10/04/1976-CC-Minutes-RegularV J 8® Purchase of fire department equipment. The City Manager summarized the price quote received for a one ton minibooster truck® The price quoted was $12,342.55. The City Manager stated the City would get a 1/ key rate credit for the truck and recommended purchasing this truck jointly with the fire department and eliminating the larger booster truck from the five-year capital improvement program® It was moved by Cooper and seconded by McDaniel to advertise for bids for the truck® Motion carried 40. g® August budget report: Presented and received® 10, Other matters: a® It was moved by Cooper and seconded by McDaniel to donate $25.00 from the City to the Denton County United Way. Motion carried 40 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Dn1ow, Moore, McDaniel, Coker, City Manager® cost"boring to "Project cost," October Disbursements: After several questions were asked by Coker to approve payment, Motion carried 5�0, Zonin petition Z�28*6 Mr. Robert Swaim was granted a zoning chan block I and mof the W. B. 6hirley Addition,##; the motion o grant the petition and Coker . .Motion carried 5�0. Employee - City Manager in the bids and that the budget allowed for the insurance, Coker made a moti., ; to accept the lowbid #specifications submitted by the Muir Agency and McDaniel seconded the motion, The motion The City Manager then explained that the City was currently paying nce policy. Coker motioned to accept the City Manager's recom� aefidation and Enlow secondedmotion, he Council also decided that a 90 day probationary period would R e in effect oemployees# ,# # covered by insurancehe find other cities using the recommended gun and asp for their evaluation of it. projectdesire to keep the cost of the park to $100,000, The water tower - discussed. The City Manager pla*ned alternatives by exchanging water pumps to increase the gallons per minute pumped. After more 'discussion the Mayor stated his desire to finalize the capital improvementprogram by meeting so it could be available to the • • the private company be allowed a try to see what type of location r plans they can arrive at. The Council# that they should developer or • divider realizing that the Council has final approvalof their plans. m ittee on Intergovernmental Affairs recently published report recommending that.Denton County be removed from the North Central Texas Council of�Governmentsln Arlington and placed in the Texoma Regional Planning Commission in Sherman. The Council. agreed that Sanger has more in common with the Dallas�Fort Worth metroplex than it does Cokerr • - a motionto adopt RESOLUTIONthe resolution and McDaniel seconded it. The motion carried 5�0. �NHEREAS, the House Subcommittee on Intergovernmental affairs chaired by ative Al KOrioth recently issued a report on councils of goverr_ments$ and Regional.Texoma • • and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEr BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS: ity of Sanger supports the North Central Texas Council That the City of Sanger urges the State Legislature to allow Denton County to remain Frith the e�orth Central Texas Council of Governments. PASSED AND APPROVED this 4th day of October, 1976. • the property owner and the Denton County Commissioners Court allowing the road to remain closed. The Mayor stated two • •: -; condemnation or routement and if unsuccessful, 'it will take the •, nationexpensivethanremoving• esent ttilities alongthe road. Culvert drainage: The Council approved the request of the City Manager to establish a policy concerning culverts and request drainage tube at. the of a residento hall have 6 months in which to pay the bill. After that period, he drainage culvert may be removed by the City, Saturday nights until the City quiets down.• - used,the request stipulating that two cars be ATTF�T l� The minutes off' the regular meeting oi° Goober �, Ig76 were approved CIS writtene 2® Park site selection® John Cundiff explained the committee®s work, and that 5 of the 7 committee members recommended the school site. The issue was tabled until all members are.present® 39 October Disbursements: The City Manager explained a small correction in the disbursements. After a few questions the disbursements were approved Cooper made the motion and McDaniel seconded it® The motion carried 40, _ A.-problem,of connecting electriclty- to_ the new school was discussed by the Council also® Sewer line invoice: The City Manager explained that this invoice at less than the bid. He also said that the contractors liquidated damages notice, Cooper motioned to pay the invoice and Coker seconded the motion. The motion carried 4�0. Fire Truck bidson The City Manager explained that all bids received tpLLq 5 s Tnis was aDouT Cooper• o to accepta McDaniel seconded motion. o o The Council discussed the need to stay, within the Sanger fire dismi Volunteer Fire Department will stay within its present fire dis� trict regardless of o the Council o stated is belief of Denton s of Sanger should receive the same, The Council also directed the City Manager to study the building needs off° the Fire Department® 6® Radar Gun` The City Manager explained the problem large cities have had with the recommended gun and the satisfaction of small