole stated he would like to have an attorneys opinion before the city proceeds to the new landfill. It was agreed. (e) Mrs. Fran Clark who is working on the grant for refur- bishing the Santa Fe Depot requested a workshop on January 3, 1983. It was agreed. Meeting Adjourned. ATTEST: Mayor MINUTES: City Council January 3, 1983 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Bridges, Spindle, Thomas, Inman and Adkins OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Fran Clark, Debbie McGuire, Yvonne Jenkins, Mr. Jenkins, and Joanne Shipley 1. Mayor Cole swore in the new Municipal Judge, Joanne Shipley. 2. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as printed. 3. Spindle made the motion to approve disbursements in the amount of $36,114.37. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan.