01/03/1983-CC-Minutes-Regular�5 7 by the Texas Parks and Wildlife. He stated he would like council to consider amendments to the plan. Tennis courts, softball diamonds, basketball facility and play- ground equipment was discussed. Bridges suggested one unlighted tennis court, completely separate from the basketball area. Have one basketball court with several goals for practice, one non -regulation baseball field and playground equipment. Lloyd to check about the changes and costs. (b) Council was briefed on the HUD tour for Wednesday, December 22, hosted by developer, Bob Hopper. Four homes are completed and the owners are to receive the keys. A reception will follow at the Mike Hughes Ranch. (c) Lloyd requested Council consider a Master Plan for tree replacement, shrubs, plants, etc., for the City Park. Landscape Unique will do this for $25.00 per hour. It was the general consensus of council for Lloyd to proceed. (d) Lloyd advised Council that the Air Control Board had called him and were really upset about the burning that again occurred at the landfill. He stated they said they had tried to work with the city but that the city had no honor and that our case would be sent to Austin for handling. Lloyd stated the city might need to consider Switzer's equipment and go ahead at the new landfill site. Mayor Cole was somewhat skeptical of the idea since the landfill has not been permitted. Mayor Cole stated he would like to have an attorneys opinion before the city proceeds to the new landfill. It was agreed. (e) Mrs. Fran Clark who is working on the grant for refur- bishing the Santa Fe Depot requested a workshop on - January 3, 1983. It was agreed. Meeting Adjourned. ATTEST: :� - Mayor MINUTES: City Council January 3, 1983 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Bridges, Spindle, Thomas, Inman and Adkins OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Fran Clark, Debbie McGuire, Yvonne Jenkins, Mr. Jenkins, and Joanne Shipley 1. Mayor Cole swore in the new Municipal Judge, Joanne Shipley. 2. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as printed. 3. Spindle made the motion to approve disbursements in the amount of $36,114.37. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Motion was made by Spindle to accept the municipal audit for Fy'81-'82 and pay the audit fee of $3,250.00 Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 5. Mrs. Fran Clark met with Council to work out future plans for the use and location of the Santa Fe Depot. Pars. Clark advised Council that the type of grant she would apply for would be effected by the use. The type of uses mentioned were: (1) commercial, (2) Historical District, and (3) Historical Park. Mayor Co1e's recommendation was for the Historical District with a multipurpose use such as a library facility, possible housing for the police department and meeting areas for the City Council or Chamber of Commerce. Mayor Cole stated that site consideration would be discussed in executive session at the next council meeting. It was noted that the City could get the Santa Fe building by March lst: Mrs. Yvonne Jenkins, Chairman of the Denton County Historical Committee was available for comment. It was noted that the Hammons House built in 1851 and of a Tennessee construction would be available to the City of Sanger. She stated the construction of the house was unique for this area. With reference to the Depot, Mrs. Jenkins advised Council of the importance of blending the structure to the area to make it look as if it belongs. She stated she had some reservations about the housing of social service, such as the police dept. and the library together. Council explained that it would be an office situation only. General discussion followed. Mrs. Clark asked that Council appoint a committee of three (3) or four (4) people to help with the depot project and requested that action be taken at the next council meeting. It was agreed. 6. Motion was made by Bridges to appoint two additional (HUD) Housing Relocation Rehabilitation Committee Members. Appointed were Eugene Morrow and Nan Anderson or Eunice Gray should one of the first two decline the appointment. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 7. Other such matters: (A.) Lloyd advised Council there would be some moving of departments at City Hall in the near future and that the new Justice -of - the -Peace would be renting office space from the City. (B.) Bridges requested Lloyd to see what could be done about the horses located inside the old Johnson Feed Supply Store. (C.) Bridges stated he had received complaints that people could not call the Fire Dept. or Police line didn't answer at City Ha11 during the holidays. Lloyd to check. (D.) It was mentioned that Austin and Keaton Roads need some repair. Meeting Adjourned. ATTEST: City Secretary yor