06/13/1983-CC-Minutes-Regular177 Paid upon request of permanent service 10 or 30 SMALL COMMERCIAL SERVICE FEE 90.00 90.00 .00 10 or 30 LARGE COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL FEE - $6.70 per 1/3 of KVA .00 TOTAL $55747.00 Council requested fee schedule be put on next Council agenda. 10. The contract with Central Telephone Company was considered by Council. Mayor Cole questioned numbers 11 and 14 of the contract. Councilman Bridges stated he was against the contract. That $8,000 would not pay for a full-time employee, additional cost would be involved in setting up the display area and the contract should be for the minimum required total cost. Lloyd explained the method Central had arrived at the 8,000 contract price and that one of the city full-time employee's is making $8,311 per year. Discussion. Mayor Cole requested the city manager to have the city attorney go over the contract. 11. Other such matters: (a) Council agreed to change the dates of the Council meeting in June for the 13th and 27th. This change is due to the absence of the city manager on these dates. (b) Lloyd advised Council of a new housing assistance program made available through the Citys HUD program. The program will provide financial assistance to low income, elderly, handicapped, disabled, and displaced individuals. John White has been able to get the City seven slots. Motion was made by Thomas to adjourn the meeting. Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. Meeting Adjourned. ity Sure yor MINUTES: City Council June 13, 1983 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Bridges, Spindle, Inman, Thomas and Adkins OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Bill Ross, Mary Fran Smith, Frank A. Smith, Mr. P Mrs. William B. Dunn, John TAT Coker, Debra McGuire, Bennie Parrent, Rick Uray, Lynn Mullins, Lindon Carr, Lynn Bright, Albert Bright, Jeff McNeill, Tenia Hoops, C. G. McNeill and Gene Hughes. 1. Mayor Cole declared the public hearing open on zoning Petition Z-60 for Gene Hughes. No one spoke in favor of the petition. Those speaking in opposition were: Frank Smith, Mary Fran Smith, Benny Parrent, and Tenia Hoops. Deed restrictions which exist on the area property was the primary objection. Mayor Cole again explained to the concerned citizens that the City had nothing to do with enforcing deed restrictions. Deed restrictions are between the property owners. Councilman Thomas requested to know how many of those in opposition were inside the City. One was. It was noted that P & Z had denied the petition for Mr. Hughes. Mayor Cole called for a motion. 178 Benny Bridges made the motion to deny the request for a zoning change. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voting for were: Bridges, Spindle, and Adkins. Voting against was: Inman. Thomas abstained. Motion carried 3 - 1. 2. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as printed. 3. Motion was made by Thomas to approve disbursements in the amount of $44,658.51. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Mayor Cole requested the election of P & Z commission members be placed on the next Council agenda. 5. The monthly tax report showing tax collections in the amount of $6,298.94 for May was received by Council. 6. Motion was made by Spindle to approve the increased fee schedule for Sanger Electric. Inman gave the second. Voting for were: Spindle, Inman, Adkins, and Bridges. Voting against was Thomas. Motion carried 4 - 1. The schedule is as follows: CONNECT FEE PRESENT ADJUSTMENT INCREASE $15.00 $25.00 $4,310.00 To all new customers & any customer moving within the system TEMPORARY SERVICE FEE 50.00 50.00 Paid upon request for new service RECONNECT FEE 15.00 25.00 One who is disconnected for non-payment reconnected or requesting disconnect & connect for upgrading. SERVICE FEE 15.00 25.00 When seal is broken or trouble call is on customer. CONNECT FEE AFTER HOURS Connect after hours, weekend or holidays RETURNED CHECK FEE NEW RESIDENTIAL SERVICE FEE 10 or 30 SMALL COMMERCIAL SERVICE FEE 3.00 30.00 5.00 25.00 40.00 90.00 90.00 10 or 30 LARGE COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIALper 1/3 of KVA .00 650.00 150.00 75.00 112.00 450.00 .00 .00 TOTAL $5,747.00 The rate case comparison as prepared by the C. H. Guernsey Company was discussed by Council. Mayor Cole recommended Case 3. Case 3 would provide the City the same amount of contract revenues and would increase the minimum charge by $4.00. Case 3 would also be congruous with Sanger Electric's present budget. Case 3 is based on a $3.05 increase with a $9.00 minimum with no usage. Case 4 is based on a $2.77 increase with a $7.00 minimum with no usage. Discussion. Motion was made by Spindle to adopt Rate Case 3. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. It was brought to Council's attention when the. construction budget for Sanger Electric was presented that Council had cut back the number of new consumer residential homes to 20. Lindon Carr advised Council as of 6-13-83 a total of 21 permits had already been issued. Motion was made by Inman to add an additional (5) five permits @ $1,000 each to the construction budget for a total of 25. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 7. Council considered the Texas Highway Department's request to approve an ordinance declaring I-35 Service Roads as one-way., They are proposing to 179 rebuild all of the ramps in this project. The City asked for an access ramp at Bolivar Street and an overpass at Bolivar Street. The Highway Department saw no problem in constructing a new ramp at Bolivar Street; however, they would have to eliminate the present off -ramp in front of the Dairy Queen. The Highway Department stated the city's growth projections for the future were not large enough to justify the expenditure of the overpass. Improve- ments are contingent upon the frontage roads being changed to one-way. The highway project will be started in approximately two years. They plan to lay 2" of asphalt and top with 5" of concrete. The lanes will be wider but will still be two lanes. A public hearing will be held in the future. Council requested Lloyd to check with the Highway Department and see if they could provide a walkway across I-35. Discussion. Motion was made by Spindle to adopt Ordinance No. 83-5 declaring I-35 Service Roads as one-way. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. ORDINANCE N0. 83-5 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 9, OF THE BANGER CITY CODE BY DESIGNATING STREETS AS ONE-WAY, PROVIDING A PENALTY AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND PRO- VIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION. 8. Motion was made by Thomas to approve the single lot subdivision plat and (1) one foot variance request for Don Tuttle on Lot 2B Block B. White Addition. Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 9. John Coker met with Council regarding future consideration on Brazos and Central Telephone franchise renewals. He asked Council to try to acquire some more bids to see if the City is getting the best service available. He stated he was not saying that the City should change from Brazos or Central but the City could look at new management. He felt the City should be working on the franchise renewal now. Mayor Cole stated the City was working on it. As far as some other company is concerned, the PUC has control of dividing territories. They say you cannot go into someone else's certified area. Discussion centered primarily around poor telephone service from Central. Mayor Cole advised citizens to document their complaints in order to get their problems solved quicker. He mentioned that public hearings would be held before the franchises were renewed. 10. Bill Ross represented Star CATV Investment Corporation. Council questioned Mr. Ross with regards to Section 10 which provides in part as follows: "The Company shall pay the city as a franchise fee, and as compensation for the rights and privileges enjoyed hereunder, three percent (3%) of its gross subscriptions, receipts, less State Sales Tax, Federal Excise Tax and copyright received by the company. ." Council wanted to know what was meant by less copyright. Mr. Ross stated it was some type of protection regulated by the FCC. A payment to the artist for re -showings, etc. Lynn Mullins of CATV stated they spent approximately $40.00 for copyright last year. Ross was asked if his company would furnish a full time personnel in Sanger. He stated the ordinance read adequate personnel but if an office was necessary, he felt it could be maintained. Citizens questioned Mr. Ross on different types of services available with STAR. Ross also stated service would be given to all City residents and residents outside the City. After discussing the ordinance which Council had received from STAR personnel, it was noted that it was different from the one Mr. Ross had. Mayor Cole asked for this item to be placed on next Council agenda with the proper materials of information. 11. Mrs. Joanne Shipley requested by letter that Council consider providing her with a letter of commitment indicating -the terms and conditions which she would be guaranteed up to eight (8) water meters to insure the possible development of a subdivision on her property west of Sanger. Motion was made by Thomas that the City write a letter of commitment to Joanne Shipley for (8) eight water meters contingent upon the looping of a 2" water line from the present point of territories in front of the Ray Forester residence and southeast to connect with the water line from the present point of territories in front of the Ray Forester residence and southeast to connect with the water line on Keaton Road north of the McNeill Trailer Park and to include all necessary easements for the looping. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 12. Item 12 - Consider antenna lease on downtown elevated water tank omitted. To be placed on next Council agenda. 13. Motion was made by Thomas to approve Sanger Electric Capital Improvements in the amount of $3,975.73. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 14. Item 14 omitted. Resolution not available. 15. Other such matters: (a) Council was advised of the TML Meeting scheduled for June 24. Those planning to attend are: Mayor and Mrs. Cole, Lloyd and Nan Henderson, and Danny and Debbie Spindle. (b) Council was advised of the COG workshop on June 24. (c) It was noted that the Denton County Electric Coop Rate Study was available at City Hall. (d) Benny Parrent showed Council a copy of the letter he received about his lot inside the City needing mowing. Asked if he was being discriminated against. The city manager advised him that the office had mailed out many of the letters to area owners that had lots which needed to be mowed. (e) Carob McNeill requested that Keaton Road be repaired. Lloyd to get this done. Motion was made by Spindle to adjourn the meeting Voted unan. Meeting Adjourned. Citd S Mayor MINUTES: City Council June 27., 1983 Bridges gave the second. PRESENT: Mayor Ralph Cole, H. W. Thomas, Danny Spindle, and Carolyn Adkins. ABSENT: Bridges and Inman OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Don Mansell, Lynn Mullins, Bill Gentry, and Debbie McGuire. 1. The minutes of the June 13, 1983 meeting were approved with correction to Item No. 1. It shoul�? read as follows: Voting for were: Bridges, Spindle, and Adkins.5bting against was: Inman. 2. Thomas made the motion to approve disbursements in the amount of $2,847.12. Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Motion was made by Thomas to reappoint the following to serve a two year term on the Planning and Zoning Commission Board: