09/07/1976-CC-Minutes-RegularBids for tion truck: The City Manager reviewed the bids f -A-r a short discussion, moved oMcDaniel and seconded by s to award the cab and chassis • • to Hilz Ford of Pilot Point for $8,725.45 and the packer body bid to Davis Truck & Equipment for $7,575.00 for a total award of $16,300,45, ,• • •. 0 • - - • offered to donated ! acres of land west of - i - Freese Addition. This matter was tabled until the City Manager could •t- • rcomparisons•- - dschoolProposed fire stat16now The Mayor stated he had talked to a con� present to inform the Council that many of the grass fires along the railroad were deliberately set by flares, and the fire depart� ment was becoming discouraged a losing participation, instructedManager was to cheOffice on •• s ible legal recourset and to write the Railroad an official letter of complaint. In a related matterg the City Manager was authorized to spend funds in !deDrder to prepare the tankers, operation, iBiLT�'7 I • - Presents Mayor Cole, Cooper, Enlow, Coker, McDaniel, M®are, City Manager, City Attorney. L. The minutes of the regular meeting of August 16, 1976 were approved as printed. 2. Disbursements: After several questions for the City Manger it Appeal by J.W. Bucklew: Mr & Mrs J.W. Bucklew were present to cable sections of the ordinances and his reasons for sending the letter, Mr. Bucklew asked exactly what was in violation and the Mayor stated somecouncil members would inspect the pre�. mises and write M Bucklew- • be moved, Delinquent taxes and other legal matters: The City Manager re� deadline. letter stating a • City Attorney were directed to draft the letter.• - advised that there was a four year statute of • on personal property tax and recommended striking -form the rolls all personal taxes older than four • Brougham • - a the possibility of • i - agreement, but thought Brougham may have a a problem borrowing • • Mayor • ! the City BroughamManager would talk with t of land. reversionThe City Attorney recommended the Council pursue this and do Oth the away wi Farmers Home Administration rural rental housing: The Mayor sum� marized the program. Mr. John Powers with the Village Construction Company presented the same program except that the City would not operate the project and there would be no need for a housing au� th • - m • e - a,Employee health insurance: The City Manager requested authoriza� seconded by Cooper to adopt the proposed resolution supporting the City of • ! change of Lake to iReservoir.Motion al summarized the reasonsbehind forming_ • • its] carriedprogress to date. It was moved by McDaniel and secondediby Coker to adopt the bylaws and join the Association. Motion 0 to carried 5�0, It was moved by Moore and seconded by Enlow.to adopt the resolution appointing John Coker,as delegate and Henry Cooper as 'alternate delegate to the Association, Motio t OL wanagei TIM71777TOTOt. . y •: • •, : 1Y ' stationthe contract to lay a gravity line from Sanger South to the li:ft • retiring the Sanger#: s and providing FaganBurns with sewer service, No,-1D price had been received although the estimates were $7,500 and $1,500�2500 respectively. This -i was tabled Tantil the price was negotiated, Coker asked Councilthe _ remembered •e• agreementconcerningtheSanger South 'S'tation wherein if it were retired, the developers would be rei 1Y• ei rs' • ! • r-signed 'r than high school site be chosen. Several citizens were present to ask questions an• express theirThe Mayor of the Council members had changed their mind and no one had. Cooper was in favor of the high school site, Enlow had reservations and Coker,McDaniel + Moore wereopposed. !appointed a ite selection dommittee consisting of Coker, Enlow, Cooper and • - • • - named 11. July budget -report: Received and accepted. 72. Cther MatteY'sa a. Mr. Ray Izzard from Brougham Industries reported to the Co cif.. that their property acquisition was nearing completion and needed action soon on the quitclaim request. The Mayor stated he and the City Manager would discuss the Council®s desires with film in two days. b. Moore presented the preliminary plans for the proposed fire station to the Council. He stated he was satisfied with the floor plan, but the architect had some changes to make on the elevation plan. The Council concurred and tabled the item until a later meeting.