02/17/1983-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council February 17,1983 PRESENT: Mayor Cole Bridges, Spindle, Adkins and Thomas ABSENT: Inman OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Laird J. Markland, Fran Clark, Jerry Jenkins, Debbie McGuire 1. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved with one correction in Item No. 5. Changed the word was to were. 2. Motion was made by Spindle to approve disbursements in the amount of $37,083.04. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Council went into executive session to consider land acquisition. Council reconvened to open session. 4. Fran Clark with Clark Marketing Agency reviewed with Council the applications she will be submitting for Historical Preservation Grants. Photographs of the Santa Fe Station were distributed for Council viewing. It was suggested that the building be used to house the City Council Chambers, police station, a Chamber of Commerce office, and a library/museum. The estimated cost of the depot is $12,000, the site preparation, $29,800 and the rehabilitation of the building is $75,000, landscape $1,000 for an estimated total of $117,800. This figure does not include the cost of the land. Fran stated she would be seeking funding from approximately seven sources. She mentioned that all had funded similar projects. Deadline for the application to the Texas Historical Commission is April 11 1983. The match ratio is 2 match dollars for 1 dollar of T. H. C. funds. She stated she would apply for Texas Historical money and then apply to the other sources among which include the Meadows, the Moody, the King and the Kleberg Foundations. 5. Motion was made by Spindle to appoint Tommy Kincaid to fill the vacancy of John Springer. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. It was agreed if Kincaid would not serve that Mrs. Eunice Gray would be the second choice and Mr. Jim Simpson the third choice. 6. Motion was made by Thomas that Mrs. Lillie Belle Horst be appointed to fill the vacancy of John Springer and that Marland Knight and Robert Swain, Jr. also be appointed to serve on the committee. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 7. Mr. Laird J. Markland, Associate with the lawfirm of McCreary, Huey, and Veselka, explained in detail the process of collecting delinquent taxes. The firm charges a 15% fee on what they collect. It was noted that this firm is already on contract with Sanger I.S.D. and comes with a good recommendation. Motion was made by Bridges that the City hire the firm of McCreary, Huey and Veselka for the purpose of collecting delinquent taxes for a two (2) year period. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 8. Motion was made by Thomas to grant the variance request on Lot 39A, Blk. 24, Hampton Addition for Craig Waggoner. Spindle gave the second. Voting for were Thomas, Spindle and Adkins. Bridges abstained. Motion carried 3 - 0. 9. Motion was made by Bridges to adopt the resolution appointing Mayor Ralph Cole or Lloyd. Henderson as signatory agents for the E.P.A. grant with the Texas Water Development Board. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 10. Motion was made by Spindle to adopt the resolution authorizing the Denton Housing Authority to provide rental assistance to Ms. Wanda Gosnell. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 11. Mayor Cole stated that he would like to see the City hold a Bond Election for Electric Capital Improvements on April 2nd in con- junction with the City Official's Election if there is legally time. Mayor Cole explained that the City is running out of money for electric capital improvements. He stated he felt $300,000 would be sufficient with no increase in rates. Dis- cussion. Council was in agreement to call the election. Lloyd to check with Dan Almon and see what the legalities are. 12. Motion was made by Bridges to adopt the resolution placing a ceiling on expenditures of the revenues received from Sanger Electric which are over and above the projected $160,000 for the FY 182-83. All amounts over the $160,000 to be placed in the Sanger Electric Capital Improvements Fund Savings. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. Mayor Cole advised Council that the existing Council could not bind future Councils' and this could be changed. It was understood. 13. Water Line Extensions for Ron Williamson---------- It was explained that Mr. Williamson's property is both inside and outside the City limits of Sanger. He plans to develop a horse ranch. Mr. Williamson's feeling is that 95% of the cost of the line would be placed on him. It was further stated that the water will not be an issue until approximately four (4) months from now. It was noted that the line would be a 6" line or larger depending on the requirements placed by the City water department and the ordinance dealing with line extensions. The house and barns will be outside the City limits. Metering of the different improvements was discussed. It was agreed that one house and the barns would be metered on one meter. Other dwelling or dwelling type facilities (i.e., bunkhouse, servants quarters, guest house, etc.) would require a separate meter. Discussion. Mayor Cole stated the City might work out something with Williamson similar to the agreement with Jesse Coffey. Jerry Jenkins ask Council about the extra territorial rights of the City. Mayor Cole stated there would be no problems unless Mr. Williamson plans to develop a sub -division or some type of business development. It was stated that Bolivar Water was available in the immediate area. Dual certificated areas were discussed. Lloyd to find out more about this. Mayor Cole stated he wants a franchise tax from Bolivar Water and REA since both are operating inside the City limits without it. Mayor Cole instructed the City Manager to contact the City Attorney and see if the City could collect the franchise tax and advalorem taxes on lines belonging to Bolivar Water and REA that are inside the City limits. Mayor Cole stated he felt the City should sell water to Bolivar Water on an emergency basis. Discussion. Mayor Cole advised Council that they could deny or approve -the request for water for Mr. Williamson. Motion was made by Bridges to serve Mr. Ron Williamson's property with water with the Master Plan requirements of an 8" line with one meter to serve one residence. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. Meeting Adjourned. Mayor