06/07/1976-CC-Minutes-Regular�_ r • County Judge concerning tI� alleged conflict between Bill Garter holding the post of Cheif of Police and Constable at the same time. The Councty Judge stated he sadv no problem with the arrangement as long as the City was satisfied, but the City Administrator recommended that Garter be changed to Constable anyway. The Council accepted the recommendation. Meeting adjourned at 8s02 p.m. Mayor ATTEST Minutes City Council IVleeting June 7, 197� Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Enlow, Coker, McDaniel, Moore, Gity Administrator 1. The minutes of the regular meeting of May l7, 1g76 and the special meeting of May 2j, 197b were read and approved. 2. Mayor Pro -Tams Henry Cooper was nominated by Enlow with McDaniel seconding. Cooper was elected unanimously. 3. Monthly disbursements After several questions to the City Ad- ministrator, it was moved by Cooper and seconded by Moore to approve June disbursements in the amount of �13,201.11. Motion carried 5-0. �. Joint landfills The -Mayor summarized a letter received from the Gity of Denton asking the area small cities to indicate their interest in participating in a joint landfill project. The City Administrator presented cost estimates for various options open to the City. The Mayor recommended Sanger indicate its desire to join Denton and recommended Sanger leave its landfill open two days per week for public use after Denton°s landfill is put into operation. Af ter several questions by the Council, it was moved by Coker and seconded by McDaniel that the following reso- lution be passed® RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City of Sanger, Texas presently owns and operates its own sanitary landfill, and WHEREAS., the City of Denton, Texas presently owns and operates its own sanitary landfill, and WHEREAS, said sanitary landfills will be full in approximately eighteen months: and WHEREAS, it is imperative that both municipalities begin planning for additional space as soon as possible, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA`NGER, TEXASs THAT it is in the best interest of the Gity of Sanger to co- operate with the pity of Denton in seeking a compatible joint land- fill site; and THAT the City of Sanger will enter into a mutually agreeable contract to assume its proportionate share of the capital and oper- ating expenses involved in the joint landf ill. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas this the 7th day of June, 1g76. Motion carried 5-0. 5. Five-year capital improvement program: The Mayor and City Administrator presented a list of possible capital improvement projects for the next five years. The City Administrator ex- plained the need for the program and the steps involved in adopting one. He asked the Council to begin thinking about pro- ject priorities. Coker requested a study session be held to discuss this and other city matters. A study session was called for June-26, 1976 at 12 noon in City Hall. 6, Other matters: a. Coker asked the status of several items the City Attorney was to be working on. The City Administrator stated the Brougham quitclaim was still pending and he had received an answer on the utility questions outside the city limits. Coker also asked the status of the fire station project. He stated his desire to proceed as quickly as possible and the remainder of the Council concurred. The discussion ended with Cooper asking Thomas Moore to prepare and recommend a set of plans and specifications. b. The City Administrator advised the Council that he was going to Austin June llth for a Public Utility Commission hearing on Sanger's utilities. c. The first meeting in July was changed to Tuesday, July 6, 1976 because of the July 4th holiday weekend. • e. The City Administrator advised the Council that Merwyn Tucker wished to quit as electrical inspector because he was too busy. The Council gave hime some names of individuals to ask if they were interested in taking the job. Meeting adjourned at 8:52 p.m. Mayor AlTTEST: '!,Znutes: Cit;� Council 1�'Ieeting June 21, 1976 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Enlow, McDaniel, TZoore, Coker, Stover 1. The minutes of the regular meeting of June 7, 1976 were approved. 2. Sanger Electric System capital improvements: The Council asked numerous questions concerning many of the items, especially Nos. 19 49 and 8 on the statement. Iindon Carr review and answered questions regarding these items. It was requested by the Council that we try and find out what other power companies. charge for drop service installation and retirement. Motion was made by Coker that the statement be paid. It was seconded by Cooper and voted unanimous. 3. The Utility Band Construction fund invoices were discussed briefly and Cooper made a motion to pay half. Motion died for lack of a second. Bill Enlow made a motion the fees be tabled, Cooper seconded. Votes for were Moore, Enlow, Cooper and McDaniel with Coker abstaining.