11/01/1976-CC-Minutes-Regularcities® Moore motioned to accept the radar unit at a cost of �$895 and Coker seconded the.motion, The motion carried -C® 7® Monthly Budget Report® No questions were directed on this item® rarK oe Council from the Home Economics Department of the High School, The department wants to paint the city park equipment schooly plant some foliage Councily, and instructed the City Manager to insure it was done properly, permissionto use the park on October '76 to show scou Counciling skills. The y over the use. coststhe fees not representing the studyManager was directed to problem, to the Council explaining *' longer had time tor - y y. - o - Johnnyoope y be his replacement.Council op ys ,s y expresseddesire s have at leas, Assistant one duringthey probabiy be able to obtain a water ana sewer easemento lur G1 existing utilities, In return for the easement the Wilson Estate expects the expects the road to be closed by the Cit agreedThe Council o o City Manager to y Wilson the proper f® The Council ddirected the City Manager to prepare an ordi- nance making North Berry and Nest �lr� one -may streets when school is beginning in the morning and ending in the after- noon g® Police® The Council agreed to offer Vic George a $5C per month pay raise, since it appears he may soon be receiving an offer to work in Denton at a condiderable pay raise® w n'linutes ® City Council Meeting November 1, 1976 a Presentm Mayor Pro -Tee, Cooper, Coker, Moore, McDaniel, Lnlow, City Man absent® Mayor cola 1® The �inutes o� the reg�iar meeting off' October l8, 1976 were approved as written® 2_ November Disb-urs,ements, in the amount of $14.179.61, were con- - sidered and approved. Coker moved to approve the disbursements and Moore seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. 3. Park Site Selection: This item was tabled until all members are present; 4. Capital Improvement Program: Bob Shawn explained the alternate plans he has developed upon the Council's request and their costs. Questions as to the necessity of the water line running west of I-35 were asked with further discussion concerning the water pressure and the needs of the present community. Bob Shawn asked the City to check the water system west of I-35 with a fire -flow test. He indicated that this may determine the need for improved water service on the west side. The City Manager then stated that the purpose of the capital improvement program was to prepare Sanger for the needs of 1981. This item was tabled until all members were present. 5. Utility Easement: An easemeht to Brazos Electric Cooperative for the relocated line near Brougham Industries was granted. McDaniel moved to grant the easement and Enlow seconded the motion. It carried 5-0. 6. 1975-76 Audit: The audit was distributed to the Council and the City Manager explained some facts of the report along with revenue and expenditure comparisons. Acceptance of the audit was tabled. Problems concerning the light plant generators were discussed along with an agreement with Brazos to keep the plant operational. The City Manager was instructed to look into the matter. 7. Billing Machine: The City Manager explained that the current ma- chine would probably have a complete breakdown very soon requiring at least $3,000 in repairs. He set forward two options to the Council. The first option is to take a chance and hope that the madhine will not break down. The second option is to purchase a new electronic machine for around $8,500. The matter was tabled until all members were present. 8. Other Matters: a. City Building: The need for a building to protect city equip- ment,including the fire trucks was agreed upon by the Council. A motion was made by Coker to begin planning for the building and Moore seconded the motion. It carried 5-0. b. Property tax problems: The City Manager explained that some people had recently come to him complaining that their taxes were unfair. The Council agreed that the matter should have been presented to the Board of Adjustment. Therefore, the City should offer no relief to the complainants. c. Council Meeting: The City Manager explained that he and the Mayor would be at a Texas Municipal League meeting during the next regular Council meeting. The next Council meeting was scheduled for November 22, 1976. d. Central Telephone Franchise: Problems with the telephone service were discussed and the City Manager was instructed to look into the franchise agreement with the telone company The meeting adjourned at 8*35 p.m. PJL&�� ATTEST: Mayor Minutes: Special Meeting- November 11, 1976 Present: Mayor Cole, Enlow, Coker, McDaniel, Moore, Cooper,City Mgr. 1.Fire Station and vehicle storagebldg The City Manager explained the proposed site of the building, size 40'x60', and floor plan. The Council directed the City Manager to make some adjustments in the specifications. Cooper made a motion to send out invitations to bid on the building and Moore seconded the motion. It carried 5-0. 2. Resignation of Vic George: The Council discussed hiring a replacement. They recommended offering the job to Bruce Hi rschi at a base salary of $700.00. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 a.m. Mayor ATTE