11/22/1976-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutes: City Council Meeting November 22, 1976 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper;, McDaniel, Enlow, Coker, Moore, City Manager Absent: None 1. The minutes of the regular meeting of November 1, 1976 and the emergency meeting of November 11, 1976 were approved as written. 20j Ned Wilson damages: Ned Wilson explained that he felt that the City should pay for the cow because of past agreements between him and the City. The City Manager explained that he had con- tacted the insurance companies and that they all refused to pay. The council agreed that Ned Wilson would get the cost of his cow back, one way or another. The City Manager explained that the City Attorney recommended withholding the final payment to Dalton until all claims and problems are settled. Ned Wilson asked the Council to get in touch with him a let him know what he should do. 3. Joe Falls and the Water Rate: Joe Falls explained that he had 5 acres in the City and would pay the property tax on them if his water rate would be returned to the in -City rate schedule. The Mayor explained that he must live in the City before his rates would be reduced, and offered him the solution of annex- ation into the City. 4. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements: Lindon Carr answered several questions concerning labor costs and other expenses. He also explained that the system was being kept in first rate condition and not being allowed to run down. Moore motioned to pay the expenses of $1,974.65 and McDaniel seconded the motion. It carried 5-0. 5. Site for City Park: Cooper made a motion to accept the school site and build baseball and tennis facilities on it. The motion died for lack of a second. 6. Capital Improvement Program: The City Manager explained each proposed project. The Mayor said that the electrical. system improvements, infiltration study, street assessment program, and drainage improvements should at least be considered. Lindon Carr explained the main expenditures for the electric system capital matter, the Council directed the City Manager to check with them before approving any electric capital expense over $600. The Council agreed that the electric system improvements be'included in the bond election. The Council also expressed a desire to allow the public to decide if they want a city park and where to put it. The following items were approved for the capital improvement program: (1) Electrical System Improvement, (2) 8,400 feet of 6 water line, (3)New City Park, (4) Street Assessment Program, (5) Drainage Improvements, (6) Sewer System Infiltration study and correction. Items (2) and (6) will not require a new bond issue. 7. HUD -Community Development Grant: The Council gave their approval to begin application for the grant. Enlow motioned to do so and Coker seconded the motion. It carried 5-0. AUDIT DEN CORNELL CODE ENFORCEMENT - ELECTRICAL ORDINANCE SEWER LINE POLICY - CURRENT CONNECTION POLICY SEWER LINE - LIQUIDATED DAMAGES OF 20 DAYS PLUS THE COST OF NED WILSON'S COW $380