04/05/1976-CC-Minutes-SpecialAPRIL 5, 1976 MINUTES CANVASS VOTES FOR CITY OFFICIALS ELECTION MAYOR RECEIVED WRITTEN REQUEST FROM BILL ENLOW REQUESTING A RECOUNT OF THE VOTES CAST FOR HIM AND BRUCE ANTHONY ARTICLE 9.38a ELECTION CODE two candidates, the Mayor approved the requests and authorized the recount at this meeting. Members participating were Mayor Cornell, Cooper, Moore, and McDaniel. The recount produced a tie vote of 106 for each candidate. The votes were then canvassed by the Council with the following results: For Mayor _ Ralph Cole -259 Ken Cornell - 4 Hickey Freeman - 2 Pat Smith 1 Thomas D. Chapman - 1 Bud Gentle 1 Leo Sebastian - 1 Brad Cole - 1 For Council John W. Coker -246 Bruce Anthony -106 W. L. "Bill" Enlow -106 Jack Hall - 77 Gerald Jenkins - 66 Jess Pitcock - 2 Ralph Cole was duly elected Mayor and John Coker was duly elected Councilman. The other council race was declared void due to a tie vote, and with the agreement of Bruce Anthony and Bill Enlow, Mayor Cornell ordered a special runoff election to be held on May 1, 1976 at City Hall, Absestee voting will be from April 12, 1976 through April 27, 1976. 3. Disbursements: It was moved by McDaniel and seconded by Enlow that April disbursements in the amount of '9,331.39 be approved. Motion carried 4-0. 4. New Fire station projects The City Administrator reviewed the sta- tus of the bids for the construction of a new fire station. The Council expressed concern at the high cost for an unfinished building and the type wall finish that would be suitable. A representative from Speed Fab -Crete snowed the Council various wall finish samples. It was moved by Cooper and seconded by Moore that the item be tabled for further study and be brought up again sometime after the new Council takes office. Motion carried 4-0. 5. Brougham Industries expansion plans: Representatives from Brougham were not present. It was therefore, moved by Enlow and seconded by Moore that this item be tabled. Motion carried 4-0. 6. Homestead exemption ordinance for the elderly: The City Adminis- trator stated that although this exemption has been in effect since 1973, the city Tas Assessor -Collector requested this ordinance be passed in order that written guidelines be set forth in writing. It was moved by Enlow and seconded by McDaniel to approve the following ordinance. Motion carried 4-0. RESIDENCE HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION FOR THE ELDERLY ORDINANCE NO. 76-3 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR A RESIDENCE HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION FOR THE ELDERLY;- APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION, DETERMINATION OF TAX ASSESSOR -COLLECTOR, LIMITATIONS OF EXEMPTION AND DETERMINATIVE DATE FOR EXEMPTION; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 7. Improvements to water system: The City Administrator asked the Council's approval to purchase material for three other projects at the same time material for the east side water line is purchased. The total additional cost will be about $4,350. The Council gave its approval. 8. Other matters: a. The Mayor had asked the City Administrator to check with the State Highway Department concerning reworking the intersec- tion of Loop 138 and old U. S. Highway 77 to permit all types of turning movements. The City Administrator reported that the Highway Department could not justify the expanse at this time although they agreed there will be a probelm in the future, Meeting adjourned at 10:08 p®m. ATTESTS Minutess City Council Meeting April 19, 1976 Presents Mayor Cornell, Cooper, Hall, En1ow, McDaniel, Moore, elect Cole, Cole, Councilman -elect Coker, City Administrator •, • _ •; - • • - • yam. • • : Cole as Mayor, Mayor Cole presented plaques of appreciation to outgoing MayorCornell and outgoing Councilman 2. The minutes of the regular meeting of April 5, 1976 were read and approved with the exceptionthe date of •election changedwas _fromAprils absentee v• to end April• vice April capitalI tion. This lot is 50 x 140 and he requested a setback of 18 feet versus the required 25 feet, It was moved by Coker and seconded by Cooper to grant the variance, Motion carried 5�0. 4* Sanger Electric System • •. After several• tions by the Council to Lindon Carr and the City Administrator, it was moved by • and seconded by • to approve February capi Jtal improvements in the amount of $8,054,87, motion carried 5. Quit�claim request by Brougham Industries#* Mr. Ray Izzard from right�obetween Bolivar Streetand Pecan Streetand the east 110 feet of Elm Street • - • - • to them so they could - pand their plant. The City Administrator explained the quit� claim procedures • outlined the measurest^• to protect the runningsewer line down First Street,Brougham Industriesagreed to these stipulations, The Council directed the City Administrator to get the City Attorneyto draft all necessarydocuments • return to the Council at a laterdate for -review• •, Fire station project: The City Administrator asked for guidance • • • • - . • structure. The Council indicated they desired a complete • -d - Administrator • •• - -- _ 7* New tractor/loader#* The City Administrator outlined the need for a new tractor/loader stating it was a budgeted moved by I- and seconded by •• •- to advertise forbids. Motion carried f 8. Monthly budget report® The report was received by the Council. a. City services outside city: The Mayor stated the City needed garbage and sewer service outside the city limits, He stated • • garbage • • - rate