03/21/1983-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council March 21, 1983 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Bridges, Spindle, Inman, Thomas and Adkins OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Debbie McGuire, Rick Smith, Gene Secrest, Rick Griffin, Wayne Morris, Linda C. Swartz, Roberta Donsbach, Wade and Rex Parsons 1. The minutes of the regular and special called meetings were approved as printed. 2. Motion was made by Thomas to approve disbursements in the - amount of $4,330.71. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Motion was made by Thomas to approve Sanger Electric Capital Improvements in the amount of $4,129.91. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Motion was made by Bridges to adopt the Resolution invoking a penalty allowed by Section 33.07 of the property tax code. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 5. Motion was made by Bridges to approve the preliminary single lot subdivision plat for Wade and Billie Parsons. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. Mr. Wade Parsons immediately wanted to see which plat was being approved. He stated he had not approved the plat which had been presented and had never seen it before. He had in his possession the plat he said he had approved which had never gone to P & Z. Bridges immediately withdrew his motion as did Thomas his second and the item was not acted upon. Mr. Parsons stated the City had taken ten (10) feet of his property and he wasn't going to give the City anything. He asked Council if they would approve the plat he had (which had not been presented to P & Z) and they responded they would not. Rex Parsons came to the meeting at this time and explained that this was his plat but that he had no right to dedicate the ten (10) feet. Discussion. Parsons questioned the fact that this was not a subdivision. Mayor Cole clarified the fact that splitting out property is subdividing: More discussion. Bridges made the motion to send this item back to P & Z. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 6. Mrs. Roberta Donsbach, Director of Span for Denton County, made the presentation for establishing a SPAN meals program in the Sanger area. SPAN is a local Denton County volunteer non-profit organization. It is designed to help keep older people independent. The program was organized in 1974. It is governed by a Board of Directors. The organization has a fleet of nine (9) vehicles which are equipped with hydraulic chain lifts, etc. In 1977 the organization became eligible for grants. Lewisville, Denton and Pilot Point are now participating in the SPAN Program. The organization originally received funding for 119 meals per day. They are getting funding for 55 more meals and would like to offer the program to Sanger. The program is offered to people 60 and older or to the spouse of a 60 yr. old. Most participants are in their 70's. Council had a copy of the contract with SPAN. The City furnishes the site. Questions regarding the requirements of a telephone, City's liability, etc. were discussed. A pay phone was suggested and Mrs. Donsbach stated that SPAN carried its own liability. Additional costs for utilities in the City budget was discussed. Mrs. Donsbach stated Pilot Point rents their facility to help re -coup expenses. Discussion. Motion was made by Inman to approve the agreement with SPAN with an additional statement in the agreement to read, "Any changes will be approved by the City Council." Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. Mrs. Donsbach to get original contract with addition back for proper. signing. 7. Community Center Policies were discussed with reference to corrections and changes to be made. Item No. 23 of the policy and No. 10 of the USER PERMIT has an error in the hours section. Questions on No. 5, 15, and the entire Section IV to be changed or eliminated. No. 1 in Section V - the word elected to be changed to selected. Mayor Cole stated policy and agreements should be kept separate. Stated he would be glad to meet with policy committee. Item to be reconsidered at a later date. 8. Item passed over. Mrs. Henry was not available. Lloyd advised Council that he too had been concerned about the litter all over town and during Spring -break had hired four (4) young men to help pick up over town. 9. With regards to the water reconnect fee Council stated when they approved the Codification Ordinance they had also approved the $15.00 re -connect fee. City staff to adjust records and make the necessary charge. 10. Other such matters: (a) Water Tower almost completed. Stencil is ready. ll. The following five bids were opened and read aloud. Council to check figures and award bid on April 4, 1983. SERVICE & WARRANTY TRACTOR CAB TEETH TOTAL Nichols Mach. Terex 69,705 5,535 75,240 Trinity Equip. John Deere 67,097 5,899 10,200 83,196 Plains Mach. Inter- national 72,200 3,790 6,289 82,279 Darr Equip. Cater- pillar 77,949 4,550 5,380 87,879 Shaw Equip. Fiat Allis 54,000 4,300 6,000 64,300 Meeting Adjourned. Mayor