08/02/1976-CC-Minutes-RegularCouncilUinutes: City -- Presentm Mayor vole_, Cooperp Enlow, Uoker, McDaniel® Moore, Gity Manager® L. Minutes® The minutes of the regular meeting July 19, 1976 were approved as printed, to approve August disbursements in the amount f $llt555o79* Motion carried 3v FHA rural rental housing program: Mr. Stanley Brown, an archi� tect in Dallas, made a presentation to the Council on the Farmers Home Administrator's rural rental housing program. He stated this was • i - t • duplexes, • - • • • Localf Authority to own and operate the project, The loan would be for 102% bearing 1% interest per annum. The City must •• needsand probably the city could support no more than 24 units, Mr. Jessb.-Coffey was present and stated he has a HUD 236 apartment project in Denton and the class of people in the complex are not welfare recipients." 40 Preliminary budgetow The discussion centered -around salary in� creases • fringe benefits. • of the variousprograms programwere discussed, and the City Manager recommended a hea�lth in� surance • employees • dependents and •_ crease, It was e • , -• by • - • • • - health insurance to employees an• dependents at an annual costof •• ',i A0 per year. motion carried t with Cokerand McDaniel voting for and Cooper, Enlow and Moore abstaining. There was a dis� cussion on the vote, and the Mayor stated the vote could be re� • •- -•motion_s- • • • statedEnlow moved to reconsider the vote which means the vote can be brought up at any subsequent meeting, Coker wanted the vote to be reconsidered at the next meeting, This meant the budget must be held in abeyance until this issue was resolved. The Coundil directed the City Manager to eliminate the pay increases he had proposed in the budget. The Mayor asked if there were any other questions or comments on the proposed budget. There were none. The City Manager there may - to be a special to hold the budget hearing and pass.theneeded ordinances prior o September 5. Proposed fire station: Moore statedhe had one cost estimate ications. The Mayor-• he would contact a contractorknows of in Gainesville and to put this item on the next agenda._ 6. Accounting firms for annual audit** It was moved by McDaniel and seconded by •o•e to accept• im-; •_ • • retain Smith, Bainesand Solana.• • -• 7* Attorney for proposed tax suits: The City Manager stated he had he would contact the City Attorneyto see if he was interested in handlingand if not,to contact Shelton,Gary aStatus of proposed •ark: The Mayor read a letter•tt the Sanger supportLittle League stating their • project, Manager summarized the status of the project giving anestimated cost of $310,000 and a completion date of Spring, 1978, He stated the grant prospects looked good# but the electric transmission line i have to be moved, The discussion then centered on the site next to the new high school• - was some reservations among the Council concerning possible use conflicts school. The City Manager- • an operating agr- - i Mayorwould have to be worked out prior to the grant application, The City Manager stated that the joint city/school project would be less expensiveian'd4woald—raceive more favorable consideration for the grant. The • •, each • t- i•- opinion on the proposed site next to the school. Cooper was in favor, Enlow was hesitant pending a satisfactory operating agreement, Coker, McDaniel and Moore were opposed to the site. All Council members reiterated that they were in favor of the park project, however. The City Manager was instructed to look at other sites and place this item on the next agenda, 9. Other Matters: a. The City Manager requested and was given approval to used Blue Book values in assessing automobile personal property taxes, Meeting adjourned at 9:3o p.m. r ATTEST Minutes: City Council Meeting August 169 1976 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Enlow, Coker, McDaniel, Moore, City Manager, City Attorney, Tax Assessor Collector. 1. Minutes: The minutes of the regular meeting of August 2, 1976 were approved as printed. 2, Sanger Electric System Capital Improvements: It was -moved by Cooper and seconded by McDaniel that Sanger Electric System June capital improvements be approved in the amount of $1,114.92. Motion carried 5-0, 3. Sewer line construction invoice: The Council had several questions concerning the contract deadline and voiced concern about the con- tractor leaving open ditches and messy work areas. The City Manager said he would instruct the contractor accordingly. It was moved by Moore and seconded by Cooper to -approve the invoice in the amount of $56,759,13, Motion carried 5-0. 4. Public hearing on the budget: There were no citizens present for the hearing. .The City Manager reviewed the budget as presented and the Council had several questions, The discussion was then closed pending consideration of the ordinances in the following agenda items. 5. Tax levy ordinance: After the ordinance was explained by the City Manager, it was moved by Coker and seconded by McDaniel to approve the following ordinance: ORDINANCE N0, 76-5 Aid ORDINANCE LEVING TAXES FOR THE USE AND SUPPORT OF .THE MUNICIPAL GOVERIVMENT OF THE CITY OF SANGER AND PROVIDING FOR THE INTEREST -AND SINKING FUND FOR TI-� YEAR �.g76 AND APPORTIONING EACH LEVY FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE. Motion carried 5-0. 6. Ordinance fixing time and manner for paying ad valorem taxes: It was moved by McDaniel and seconded by Coker to approve the following ordinance: