04/29/1976-CC-Minutes-Emergencyoutside the City as in sde. Administrator to contat the for future utility extensions structure outside the City. + e Council directed the City ty Attorney on setting utside the City and the rate statedThe Playor - flanning and ZoningCommissioners should have set terms of office and other guidelines con0*P cerning their organization,directed the City Administr tor to draft an ordinance for Council review setting out these guidelines, Southwestern Bell Telephone- • to pay the costof • • • - • - orth of with the the City. The Council authorized Sanger Electric to procee • The City Administrator• -• the Council to appoint a Board member to the DentoollinCounty and Sanitation District. The Council asked the Mayor to conow tact the present memberto sif he was willing ee • serve two more years, I tion plans have been • t• - - for - • project and requested that he be authorized to advertise fo bids. It was moved by Cooper and seconded by Enlow to gran that authorization,+ -• ATTEST® Minutes® Emergency City Council Meeting April 29, 1976 Presentee Mayor Cole, Cooper, Enlow, Coker, McDaniel, Moore, City Administrator, Bruce Anthony 1® Canvass of votes: The Mayor had council members Moore, Coker, McDaniel and Cooper canvass the returns of the runoff election 5 held April 27-, 1976. The canvass showed the following results: Bruce Anthony - 106 w. L. °°Bill°' Enlow - 106 Phe candidates stated their desire to hold an �Otion carried i Meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m. ATTEST: