03/07/1983-CC-Minutes-Regular(d) Mayor Cole requested Lloyd to check with Brazos regarding the new budget. Page 2, Schedule C in question. Motion was made by Thomas to adjourn. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. Meeting adjourned. rayzo�vt/ ke Mayor MINUTES: City Council March 7, 1983 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Bridges, Spindle, Inman and Adkins OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Lindon Carr, Dan Almon, Debbie McGuire, Benny & Joy Parrent 1. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved with one addition to Item 5..."Motion was made by Bridges to adopt..." 2. Dan Spindle made the motion to approve disbursements in the amount of $39,565.57. Benny Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Call special meeting to assign ballots for absentee voting -- Item passed over. 4. Dan Almon with Rauscher Pierce Refsnes, Inc. explained the debt service requirements on the proposed $300,000 new issue for Utility System Revenue Bonds. Two proposals were presented - one on a 10-year payout with interest calculated at 9%, and - one on a 15 year payout calculated at 92% interest. The shorter the debt the lower the interest rate would be. It was the general concensus of Council to go with the shorter term (10 yr.). Mr. Almon handed out sample voter education letters regard- ing the bond election. He stated it was important to get out a letter of this type informing the voters regard- ing the issue. He stated his firm would provide such a letter. Mr. Almon handed out his contract of services for Council consideration. Action to be taken at a later date. The bond rating was discussed. Estimated cost of the rating would be approximately $1400 to $1500 to be paid out of bond proceeds. 5. Consider Community Center Policies - Item passed over. Mayor Cole stated there was some conflicting areas and requested Council to read the policies thoroughly and put item on next agenda. 6. Bolivar Water Corporation has requested to tie into the City's water system. They would use approximately 500,000 gallons per month initially and request more as they grow. Hunter Associates, Inc. provided the City with figures and a graph which gave the system's capabilities and the City's demand. The letter stated that although the City would have sufficient water to sell under average consumption, it would bearly have enough for Sanger after 1985. This information was based on well capacity. 165 Mayor Cole polled the Council in order to give the City Manager direction on how to respond to Bolivar Water Corporation. Bridges not in favor at all; Spindle - just now getting our system on its feet; Inman, not in favor and Adkins - never did want to sell water. 7. Lloyd explained the proposed letter and specifications for landfill equipment to Council. The rejected bids were changed to include a ripper, a standard bucket instead of a multi -purpose bucket and a cab. -- Motion was made by Benny Bridges to advertise for bids. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 8. Lloyd explained that John White, C. D. had done the work write-up on the Melva Todd house for a total cost of $8,010. Bids were let and when the floor was torn out, the center joist was eaten away by termites. This repair was not included in the bid price. Motion was made by Danny Spindle to approve additional funds in the amount of $1,670.00 for the HUD Housing Rehabilitation to repair Melva Todd's house. Carolyn Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 9. Discuss littering problem along Loop 138 and FM-455 with Ms. Lana Henry. Ms. Henry called stating she would be unable to attend. Requested item to be placed on next Council agenda. 10. Other such matters; (a) Park Status - Appraisal reports have been accepted in Austin. The City may now accept the church land. When the land is accepted a copy of the recorded deed and an executed copy of a Statement of Donor must be returned to Texas Parks and Wildlife and money will then be sent to the City. Benny Parrent offered to donate $25,000 on a full recourse promisory note to the City to be used as matching funds to obtain an additional park grant. Council advised Lloyd to check into this to see if it could be done. (b) The preliminary renderings on the Santa Fe Station was viewed by Council. Council agreed to the plan as presented. (c) Council discussed with Lindon Carr electric services -and cost to the Ron Williamson proposed horse ranch north-west of Sanger. Lindon estimated the City's cost at $16,000, plus. The area is dually served with Denton Coop. The coop can serve him for $1,800. Lindon explained that the coop is more free with it's policies and can negotiate for less with the idea of recouping their losses. The City is limited under the current policy. It was noted that Mr. Williamson wants under- ground services. It was the consensus of Council to serve this area. Lindon to get cost figures. (d) It was mentioned that the City needs to put up a stop sign at Keaton Road where it inter- sects with Duck Creek Road. 166 Motion was made by Freddy Inman to adjourn. gave the second. Voted unan. Meeting diourned. r yor MINUTES: Special Called Meeting City Council March 11, 1983 Benny Bridges PRESENT: Mayor Ralph Cole, Bridges, Inman, and Thomas ABSENT: Adkins and Spindle OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Lindon Carr, Debbie McGuire and Jerry Jenkins 1. Motion was made by Benny. Bridges to assign twenty five (25) Bond ballots and City Officials ballots for absentee voting. The range of serial numbers is between One (1) and Five Hundred (500). Freddy Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 2. Council gave consideration for electrical extension for Ron Williamson's property north on I-35 and Belz Road. Lindon Carr estimated the cost to construct a single phase underground primary line at $16,940 excluding secondary equipment and meter equipment. Carr stated the estimated pay -out, based on usage would be approximately 9.3 years. Discussion. It was the general consensus of the Council that the cost was too much of an investment for the length of time it would take to re -coup. 3. Other matters: (a) Lloyd advised Council that the Police Depart- ment had hired a new policeman, Paul Earhart from Gainesville. (b) The E",/�P. A. application has been filed. (c) Cost for painting Sanger, Home of the Indians, will run $600. Meeting Adjourned.