08/16/1976-CC-Minutes-Regularthe proposed - next to the school,••'•^ • • qas hesitant pending a satisfactoryoperating -r - Coker, iterated4cDaniel and Moore were opposed to the site, All Council members el that they were in favor of park project,however, Phe City Manager was instructed to look at other sites and place this item on - next agenda. 9. Other Matters -• - • TV Book-valuesBlue taxes, nr� ATTEST Minutes City Council Meeting August 16, 1976 Presents Mayor Cole, Cooper, Enlow, Coker, McDaniel, Moore, City Manager, City Attorney, Tax Assessor Collector, 1. Minutes The minutes of the regular meeting of August 2, 1976 were approved as printed. 2. Sanger Electric System Capital Improvements@ It was -moved -by Cooper and seconded by McDaniel that Sanger Electric System June capital improvements be approved in the amount of $1,114.92. Motion carried 5-0. 3. Sewer line construction invoice** The Council had several questions concerning the contract deadline and voiced concern about the con- tractor leaving open ditches and messy work areas. The City Manager said he would instruct the contractor accordingly. It was moved by Moore and seconded by Cooper to -approve the invo' e in the amount of $56®759.13. Motion carried 5-0. Public hearing on the budget: There were no citizens present for and the Uouncil had - - questions,- discussion was then • . pending .- o of the ordinances in the following agenda items, 5. Tax levy ordinanceew After the ordinance was explained by the City Manager, it was moved by o - a • seconded by McDanielo approve the following ordinances ORDINANCE NO, 76�5 APPORTIONING GUTERNIIENT OF TP, CITT OF SANGER AND PROVIDING FOR THE INTEREST AND SINKING FUND FOR THE YEAR 1976 AND SPECIFIC PURPOSE, Mohan carried 5-0. �w ORDINANCE NO. 76-6 Aft •-! •,TAXES LEVIED FOR THE USE AND BENEFIT OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE CITY Motion carried 5-0® 7. Budget ordinances: It was moved by Coker and seconded by Cooper to approve the following ordinance adopting the Fiscal year 1976-77 budgete ORDINANCE NO, 76-7 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR, BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 19 1976 AND ENDING AUGUST 31, 1977® AND APPROPRIATING THE VARIOUS AMOUNTS THEREOF. ordinance left the rates the same for customers outside the city wo was • -i by • and i •-• i' a • residents but the rates ald be 200% of those inside, it •Cooper to approve the following SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ^• — •: ! it — • �s� necessitateddoubled the rates for customers outside the city. The rate in� crease was to offset an expected ► L00loss in the s itation operatjon next fiscal year. It was moved by Enlow and seconded*by McDaniel to approve the following ordinancet ORDINANCE N0. 76-9 Attorneythe • proper procedtire. The Uity Attorneys that letters -a-a to be sent. The Tax • o o • r marited the City's past efforts to collect taxes, The question arose as to whether the Council could write some taxes off, and the City Attorney -• he • • notHe did advise against trying to collect on delinquent acc Attorneysome would cost more to collect than they are worth, The City -• he would check the proper procedures -• is statingreport back to the Council at the next meeting. The City Manager was instructed to write a letter to the delinquent taxpayers if they were not paid the Councila ^rxs _ legal action.ir recommended getting th- City ' • -approval of the letter prior to ai The City Attorney proposed i presented - Council ?rovision in the • r i of • aR revert Dack to the City if Brougham ever vacated the premises. The City �ttorney said he would make. the necessary changes and report back to the Councilmeeting, U. Bids for sanitation truck: The City Manager reviewed the bids -on the truck. After a short discussion, it was moved by McDaniel and seconded by Coker to award the cab and chassis bid to Hilz Ford of Pilot Point for $8,725.45 and the packer body bid to Davis Truck & Equipment for $7,575.00 for a total award of $16,300,45, Motion carried 5-0, l4 Proposed City Park: The Mayor relayed to the Council that Jesse Coffey had offered to donated 9 acres of land west of the Bucklew- Freese Addition. This matter was tabled until the City Manager could come up with cost comparisons between that site and the high school _ site. 13. Proposed fire station: The Mayor stated he had talked to a con- tractor who would provide a cost estimate after receiving a rough sketch of the building. It was moved by Cooper and seconded by McDaniel to go ahead and have an architect Councilman Moore knows of draw up the plans. Motion carried 5-0, 14. Other matters: Two members of the volunteer fire department were present to inform the Council that many of the grass fires along the railroad were deliberately set by flares, and the fire depart- ment was becoming discouraged and losing participation. The City Manager was instructed to check with the Sheriff's Office on pos- sible legal recourse, and to write the Railroad an official letter of complaint. In a related matter, the City Manager was authorized to spend funds in order to prepare the tanker truck for firefighting operation, fiKL�`i7 ATTEST Minutes: City Council Meeting September 7, 19?6 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Enlow, Coker, McDaniel, Moire, City Manager, City Attorney. 1. The minutes of the regular meeting of August 16, 1976 were approved as printed. 2. Disbursements: After several questions for the City Manger it was moved by McDaniel and seconded by Moore to approve September disbursements in the amount of $13,006.13, Motion carried 5-0. 3, Appeal by J.W. Bucklew: Mr & Mrs J.W. Bucklew were present to appeal the junk vehicle and zoning ordinances violation letter sent by the City Manager. The City Manager explained the appli- cable sections of the ordinances and his reasons for sending the letter, Mr. Bucklew asked exactly what was in violation and the Mayor stated somecouncil members would inspect the prey-_ mises and write Mi. Bucklew a letter stating what is to be re- moved, 4. Delinquent taxes and other legal matters: The City Manager re- viewed the progress to date on collecting the delinquent property taxes, The City Attorney suggested following up with another letter stating a deadline. The City Manager and City Attorney were directed to draft the letter. The City Attorney advised that there was a four year statute of limitations on personal property tax and recommended striking -form the rolls all personal taxes older than four years, The City Attorney stated he had reservations about including a reversion clause in the ordinance quitclaiming the right-of-way