05/25/1976-CC-Minutes-Speciald, The City Administrator relayed to the Council that bids . for the wrap -around sewer line were to be opened at 10:00 a.m. on May 24th, He stated it will then be necessary to hold a special Council meeting May 25th in order to award the bid, - - - •U advising the City of • o gate rate increase by Lone Star Gas • o -Railroad Commission, o TheCity I Itwas invi-. • • •. Txas Utility- A. d • o1 in fighting the proposed increase at a cost of about 30 per gas meter. It was • -• by •s s- and seconded by • - to join.• • • 4�0, Mrs. McDaniel having left. f. Personnel: The Mayor showed the Council a letter he hacre- ceived concerning the alleged illegality of Bill Carter being' Police Chief and Constable at the same time. After a lengthy discussion of the alternatives available, it was decided to table action on the matter until the special meeting May 25th until the City Administrator could research the alternatives, P4�eeting adjourned at 9 ®55 P• m• ATTEST: Minutes: Special City Council Meeting May 259 1976 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Enlow, Coker, McDaniel, Moore, City Administrator, City Engineer 1. Canvass returns of May 22, 1976 runoff election: The Mayor had cour_cil members Moore, Coker, Cooper, and McDaniel canvass the returns of the runoff election. The canvass showed the following results: W . L. "Bill" Enlow - 185 Bruce Anthony - 180 It was moved by McDaniel and seconded by Cooper to accept the results and declare Enlow elected. Motion carried 4-0 with Enlow abstaining, Enlow was then sworn in. for sewer wrap�aroundo* City Engineer Bob Shawn presented Vilightel73 •71 V Losimpuny VmL JFU•- - •, bidder at $156,638,20, He stated the total estimate for the project was now $192,365,o8 which is about $6,000 lass than the a I Mr Shawn recommended the contract be awardei original estimate. a to E. L. Dalton & Company. It was moved by Moore and seconded by •• e to accept the recommendation.Motion carriedThere • e • of • estimate of $9,160 to •: • to the residents just outside limits on Berry St. No action was takenon 3. -Bids for new tractor/loader: The City Administrator presented the bids again and presented the results of his research on the questions raised at the last meeting, He recommended the bid be awarded to Trinity Equipemnt Company in the amount of $59354.63. It was moved by Coker and seconded by McDaniel to accept the recommendation subject to Trinity Equipemtn honoring a one-year warranty at no cost to the City. Motion carried 5-0. County Judge concerning tTq-c alleged conflict between Bill Carter holding the post of Cheif of Police and Constable at the same time. The Councty Judge stated he satin no problem with the arrangement as long as the City was satisfied, but the City Administrator recommended that Carter be changed to Constable anyway. The Council accepted the recommendation. Meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m. ATTEST: Minutes City Council Meeting June 7, 1976 Presents Mayor Cole, Cooper, Enlow, Coker, McDaniel, Moore, City Administrator L. The minutes of the regular meeting of May 17, 1976 and the special meeting of May 25, 1976 were read and approved. 2. Mayor Pro -Tema Henry Cooper was nominated by Enlow with McDaniel seconding. Cooper was elected unanimously. 3. Monthly disbursements After several questions to the City Ad- ministrator, it was moved by Cooper and seconded by Moore to approve June disbursements in the amount of $13,201.11. Motion carried 5-0. 4. Joint landfills The Mayor summarized a letter received from the City of Denton asking the area small cities to indicate their interest in participating in a joint landfill project. The City Administrator presented cost estimates for various options open to the City. The Mayor recommended Sanger indicate its desire to join Denton and recommended Sanger leave its landfill open two days per week for public use after Denton's landfill is put into operation. After several questions by the Council, it was moved by Coker and seconded by McDaniel that the following reso- lution be passed: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City of Sanger, Texas presently owns and operates its own sanitary landfill, and WHEREAS., the City of Denton, Texas presently owns and operates its own san-nary landfill; and WHEREAS, said sanitary landfills will be full in approximately eighteen months; and WHEREAS, it is imperative that both municipalities begin planning for additional space as soon as possible, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIv'GER, TEXAS s THAT it is in the best interest of the City of Sanger to co- operate with the City of Denton in seeking a compatible joint land- fill site; and THAT the City of Sanger will enter into a mutually agreeable contract to assume its proportionate share of the capital and oper- ating expenses involved in the joint landfill. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas this the 7th day of June, 1976.