03/01/1976-CC-Minutes-RegularMarch 1, 1976 Presents Mayor Cornell, Cooper, Hall, Enlow, McDaniel, Moore City Administrator 1. The minutes -of the regular meeting of February 16, 1976 and the special meeting of February 24, 1976 were read and approved. 2. Monthly disbursements: After several questions to the City Administrator, it was moved by Cooper and seconded by Hall to approve March disbursements in the amount of $9,760,57, Motion carried 5-0. Sale of series 1976 utility revenue bondss Mr. Dan Almon, the an am mom signed w Ith to purchase $1409000 in revenue bond i a proposed contract and a good faith check in the amount of $2i8OO, The contract was signed by the Mayor and City Secretary. Mr. Almon pre sented a proposed ordinance authorizing the issuance of the total $305,000 in series 1976 utility revenue bonds, It was moved4by Hall and seconded by Moore to approve the ordinance, Motion carried 5 0. Additionally, the Mayor and City Secreta all other- •.. • documentsconnection the bond 4. Advertising for bids for new distribution lines Mayor advised the Council of his meeting with the School Board concerning a site for the new substation and the Board's favorable re- sponse. The City Administrator stated that plans and specifi- cations were ready for the new distribution line. It was moved by Enlow and seconded by McDaniel to advertise for bids. Motion carried 5-0-.- 5. Line to Bell Telephone facility: The City Administrator and Zindon Carr presented a cost estimate for providing service to a proposed Bell Telephone facility 2 mile south of the County line. The estimated cost was $1,339,28, It was moved by Cooper and seconded by McDaniel to negotiate with Bell Telephone on servicing the facility and to return to the Council at a .later date with the proposed. Motion carried 5-0® 6. Small cities solid waste collection systemr. The City Adminis- trator briefed the Council on the proposed system outlining costs and revenues. Jack Armstrong was present to add favorable comments. The City Administrator recommended Sanger show a favorable response to the project. The Mayor provided comments on some of the problems that may be encountered. The Council directed the City Administrator and Sanger's representatives 'on the Water and Sanitation District Board to proceed with researching the project further. 7. Post Office lease agreements The City Administrator briefed the Council on the lease agreement and the need to start thinking about renewing it as itiwouldtake about two years for the post office to construct a new facility if the lease was not renewed. The Council stated it was not interested in terminating the agreement and directed the City Administrator to research what a fair rental would be. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Mayor ATTESTS Minutes: City Council Meeting March 15, 1976 Present: Mayor Cornell, Cooper, Hall, Enlow, McDaniel, Moore, City Administrator 1. The minutes of the regular meeting of March 1, 1976 were read and approved. 2. Sanger Electric System capital improvements: It was moved by Cooper and seconded by Hall to approve January capital improve- ments in the amount of $1,697,36, Motion carried 5-0. 3. Pole Sharing agreement with Wise County Telephone: The City Administrator and Lindon Carr explained the provisions of the existing agreement. They stated the cost of pole installation had risen appreciably and recommended the agreement be amended from $2.00 per contact per year to $5.00 per contact per year. It was moved by Hall and seconded by McDaniel that the City at- tempt to renegotiate the contract with the telephone company at $5.00 per contact. Motion carried 5-0. 4. Bids for new fire station: The City Administrator stated that Speed Fab -Crete's bid of $32,950 was the only bid the City could afford and that there was approximately $369000 available for the project. Moore suggested using colored aggregate rather than warm -tone concrete. There were several questions from the Council concerning guarantees and waterproofing. The Mayor stated that it would take about $10,000 more to complete the building and that taxpayers should bear that expense. It was moved by McDaniel and seconded by Enlow to meet with Speed Fab -Crete and, pending satis- factory answers to the Council's questions, to award them the contract. Motion carried 5-0. 5. 1976 Street Programs The City Administrator presented a proposed program to seal -cost 3.35 miles of street this summer at an es- timated cost of $99340. He also outlined a long-range year program designed to seal -coat every street in the City once every five.years. The Mayor stated he thought the street pro- gram was progressing well, -and the City Administrator was di- rec ted to proceed. 6. Solid. Waste public education programs The. City Administrator outlined the proposal by North Texas State University to prepare a slide show on the proposed regional collection and disposal system and stated Sanger's share would be $79. It was moved by Cooper and seconded by Hall to approve that amount. Additionally, the City Administrator was directed to contact Joe Falls con- cerning the purchase or trade,of some land to add to the City's landfill.