07/19/1976-CC-Minutes-Regularc, Vlith the resignation o it was moved by Cooper Sennett as electrical Teeting adjourned at 8e38 p.m. ATTESTa Minutes: Present: and City Council Meeting July 19, 1976 i Merwyn Tucker as wiectrical inspector, and seconded by Enow to appoint Guy inspector® Motion carried 5-0. yor Mayor Cole, Cooper, Enlow, Coker, McDaniel, Moore, City Manager minutes of the regular meeting of July 6, 1976 were read and approved. 2. Sanger Electric System capital improvements: There were several questions to Lindon Carr concerning the invoice, general electric system operations, accounting procedures, and fuel adjustment. The Mayor suggested the Council have a briefing session on these matters. It was moved by Moore and seconded by Cooper to approve May capital improvements in the amount of $1,272.35. Motion carried 5-0. 3. Utility bond construction fund invoice: The first construction invoice for the sewer wrap -around line was received from E. L. Dalton, Bob Shawn, City Engineer, and the City Manager re- commended payment. It was moved by Coker and seconded by McDaniel to approve the invoice in the amount of $3,060. Motion carried 5-0. L�. Resolution: The City Manager stated a resolution needed passage in order to have a permit to construct the water line under the A.T. & S.F. Railway line. It was moved by Cooper and seconded by Coker to approve the required resolution. Motion carried 5-0. 5. Fiscal year 1976-77 operating budget: The City Manager briefed the Council on several changes he had made in the budget figures that had been discussed previously. These changes were primarily due to updated revenue and expenditures estimates. The Mayor suggested the Council table discussion of the budget pending fur- ther study of the changes made. The City Manager was directed to place this item on the agenda for the next meeting. 6. Authorization to advertise bids for new sanitation truck: The City Manager reviewed the reasons for needing a new truck and stated it was a budgeted item and sufficient funds were available. The possible initiation of containers for commercial establishments was discussed, and the City Manager was directed to include a container loading mechanism on the new truck. The Mayor brought up an offer from the Tripletts' Collection Service of McKinney to contact for garbage collection with an escalator clause in- cluded. A discussion followed concerning public versus private garbage collection. It was the general feeling of the Council that public collection was best. It was moved by Coker and seconded by McDaniel to advertise bids for a new 20 cubic yard rear loading sanitation truck. Motion carried 5-0. 7. Fire station: Councilman Moore stated he had some rough drawings of a proposed fire station. The Council liked the proposed design A discussion followed on hiring an architect to draw up the plans. Moore stated he would like to get some general cost estimates before gettin the final plans prepared, The Mayor asked Moore to get the cost estimates and directed the City Manager to place this item on the next agenda. 8. Monthly budget report: The Mayor had several questions for the City Manager concerning several of the expenditures. After they were answered, the budget report was accepted® 9. Other Matters a. The Mayor stated there had been complaints on weeds, junk, animals and dilapidated houses in the black section of town. He stated that the residents in the area seemed. -interested in cleaning it up and he wanted the City to follow up on ordinance enforcement. The City Manager reviewed the actions he had taken thus far to rectify the situation. A discussion followed concerning delinquent property taxes not only in that section of town, but throughout the City. It was moved by Coker and seconded by Cooper to notify delinquent taxpayers that taxes must be paid within 60 days or tax suit proceedings would be initiated. Motion carried 5-0. b. The Mayor briefed the Council on the formation of the Denton County Association of Governments. He stated he thought the organization would be a success, and he would return to the Council when further developments occured. c. Utility rates outside the Citys The City Manager stated that the City Attorney had given an opinion that the City could raise rates outside the City limits. The general consenous of the Council was to double the rates outside the City Limits, but final action would not be taken until the budget was adopted. Meeting adjourned at 9s36 p.m. ATTEST: ' utess City Council Meeting July 19, 1976 ' v Presents Mayor Cole, Cooper, Enlow, Coker, McDaniel, Moore ity ager L. The minutes o the regular meeting of July 6,6 were read and approved. / Sanger Electric Syst capital improve ts: There were several .- • _ • - - - _ jj li- Mayor- - • O i• - • • - 11 _ -improvements in the amount 1,2,�Z2-35- Motion carried 5�0. It was moved by Moore and It was moved Coker and seconded by McDanie approve the invoice in the amou t of $3,060, Motion carried or4r to have a permit to construct the water line unde the A.T. & Resolu on: The City Manager stated a resolution nee d passage in approve -• • resolution.• • -r