06/21/1976-CC-Minutes-RegularMotion carried 5-0, . Five-year capital improvement program® The Mayor and City Administrator presented a list of possible capital improvement projects for the next five years. The City Administrator ex- plained the need for the program and the steps involved in adopting one. He asked the Council to begin thinking about pro- ject priorities, Coker requested a study session be held to discuss this and other city matters. A study session was called for June-26, 1976 at 12 noon in City Hall. 6% Other matters® a. Coker asked the status of several items the City Attorney was to be working on. The City Administrator stated the Brougham quitclaim was still pending and he had received an answer on the utility questions outside the city limits. Coker also asked the status of the fire station project, He stated his desire to proceed as quickly as possible and the remainder of the Council concurred. The discussion ended with Cooper asking Thomas Moore to prepare and recommend a set of plans and specifications, b, The City Administrator advised the Council that he was going to Austin June llth for a Public Utility Commission hearing on Sanger's utilities, c. The first meeting in July was changed to Tuesday, July 6, 1976 because of the July 4th holiday weekend, e. The City Administrator advised the Council that Merwyn Tucker wished to quit as electrical inspector because he was too busy. The Council gave hime some names of individuals to ask if they were interested in taking the job. Meeting adjourned at 8s52 p•m. 91� Mayor ATTEST: Minutes City Council Meeting June 21, 1976 Presents Mayor Cole, Cooper, Enlow, McDaniel, 1�Ioare, Co'_�er, Stover L. The minutes of the regular meeting of June 7, 1976 were approved. 2. Sanger Electric System capital improvements The Council asked numerous questions concerning many of the items, especially Nos, 1, 4, and 8 on the statement, I,indon Carr review and answered questions regarding these items® It was requested by the Council that we try and find out what other power companies charge for drop service installation and retirement, Motion was made by Coker that the statement be paid. It was seconded by Cooper and voted unanimous. 3. The Utility Bond Construction fund invoices were discussed briefly and Cooper made a motion to pay half. Motion died for lack of a second, Bill Enlow made a motion the fees be tabled, Cooper seconded. Votes for were Moore, Enlow, Cooper and McDaniel with Coker abstaining, Members of the Sanger Sbho'ol Board met with the Council to dis- cuss the possibility for a joint City/School District Park. School Board President, Jimmy Frazier said the school would donate eight acres of land to the City for the joint project. The Mayor explained to the school officials that the City would have to own the land in order to get financing from Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. The Mayor explained the easements and location of the proposed parka He suggested that we use a Brazos engineer to assist in the planning (this would be a free service) and would also rPaintain good personal relations, It was further noted that City Engineer, Bob Shawn of Hurter Associates would be glad to help the City with the }park pro- ject in case of a delay. John Coker brought out before the Council that he had talked with Robin Armstrong and she had been involved with getting a park grant for the City of Rosen- berg and was very capable in this area. Council agreed that the City attain her assistance, It was further agreed that she be paid a fee for her assistance, After final discussion of the park project, a mlotion was made by Cooper to accept a resolution authorizing the City of Sanger, Texas to request assit sance in Basic Site Planning for a Joint City/School District Park. Motion was seconded by Coker. Voted unanimous, �, The Council was asked for items and questior_s they wished to be placed on the Agenda for the study session on June 26, ly7of Items are as follows: a. Building Inspector b. Capital Improvements - (Converting from 110 service to 220) c, Variance d. Insurance; Hospitalization e, Retirement Program f. Pay Raises g. Bill Carter 6, onthly budget report: 7. Bruce Anthony met with with a 25 ft. setback division. Coker made seconded, Unanimous, 8, Other matters: Received by the Council. the Council requesting a o ft. variance on Lot 10, Block_ 1, Sanger South Sub - motion to grant the variance and McDaniel a. The Council unanimously agreed to tell Bill Carter he should take his vacation time plus the 10 days of paid sick time effective immediately, Carter came in and was advised of the Council's decision. It was agreed to hire someone to replace him during the day until he recuperates. b. John Coker requested that Ed write a letter to the State Highway department regarding drainage at Fiji in55 and jth St. c. Ralph mentioned that Michael Z. Watkins with the Brazos System brought in an easement for the Broughar.� Zine. It was suggested by the Mayor that John L, Sullivan look over the easement and verify the legal description. It was further suggested by the Mayor that the Council would need to do away with the first easement before granting the second easement. It was further stated that Brougham was paying for the removal of the service line. d. John Coker brought up the question regarding Cher terms of the Planning and Zoning Commission, The mayor advised him that the terms would expire June 30th and that the Council would wait until then to decide, Thomas Moore moved the meeting adjourned. Coker seconded, Unanimous. i��eeting adjourned 9:1.� p. m. f r _�z u 9L Mayory ATTEST: Minutes City Council Study Session June 26, 1976 Presents Mayor Cole, Cooper, Enlow, Coker, McDaniel, Moore, City Administrator 1. Five-year capital improvement programs The City Administrator presented the list of projects under consideration and summarized each one. He asked the Council if there were any projects they wished to add. He then asked the Council to assign priorities breaking them down as to being urgent, needed, or desirable. Although not all members agreed, the following list represents the priorities tentatively assigned the projects: (a) Urgent - Conduct sewer infiltration study and correct deficiencies. (b) Needed - Electrical system improvements; construct 250,000 gallon elevated storage tank; construct 10" water line from elevated tank; replace miscellaneous sections on 2'" water line with 6" water line, develop new city park, purchase new fire truck to replace 1948 Chevrolet; street assessment paving pro- gram, drainage improvements. (c) Desirable - Construct sewer lines from 3th & Wayne to treatment plant, construct sewer line from Sanger South to new - southside lift station, install flow recorder at sewage treatment plant. The City Administrator stated he would get cost estimates for these projects and have Dan Almon work up a financial plan for any needed bond issues. 2. Proposed fiscal year 76-77 budgets The City Administrator pre- sented a summary of the proposed fiscal year 76-77 budget. He outlined in more detail a proposed equipment replacement fund to amortize the replacement cost of all city vehicles. The Council concurred with this program. He also went into detail on possible pay raises and fringe benefits programs for the employees. He summarized a longevity pay plan and a retirement system, and Coker explained a:proposed health insurance program. The Council dis- cussed the costs associated with each program. The Council de- ferred action on this and other items in the budget for further study, and directed the City Administrator to place this item on the agenda for the July 19, 1976 regular Council meeting. 3. Sanger Electric System® Discussion of this item was deferred until another study session. �. Council policy on variance® The Council discussed setting a policy of allowing only one variance to each builddr in Sanger unless that variance is requested prior to any construction. The City Administrator was directed to write a letter to all the builders explaining this policy. The Council also asked the City Administrator to prepare a book outlining all the policies the Council has set in the past® 5. Planning and Zoning Commissions The City Administrator stated that June 30th was the date for P & Z Commission appointments and there was currently one vacancy on the Commission formerly occu- pied by the Mayor. After discussin various methods for initiating the recently passed P & Z Ordinance and appointing new members, the Council decided to let all terms expire on June 30th and to