05/17/1976-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutes: City Council Meeting May 3, 1976 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Enlow, Coker, McDaniel, Moore, City Administrator L. The minutes of the regular meeting of April 19, 1976 and the emergency meeting of April 29, 1976 were read and approved. the revenue bond interest and sinking fund due to the recent sale of bonds. He also reviewed the material cost for the water system projects, •, - the City Administrator to check agreement the City has with J. W. Bucklew concerning pro imbursement.• -s by • -r and seconded by ••- to approve May disbursements with the exception of the J. W. Bucklew invoice in the amount of $26,756,11, motion carried presented a proposed ordinance uidelines and terms of • • - ' sZoningCommission,- - • by Coker s seconded by s to approve the ordinance, • • carried 5�0, l i •.! •• Trv1ILPz9 • i •, DUTIES AND ' , • QUORUM DISQUALIFICATION FROM DATE,TOTING; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE, AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE directed procure • estimates f• AttorneyStatus of various projects** The ity Administrator reported that the City - the legality of annexationutility rates outside the City and the proposed policy of not extending any more utility services outside the City without an -• - also reported that the City Attorney preparing all necessary legal documents for the quit claim to Brougham Industries, 6. Other matters&o The City Administrator advised the Council that he Meeting adj Mourned at 7:44 p.m. ATTEST: Minutes: City Council May 17, 1976 Meeting Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Enlow, Coker, McDaniel, Moore, City Administrator L. The minutes of the regular meeting of May 3, 1976 were read and approved. 2, Sanger Electric System capital improvements: Lindon Carr reviewed each item on the capital improvements invoice, The Council asked numerous questions concerning many of the items and principally the labor charges, It was moved by Coker and seconded by McDaniel to approve Sanger Electric System March capital improvements in the amount of $5,543.08. Motion carried 5-0, 3, Planned use for revenue sharings The City Administrator stated that the City will receive $4,290 from revenue sharing through December 31, 1976, He recommended that this money be utilized for a new police car to be purchased sometime in 1977, It was moved by Enlow and seconded by Moore to approve that recommend- ation. Motion carried 5-0, 4, City Health Officer: The City Administrator explained that Dr. Chapman's term as Health Officer will expire June 3, 1976, It was moved by Cooper and seconded by McDaniel to appoint Dr, Clyde Chapman as City Health Officer for an additional two-year term, Motion carried 5-0, 5, Solid waste trial run: ^the City Administrator reviewed the proposed trial run of the small cities regional collection sys- tem to be conducted in Sanger on June 149 1976, He stated that plastic bags and publicity will cost about $180, It was moved by Cooper and seconded by Enlow to participate in the trial run. Motion carried 4-0 with one abstention, 6, Pro/rata payment to J, W, Bucklews The City Administrator stated his research indicated that the City owed Mr. Bucklew the $300, and he did not know if that would be the final payment under the agreement to pay for fifteen houses, The Council tabled payment of the bill until proof could be obtained on how many payments remained. 7, Monthly budget report: Received by the Council, 8. Tractor/loader bids: The City Administrator reviewed the bids received and stated Trinity Equipment was low bidder for a John Deere model 301-A with a bid of $5,354.63. He recommended the bid be awarded to them. After discussing that matter, the Council tabled the item until the City Administrator could check on a used farm tractor that might be on the market and the type of tires to go on the tractor that was bid, 9. Fire stations The City Administrator stated he had gotten a cost estimate and rough specifications for a finished metal building from a local contractor which was close to the City's budget for the project. He recommended the bids be rejected for the precast shell and plans and specifications be drawn up for a finished metal building, The Council directed the City Administrator to have plans and specifications drawn up with an engineer's seal. 10. Other matters a, Mr. Vern Hammett asked the Council to jointly research the possibility of a new city park with the School Board to be located at the new high school site. This park would con- tain a municipal pool, tennis courts, and baseball diamonds as a minimum, The Mayor stated the City has been researching the proposal for about a month and the School Board has been contacted, It would require a bond election and the City would make its plans public when they are more concrete, b. Coker stated that Frank Smith has been contacting him concerning sewer service for the area west of the city that might be annexed. He stated he was not aware of the Council's policy about utility extensions and asked some of the other Council members to contact Mr, Smith, C. The Mayor stated the City had sent a telegram to the Texas Public Utility Commission. opposing their proposed rules. d. The City Administrator relayed to the Council that bids for the wrap -around sewer line were to be opened at 10:00 a.m. on May 24th. He stated it will then be necessary to hold a special Council meeting May 25th in order to award the bid. Lone advising the City of a proposed gate rate increase by Star Gas before the Texas Railroad Commission, invitedwas to jointhe Texas Utility AdvisoryCouncil fighting the proposed increase at a cost of alDout 30 per gas meter.• -• by oop and seconded by • to join.• • -•McDaniel having left. f. Personnel: The Mayor shored the Council a letter he had re- ceived concerning the alleged illegality of Bill Carter being' Police Chief and Constable at the same time. After a lengthy discussion of the alternatives available, it was decided to table action on the matter until the special meeting May 25th until the City Administrator could research the alternatives, Meeting adjourned at 9®55 P.m• ATTEST: I"Iinutes: Special City Council Meeting May 259 1976 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Enlow, Coker, McDaniel, Moore, City Administrator, City Engineer 1. Canvass returns of May 22, 1976 runoff election: The Mayor had council members Moore, Coker, Cooper, and McDaniel canvass the returns of the runoff election, The canvass showed the following results: W. L. "Bill" Enlovr — 185 Bruce Anthony - 180 It was moved by McDaniel and seconded by Cooper to accept the results and declare Enlow elected. Motion carri red 4-0 with Enlow abstaining. Enlow was then sworn in, for sewer wrapawaround** City Engineer Bob Shawn presented • dd a • • i 0 He stated the total- for project was now• • $• 00,' lass than the original estimate, Mr. Shawn recommended the contract be awardef to E. L. Dalton & Company. It was moved by Moore and seconded by Cooper to accept the recommendation. Motion carried 5s=0. There followed a discussion of a estimate of $9,160 to • • • - to the residents just outside the city limits on Berry St. No action was taken on 3. -Bids for new tractor/loader: The City Administrator presented the bids again and presented the results of his research on the questions raised at the Last meeting. He recommended the bid be awarded to Trinity Equipemnt Company in the amount of $5a354.63. It was moved by Coker and seconded by McDaniel to accept the recommendation subject to Trinity Equipemtn honoring a one-year warranty at no cost to the City. Motion carried 5-0. 4. Personnel: The City Administrator stated he had checked with the