07/06/1979-CC-Minutes-Regular0 r consider seven appointments at the next regular Council meeting July 6, 1976. 6. The proposed fire station was discussed briefly and the City Ad- ministrator was directed to place it on the July 6th regular meeting agenda. 7. Councilman Coker brought up the subject of the City Attorney stating that sometime in the future he would bring up the possibi- lity of changing attorneys. Coker had previously requested the City Administrator to present him a written summary of the ser- vices the City Attorney had provided over the past year. The I.11ayor read the results of that assessment stating 'hat the main problem is contacting the Attorney and getting him to.respond in a timely manner. 8. The Council decided to have another study session in August. Items to discuss at that time will be proposed building and plumbing codes and the Sanger Electric System discussion deferred from this meeting. PEleeting adjourned at 2:�5 p.m. Priayor ATTEST: Pv"mutes ® City Council PIeeting July 6, 1976 Present: Mayor Core, Cooper, Enlow, Coker, P�cDaniel, P�Ioore, City P�Ianager 1. The minutes of the regular meeting of June 21, 1976 and the study session of June 26, 1976 were approved. 2. Disbursements® After questions concerning various items, it was moved by Enlow ar_d seconded b;T Cooper to approve July disburse- ments in the amount of $12,563.34. Motion carried 5-0. 3® Utility Bond Construction Fund invoices: The City PiIanager stated that the invoices under consideration covered all engineering and financial services with the exception of about $6,000 more for surveying. it was moved by Coker and seconded by Moore to pay these invoices in the amount of $27,601.31. Motion carried 5-0. 4 . Planning and Zoning Commission appointments: Coker and Cooper presented a list of eight names for consideration. The discussion centered around how many new members of appoint. The Iviayor stated for continuity he felt seven new members should not be appointed. After checking with the prospective appointees as to their will- ingness to serve, it was moved by Coker and seconded by Cooper to appoint the_follcwing people: Alvin Brown, Jack Armstrong, Cecil Snellgrove, John Cundiff, Norman Cook, Willard Bounds and Carl Ray Higgs. Motion carried 5-0. The City Manager stated he would call a meeting of the Commission in July for the purpose of drawing for places and electing a Chairman. 5. City Manager Ordinance: The Mayor stated that he was not in favor of passing the proposed ordinance as there were certain powers granted he felt gave the City Planager too much autonomy and, in effect, changed the form of government. Several members of the Council agreed. The Mayor stated an ordinance was not needed and recommended officially creating the position of City Aw P tayo ATTEST: -- Minutes: City Council Study Session June 26, 1976 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Enlow, Coker, McDaniel, Moore, City Administrator 1. Five-year capital improvement program: The City Administrator presented the list of projects under consideration and summarized each one. He asked the Council if there were any projects they wished to add. He then asked the Council to assign priorities breaking them down as to being urgent, needed, or desirable. Although not all members agreed, the following list represents the priorities tentatively assigned the projects: (a) Urgent - Conduct sewer infiltration study and correct deficienci es. (b) Needed - Electrical system improvements; construct 250,000 gallon elevated storage tank; construct 10 water line from elevated tank; replace miscellaneous sections on 2w water line with 6" water line; develop new city park; purchase new fire truck to replace 1948 Chevrolet; street assessment paving pro- gram; drainage improvements. (c) Desirable - Construct sewer lines from 5th & Wayne to treatment plant;* construct sewer line from Sanger South to new southside lift station; install flow recorder at sewage treatment plant. The City Administrator stated he would get cost estimates for these projects and have Dan Almon work u10 a financial plan for any needed bond issues. 2. Proposed fiscal year 76-77 budget: The City Administrator pre- sented a summary of the proposed fiscal year 76-77 budget. He outlined in more detail a proposed equipment replacement fund to amortize the replacement cost of all city vehicles. The Council concurred with this program. He also went into detail on possible pay raises and fringe benefits programs for the employees. He summarized a longevity pay plan and a retirement system, and Coker explained a.proposed health insurance program. The Council dis- cussed the costs associated with each program. The Council de- ferred action on this and other items in the budget for further study, and directed the City Administrator to place this item on the agenda for the July 19, 1976 regular Council meeting. 3. Sanger Electric System: Discussion of this item was deferred until anotn.er study session. �. Council policy on variance: The Council discussed setting a policy of allowing only one variance to each builder in Sanger unless that variance is requested prior to any construction. The City Administrator was directed to write a letter to all the builders explaining this policy. The Council also asked the City Administrator to prepare a book outlining all the policies the Council has set in the past. 5 ® Planning and Zoning Commission: The City Administrator stated that June 30th was the date for P & Z Commission appointments and there was currently one vacancy on the Commission formerly occu- pied by the Mayor. After discussin various methods for initiating the recently passed P & Z Ordinance and appointing new members, the Council decided to let all terms expire on June 30th and to I��Ianager without an ordinance, It was moved by Coker and se- conded by Cooper to create the title of City Manager and appoint Ed Moore to that position. Motion carried 4-0 with Moore ab- staining. it was moved by Coker and seconded by Cooper to appoint Mary Jo Stover as City Secretary, Motion carried 5-0, Joint landfill resolution® The City tanager stated the purpose of the resolution requesting Denton County to finance the proposed project. The Council still did not want to fully commit the City to any project without seeing the contracts first. The City Manager assured them that this resolution did not commit the City, It zf,Tas moved by McDaniel and seconded by Enlow to pass the follow- ing resolution® RESOLUTION ��1HEREAS, the City of Sanger, a Denton County City, has an inter- est in cooperating with other Cities in developing a regional sani- tary landfill for joint use, and �dHEREAS, the City of Sanger,, deems it appropriate for the County of Denton to construct and develop such sanitary landfill, requests that the Commissioner Court of Denton County issue the necessary Revenue Bonds to purchase and develop said sanitary landfill site, and �'1HEREAS, the City of Sanger, agrees to execute a mutuall�r agree- able contract with the County of Denton to guarantee annual payments in the amount required to retire the principal and interest on the bonded indebtedness in proportion to the percentage of the site used by the City of Sanger, and W HEREAS, the City of Denton. will agree that it will sign a con- tract to operate the proposed sanitary landfill in accordance with all ordinances, state statutes, and rules and regulations promulgated by the Texas Department of Health Resources, and WHEREAS, the City of Sanger, is agreeable and desires for the County of Denton to construct a regional sanitary landfill and for the City of Denton to operate same, N0W1 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Ole THE CITY CF BANGER, TE�ASa That the City should be directed to negotiate ars agreement with the County of Denton to guarantee payment of a proportion of the cost of a regional sanitary landfill, and bring such agreement to the Council for approval, and that the County should be encouraged to be the sponsor of the regional landfill and to fund same® PASSED and APPROVED this the 6th day of July, A. D. 1976® ly�otion carried j-0, 7, Resolutions joining Association fo North Texas Cities® Consider- ation of this item TAT tabled® 8. Proposed fire station® Consideration of this item was tabled pending further study by Moore and the City Manager, The City Manager was directed to put this item on the next Council agenda, 9, Other Matterses a. The Council was notified that Jack Armstrong had resigned as one of Sanger's representatives on the Board of Directors of the Collin -Denton County �Tater & Sanitation District, b. Coker asked if the City Attorney had turned in the legal documents for the Brougham quitclaim request, The City Manager stated he had been in the hospital and had not done so. c. Nith the resignation o it was moved by Cooper Bennett as electrical Meeting adjourned at 8.38 Pam* ATTEST: f Merwyn Tucker as wlectrical inspector, and seconded by Enlow to appoint Guy inspector, Motion carried -0 yor Minutes; City Council Meeting July 19, 1976 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Enlow, Coker, McDaniel, Moore, City Manager 1. The minutes of the regular meeting of July 6, 1976 were read and and approved. 2. Sanger Electric System capital improvements: There were several questions to Lindon Carr concerning the invoice, general electric system operations, accounting procedures, and fuel adjustment. The Mayor suggested the Council have a briefing session on these matters. It was moved by Moore and seconded by Cooper to approve May capital improvements in the amount of $1,272.35. Motion carried 5-0. 3. Utility bond construction fund invoice; The first construction invoice for the sewer wrap -around line was received from E. L. Dalton, Bob Shawn, City Engineer, and the City Manager re- commended payment. It was moved by Coker and seconded by McDaniel to approve the invoice in the amount of $3,060, Motion carried 5-0. �}.. Resolution: The City Manager stated a resolution needed passage in order to have a permit to construct the water line under the A.T. & S.F. Railway line. It was moved by Cooper and seconded by Coker to approve the required resolution. Motion carried 5-0. 5. Fiscal year 1976-77 operating budget: The City Manager briefed the Council on several changes he had made in the budget figures that had been discussed previously. These changes were primarily due to updated revenue and expenditures estimates. The Mayor suggested the Council table discussion of the budget pending fur- ther study of the changes made. The City Manager was directed to place this item on the agenda for the next meeting. 6. Authorization to advertise bids for new sanitation truck: The City Manager reviewed the reasons for needing a new truck and stated it was a budgeted item and sufficient funds were available. The possible initiation of containers for commercial establishments was discussed, and the City Manager was directed to include a container loading mechanism on the new truck. The Mayor brought up an offer from the Tripletts+ Collection Service of McKinney to contact for garbage collection with an esculator clause in- cluded. A discussion followed concerning public versus private garbage collection. It was the general feeling of the Council that public collection was best. It was moved by Coker and seconded by McDaniel to advertise bids for a new 20 cubic yard rear loading sanitation truck. Motion carried 5-0. 7. Fire station: Councilman Moore stated he had some rough drawings of a proposed fire station. The Council liked the proposed design