04/19/1976-CC-Minutes-RegularAPRIL 19, 1976 MINUTES VARIANCE REQUEST KEN CORNELL REQUIRED FRON YARD SETBACK LOT 12, BLOCK 7 BURGESS ADDITION. REQUESTED SETBACK OF 18 FEET VERSUS THE REQUIRED 25 FEET SANGER ELECTRIC SYSTEM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS QUICK CLAIM REQUEST BY BROUGHAM INDUSTRIES RAY IZZARD BROUGHAM INDUSTRIES FIRST STREET RIGHT OF WAY BETWEEN BOLIVAR AND PECAN STREETS, EAST 100 FEET OF ELM STREET FIRE STATION PROJECT NEW FIRE STATION NEW TRACTOR LOADER REVIEW POLICY AND RATE STRUCTURE WATER, GARBAGE AND SEWER SERVICE OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS outside the City as in ide. The Council directed the City Administrator to contat the City Attorney on setting a policy for future utility extensions outside the City and the rate structure outside the City. b. The Mayor stated that the Planning and Zoning Commissioners should have set terms of office and other guidelines con- cerning their organization. He directed the City Administra- tor to draft an ordinance for Council review setting out these guidelines. c. Southwestern Bell Telephone has agreed to pay the cost of providing electrical service to their new facility north of the City. The Council authorized Sanger Electric to proceed with the project. d. The City Administrator advised the Council that it was time to appoint a Board member to the Denton -Collin County Water and Sanitation District. The Council asked the Mayor to con- tact the present member Bill Gentle, to see if he was willing to serve two more years. e. The City Administrator advised the Council that the construc- tion plans have been completed for the wrap -around sewer line project and requested that he be authorized to advertise for bids. It was moved by Cooper and seconded by Enlow to grant that authorization. Motion carried 5-0. Meeting adjourned at 8:4 p.m. ATTEST: