01/17/1983-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council January 17, 1983 PRESENT: Mayor Cole Bridges, Spindle, Thomas, Inman and Adkins OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Debbie McGuire, Lindon Carr, Don Swenke, Clarence Carpenter and J. C. Wallace 1. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as printed. 2. Thomas made the motion to approve disbursements in the amount of $8,295.68. Spindle made the second. Voted unan. 3. Motion was made by Adkins to approve Sanger Electric Capital Improvements in the amount of $5,196.22. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Motion was made by Thomas for the official calling of the City Officials Election on April 2, 1983. Mrs. Billye Hollingsworth was named as election judge, with no more than two clerks to serve. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 5. Council discussed at length the Sanger Electric System Budget for FY-1983. Mayor Cole advised Council that no rate increase was requested in the budget but that Brazos was asking for a guaranteed debt reduction from the City of $15,309. Based on current estimates Brazos requested the City to pay $5,255 of the $7,000 that was guaranteed in 1982. Mayor Cole suggested -that the City go ahead and pay the full $7,000 which was budgeted (a difference of $1,745) which could be credited against the $15,309. 'On schedule B of the operating budget under expenses, the labor, material and other figured in as $10,500, (10,000 which was a carryover from 1982). Mayor Cole felt if the electric system could delay maintenance on the generator that some needed repairs on the roof and building could be better used. He stated that one generator was not going to do anything but cost the City the $10,000. Don Swenke stated that some legal matters were going on now that would affect the interchange agreement and that he was for the deferment. Mayor Cole recommended the amount of $10,500 be lowered to.4,000. It was agreed that the building maintenance -be handled through Lindon Carr's Office. Mr. Carpenter with Brazos brought out the fact that the City's contract with Brazos would expire in approximately two years. He stated that Brazos had hoped that the City would _elect to enter into a new contract. If a new contract could be negotiated it could address problems such as the guarantee. Mayor Cole assured Mr. Carpenter that the City was ready to re -negotiate the contract. (1) Motion was made by Bridges to approve the Sanger Electric Operating Budget for 1983 with one change under expenses (Gn. Plant Opr. & mainu.)_from $10,500 to $4,000 making a total net operating margin of $137,879. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. (2) Motion was made by Spindle to approve a guarantee of $7,500 toward the reduction of the original debt. ' Inman gave the second. Voted unan. (3) Motion was made by Bridges to approve the 1983 Construction Budget for a total of $88,750 instead of $124,750 as originally requested. Changes were as follows: (1) New Consumer - Residential reduced from (32 @ 1,000) to (20 @ 1,000) for a total of $20,000. (2) Omit New Consumer - Industrial 1 @ $18,500 for a total of $18,500. Items which were omitted to be brought before Council as need arises. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 6. Painting the city name, Chamber of Commerce log, and Indian sign on the new water tank was discussed. Council was advised that the bids on painting the tank did not include the lettering or a sign. Mayor Cole stated he felt the lettering should reflect progressiveness. That the City had not adopted the logo "Sanger, Someplace Special." Mayor Cole polled the Council. They were in favor of having the Indian painted on the tank along with the City's name. Lloyd to check on cost of stencil and cost of lettering. 7. Council went into Executive Session to discuss the purchase of land for the relocation of the Santa Fe Station. Council reconvened from Executive Session to open session. 8. Other such matters: (A) Lloyd advised Council that the Bolivar Water Corp. had asked the City if they would be interested in selling water to them. They are estimating usage of 500,000 gallons per mo. to supply approximately 100 customers in the northeast section from Sanger. They will build their own lines. Mayor Cole stated the City would need a reciprocal agreement. Lloyd to get a copy of agreement from other cities. (B) Lloyd updated Council regarding the landfill. He requested to know if Council wanted him to continue to hold off or go ahead and begin using the new site. Mayor Cole polled Council. They agreed to hold off. (C) Lloyd explained to Council that the E.P.A. grant is now coming to the last phase which is the construction phase. If the City gets the grant, then we can repair the sewer lines that are broken down and do work on the treatment plant. The amount of the grant is $740,000 with 75% to be Federal Share and 25% as City Share. If the City proceeds it will be necessary to come up with $185,000. (D) Bridges stated he had visited a City with a park_ facility that had a coin operational set-up in order for the citizens to play tennis and basketball. It was a way in which the City could re -coup expenses for lighting and maintenance. He suggested the City of Sanger might look into this type arrange- ment at the new park site. (E) Bridges stated with reference to the Sanger Electric Budget whatever goes over the budgeted amount (revenue) should go into a capital improvements fund. ItL yor Cole stated he would like to have the following items put on next council agenda: (1) Electric Bond Issue, (2) Electric guarantee freeze in Budget. Meeting Adjourned. F.SiIi