01/19/1976-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutes: City Council Meeting January 19, 1976 Present: Mayor Cornell, Cooper, Hall, Enlow, McDaniel, Moore, City Administrator 1. The minutes of the regular meeting of January 5, 1976 were read and approved, 2. Sanger Electric November capital improvements: Item tabled until the next meeting. 3. Proposed Electrical Code Ordinances The Mayor stated having an electrical code was good, but felt it was unfair having an elec- trician as,the only trade requiring a license, The City Admin- istrator stated his views on the proposed ordinance saying that the proposal has very few changes over the existing ordinance, After additional discussion the Mayor suggested that the proposed ordinance be approved with the exception that the fee for a Master Electrician's license be $25.00 instead.of $50.00. It was moved by Cooper and seconded by Hall that the following ordinance be approved subject to the above changes* ORDINANCE N0. 76-1 ELECTRICAL CODE ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING COMPLIANCE WITH THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, 1975 EDITION; SETTING FORTH MINIMUM STANDARDS; PROVIDING FOR THE OFFICE OF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR; PROVIDING FOR THE, APPOINTMENT OF SAME; EXECUTION OF A SURETY BOND; PROVIDING FOR THE INSPECTION`OF ALL WIRING; PROHIBITING CONCEALED WIRING WITH- OUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR; REQUIRING EVERY PERSON TO OBTAIN A MASTER OR JOURNEYMAN ELEC- TRICIAN'S LICENSE OR HOMEOWNER'S PERMIT FROM THE CITY OF SANGER BEFORE INSTALLING, CHANGING, OR REPAIRING ANY ELECTRICAL WIRING OR APPARATUS USED IN CONNECTION WITH ELECTRIC HEATING, LIGHTING, OR POWER; PROVIDING FOR AN EXAMINATION TO OBTAIN A LICENSE OR HOMEOWNER°S PERMIT; RECOGNIZING VALID LICENSES FROM OTHER CITIES; REQUIRING A -LICENSE FEE TO BE PAID; REQUIRING EVERY COMPANY, FIRM, CORPORATION-, ASSOCIATION OR PARTNERSHIP WISHING TO ENGAGE IN THE BUSINESS OF INSTALLING, REPAIRING,.OR CHANGING ANY WIRING OR APPARATUS.TO APPOINT A CHIEF ELECTRICIAN WHO SHALL BE REQUIRED, BEFORE SUCH BUSINESS IS ENGAGED IN, TO OBTAIN A MASTER ELECTRI CIAN'S LICENSE; PROVIDING FOR REVOCATION AND REFUSAL OF LICENSE; - REQUIRING A -BOND OF EACH PERSON OBTAINING A MASTER ELECTRICIAN S LICENSE; REQUIRING A PERMIT TO BE OBTAINED FROM THE CITY OF SANGER BEFORE ENGAGING IN THE BUSINESS OF INSTALLING, CHANGING, OR REPAIRING ANY ELECTRICAL WIRING OR APPARATUS; SETTING FORTH A FEE SCHEDULE FOR SAID PERMITS; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFICATE OF SATISFACTORY INSPECTION OF ALL WORK DONE; PRE- SCRIBING RULES CONCERNING LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF ANY WORK DONE; SETTING FORTH REGULATIONS FOR PROVIDING ELECTRI- CAL SERVICE;• PROVIDING A PENALTY FORVIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion carried 5-0, Furthermore, the City Administrator was directed to begin research toward adopting building and plumbing codes. 4, Board of Equalizations It was moved by Cooper and seconded by Enlow that the following'ordinanee be adopteds ORDINANCE NO, 76-2 AN ORDINANCE APPOINTING THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION FOR 1976 AND.SETTING THE TIME AND PLACE 'FOR THE MEETING OF SAID BOARD, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER., TEXASs SECTION 1. Gene Hughes, Aaron Yeatts, and Jack Armstrong, each being a q ialified voter, a resident of the City of Sanger, Texas, and a property owner of -said City, be, and -they are hereby appointed as members of the Board of Equalisation for said City of Sanger, Texas, for 1976, and said Board of Equalization, composed of said members, is hereby constituted for 1976. SECTION 2, The time and place for the meeting of s c.h Board shall be the 30th day of June, 1976 from 9s00 A.M. to 12sOU noon in the Council -Room at City Hall. . December budget reports Report received by the Council. 6. Request by Jack Bowman for Master Electrician's license:. Tt was moved by Cooper and seconded by Hall that Jack Bowman be granted a Master Electrician's -license without taking an examination. Motion carried , -a. 7. Water line to the Tansey Company: .The Mayor briefed the Council concerning Tansey•s request for afire hydrant near their building. The City Administrator advised the Council that it would cost $2,430 to place a hydrant nearer the Tansey building but on the west side of the tracks. The Council decided to assure Mr, Tansey that he would have a hydrant placed near his building and directed -the City Administrator to research several alternatives for placing the hydrant -east of the tracks. 8, Loan from Water Quality Boards The Mayor briefed the Council on the status'of the loan application summarizing the reason for the 30-day. delay in the hearing. He passed on the re- commendation from the state agencies and the City's engineer and financial advisor to proceed with the project uxader the assumption that the loan will be approved in February. It was moved by McDaniel and seconded by Hall to proceed with engineering surveying and all necessary financial arrangements for the sale of the bonds. Meeting adjourned at. 9 s 00 p. m. ATTESTS Minutes: City Couflcil Meeting ,February 2 1976 Presents Mayor Cornell, Cooper, Hall, Enlow, McDaniel, Moore, City Administrator 1. The minutes of the regular meeting of January 19, 1976 were read and approved, 2. Monthly disbursements: It was moved by Cooper and seconded by Hall that February disbursements in the amount of $13.852.9 be approved. Motion carried . -O.