04/18/1983-CC-Minutes-Regular171 available. It was agreed to have the on -site hearing at 5:45 p.m. on April 18, 1983. 16. Motion was made by Danny Spindle to grant the request for a one foot (1') six inch (6") variance on the east side property line of Lot 11, Block D, of the Gateway Addition. Benny Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. Freddy Inman made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Benny Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. Meeting Adjourned. or Annexation On Site Hearing April 18, 1983 PRESENT: Mayor Ralph Cole, Benny Bridges, H. W. Thomas, Freddy Inman, Carolyn Adkins, and Danny Spindle OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Joyce and Benny Parrent2 Frank Smith, Carroll McNeill, Jeff McNeill, Ken and Tenia Hoops, Bill Rice and Ray Forrester. The on -site hearing was held at 5:45 p.m. on April 18, 1983 on property owned by Gene Hughes, being a part of a 90 acre tract out of the H. Tierwester Survey A-1241. Gene Hughes requested that 10 acres be annexed into the City. The property is located north of the existing trailer park owned by C. G. McNeill on Keeton Road. Mayor Cole declared the public hearing open. He explained to those present that the City was required by law to hold two public meetings. An on -site hearing and one to be held at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers immediately after the on -site hearing. The use of the land was discussed. Mr. Hughes has proposed to establish a trailer park and the citizens questioned Mayor Cole regarding deed restrictions which exist on the property. Mayor Cole stated the City had nothing to do with deed restrictions. That the meeting was being held for the sole purpose of considering the annexation of 10 acres of land into the City. The land would come in at zoning Class R-1 as per the City Ordinance and would have to be rezoned at the request of the owner and area residents within the 200 foot limit would be notified at that time. C. G. McNeill ask Mayor Cole, "What if he (Gene Hughes) does annex into the City and he doesn't get the property rezoned?" Mayor Cole -_ stated it would still be in the City and that Mr. Hughes has been made aware of this point. Mr. Ray Forrester wanted to know if an impact study had been done since the trailer parks can add many children to the school system in a very short period. No study of this type has been done but Mayor Cole explained that growth studies had been done for the City through the year 2000. Mayor Cole declared the hearing closed and adjourned same to the City Hall Council Chambers. 172 MINUTES: City Council April 18, 1983 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Bridges, Spindle, Inman, Thomas, and Adkins OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Debbie McGuire, Benny and Joyce Parrent Frank Smith, Bill Rice, Mike Barnes, Jeff McNeill, Carroll McNeill, Lindon Carr, Fran Clark, Wayne', Morris, Chuck Fincham, Linda Swartz and J. L. Wright. 1. Mayor Cole declared the public hearing on Gene Hughes Annexation request open for comment. Benny Parrent requested to know for what reason the property was being annexed. Mayor Cole stated R-1 Single Family. Mayor Cole closed the open hearing. Motion was made by Bridges to adopt the Ordinance annexing 10 acres of land out of the H. Tierwester Survey, A-1241 into the City. Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 2. Fran Clark with Clark Marketing Agency spoke to Council regarding the funding for the relocation of the train station, purchasing land and refurbishing.of the facility. Ms. Clark stated that the Meadows Foundation would be giving $75,000 and the Moody Foundation would be ging $100,000. The application will be made through the Texas Historical Commission. Fran advised Council that she would need a check in the amount of $175.00 payable to the Texas Historical Commission for the Historical designation plaque. A letter of support has been requested from the Denton County Historical Society and the State Historical Society. Mike Barnes with the architectural firm of Barnes and Seagraves, Ft. Worth, presented and discussed design and functions of the facility. Motion was made by Spindle to approve the Resolution to submit the $175.00 for the Historical marker. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. Motion was made by Bridges to approve the application for the Historical Preservation Grant. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 3. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as printed. 4. Motion was made by Thomas to approve the disbursements in the amount of $17,254.30. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 5. The following commissioner appointments were made by Mayor Cole: Police Department Water Department Sewer & Sanit. Electric Harvev W. Thomas Benny Bridges Danny Spindle Carolyn Adkins Freddy Inman Ralph Cole Motion was made by Spindle to elect Benny Bridges as Mayor Pro-tem. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan.', 5. Item passed over - Ben Campbell unable to attend meeting. 7. Motion was made by Thomas to approve the policies governing the use of the Sanger Community Center with a change to item 4 to read as follows: leased on an hourly rate at twelve dollars and fifty cents ($12.50) per hour with a, minimum of two (2) hours usage. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 8. Mr. Wayne Morris with Shaw Equipment told Council if they could go ahead and accept his low bid he could extend delivery of the landfill equipment for 60 days and bill the City after that date. Lloyd explained that Shaw Equipment had gotten notice of a price increase. Discussion. 173 Motion was madeby Thomas to accept the low for a total amount of $64,300.00 with a 60 Spindle gave the second. Voting for were: Adkins. Voting against were: Bridges and 3-2o DI da of Shaw Equipment y delivery period. Thomas, Spindle, and Inman. Motion carried Mr. Morris requested a letter to his company from the City. Agreed. 9. The electric rate study was thoroughly discussed by Council. Lindon Carr presented Council with a handout giving a comparison for the following customer classes: Large Power, Small Commercial, Residential, and Large Power with 25 KV or less. Mayor Cole requested Lindon Carr to have Carl Stover with C. H. Guernsey Co. to calculate on the following: Based on Case Study No. 2 (1) Figure minimum at 7.00 rate with no. KWH allowed at 100%. Then figure on 7.00 rate with the 60/40 split. (2) Figure minimunat 9.00 rate with no. KWH allowed at 100%. Then figure on 9.00 rate with the 60/40 split. The large and small commercial not to be changed. 10. Motion was made by Bridges to approve the Final Plat on the Parson's Addition for Wade and Billie Parson. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 11. Lloyd advised Council that Eugene Cole had been in to talk with him and stated that he was planning to go ahead and sell the property described as Tract 77, H. Tierwester (4 acres), to James Lyons. Lloyd said he advised Eugene that the water connection was granted only to his grandmother and would not be passed on or made available to Mr. Lyons. Eugene stated that he and Lyons both were aware of this and that Mr. Lyons will be in to request annexation. Mayor Cole requested that Lloyd get in touch with Mr. Lyons to make sure he is aware that no water connection will be granted until he is annexed into the City. 12. Lloyd informed Council that Bill Rice had requested that Tracts 54 (1.836 ac.) and 53 (.664 ac.) be annexed into the City. Mr. Rice was available and requested.to have the water connection prior to the annexation. Mayor Cole advised Rice as soon as the property is annexed, the City will grant the tap. Lloyd further advised Council that he had talked with Dickie Amyx and that he would be willing to be annexed in. Benny Parrent asked what constituted'a sub -division. Mayor Cole advised him the Coles' and Rice are selling 1 tract of land. 13. Council considered the Wednesday Study Club Hostess Program Agreement. Mayor Cole requested that Item No. 2 be changed to read as follows: The Hostess Program and Policies shall be written by the Wednesday Study Club, reviewed by the City of Sanger Community Center Policy Committee for recommendation to the City Council for final action. Mayor Cole further suggested that the agreement should be signed by the Wednesday Study Club and then presented to Council. 14. Motion was made by Thomas to approve the change orders on RH-1, J. P. Hampton, 103 So. 6th from $8,500 to $9,079 and RH-2, Charles Hays, Jr., 411 N 4th, from $8,500 to $8,720. Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 174 15. Motion was made by Thomas to accept the contract with Rauscher Pierce Refnes, Inc. as financial advisor for the City. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 16. No other matters came before Council. Motion was made by Bridges to adjourn the meeting. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. Meeting Adjourned. MINUTES: City Council May 2, 1983 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Benny H. W. Thomas, and yor Bridges, Danny Carolyn Adkins Spindle, Freddy Inman,. OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Dan Almon, Ken Smith, Debbie McGuire, Joyce Parrent, and Teddy Inman. 1. The minutes of the April 18, 1983 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Thomas made the motion to approve disbursements in the amount of $30,430.47. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Mr. Dan Almon and Mr. Ken Smith with Rauscher Pierce, Rfnes., discussed the options for selling the City's municipal electric bonds. Mr. Almon suggested that Council might consider something other than the historical bond issue. He stated that the bond covenant says you must meet a test of 1.5 times the principle and interest covered on all issues in terms of net revenues. The City had difficulty in meeting this test on the last issue and the audit for the last twelve month period will not meet the test. The City might want to consider a non -voted issue or issue a junior lien bond. On the junior lien bonds you get the same or better rate. On parity bonds the City would have to pledge a revenue bond tax. The City could also have a refund on all revenue bonds. Sell the new refunded issue to include the new bond package. The advantage is the City could dispose of the old bond order and start with a new order. Mayor Cole asked Mr. Almon if this would increase the interest rates on the bonds. He replied it would on some but would lower on the most recent issue. Mayor Cole explained to Mr. Almon that an individual has stated he was interested in buying the entire issue. Almon stated he was certainly in favor of exploring this option. Mr. Almon further explained to Council that the City's bonds did not have to go out for bids. He stated the City could negotiate with his firm or the individual. He recommended to Council they go with an all or nothing sale. -- Council requested Mr. Almon to start the advertising proceedings in order to be on target if individual declined the purchase. 4. Consideration was given to the Wednesday Study Club Hostess Program Agreement. Mayor Cole stated he didn't think the City should enter into an agreement with anyone. He stated he would like to request that Council pass over this item. He called for a motion to approve or disapprove this item. No motion was made. Item passed over.