10/18/1976-CC-Minutes-Regularhall have 6 months in which to pay the bill. After that period, he drainage culvert may be removed by the City, used, 77,7 Manager asKeF For counle police patrol on 11riday and Saturday nights until the City quiets down. The Council approved the request stipulating that two cars be IN III III ON ON ON I ON IN WIN I 1® The minutes oi° the regszlar meeting o� October 4, 1R76 mere approved as written® 2® lark slue selection® John Cundiff explained the committee®s work, and that 5 of the 7 committee members recommended the school site The issue was tabled until all members are.present® approved. Cooper rmade the motion and McDaniel seconded it. The motion carried 4�0, _ A.-problem,of connectlhz electricity to_the neF.school was discussed by the council also® Sewer line invoice: The City Manager explained that this invoice damages at less than the bid. He also said that the contractors were on liquidated oCooper Coker seconded the motion, The motion carried 4�0, Fire Truck bidses The City Manager explained that all bids received s 0 YnYT T76 707Lo notion.Cooper motioned to accept the low bids and McDaniel seconded the oti -f The Council discussed the need to stay. within the Sanger fire dis ,Vi,... DepartmentTolunteer Fire actiontrict regardless of what the City of Denton takes. The 3ouncil also stated is belief of a I Its pay to fight county f*res, the City of Sanger sho4 7eceqzve the same, The council also directed the City Manager to study the building needs of the Fire department® 6® Radar Gun** The City Manager explained the problem large cities have had with the recommended gun and the satisfaction of small y • to accept the radar unit at a cost of 95 • o. • y .. • y questions were directed o Park beautificationvoy • _ - Council from the y •me Economics Department„o o schoolThe department wants to paint the city park equipment wi o t, also plant some foliage in the park, Council-• and instructedtheCity Manager to insure it was done + op permission to use the park on October 309 1976 to show scout� Counciling skills. The • •.'• the use. the fees not • of • Manager was directed to study the problem. yFire Chief resignation:offered his resignatio to the Council explaining - no longer had time for •• y Johnnyoo behis replacement.e Council voiced no Jtlon. The Council expressed its desire to have at .1ea •ne Assistant Fire Chief in townduring the • existin_ - '�Wilson Estate expects the expects the road to be closed by the City. The Council agreed with this proposition and directed the City Manager to proper ease menu o uncil s• •, the City Manager to prepare an ord1400 i • s, - school is beginning in the morning and ending in the afterano noon, Police: The Council agreed to offer Vic George a $50 per Offer to workocondiderable pay raise, ATTEST ?�ln�tes � C�,t� Council Meetlrrg rdo�ember 1 � ? 97b Presents Mayor Pro -Temp Coopers Coker ��Ioore, McDaniel, Enlow, City Man absent m Mayor Cale 1® The minutes of the reg�.lar meetang off' Getaber 18, 1976 were approved as written®