01/03/1977-CC-Minutes-Regular3. County Fire Fighting: Members of the Sanger Volunteer Fire De. partment were present. The Mayor explained the situation to date and said the problem is that Sanger has too much area to cover. He also said that Bill Switzer was planning to attend the January 17, 1977, council meeting. Switzer was unable to attend the meet- ing tonight. The Volunteer Fire Department of Sanger (VFD) then stated that they._had voted unanimously to refuse any additional coverage area. They also stated that the County has never approached them concerning extension of their fire coverage area. The VFD did agree that the position currently being taken by the City government represented their views accurately. Several other problems of the VFD were discussed and the Council was invited to attend the VFD meetings regularly so as to become acquainted more intimately with their daily problem. 4. Sanger Electric Invoice: McDaniel motioned to pay the invoice_.. of $3,750.07 and Coker made the second. The motion passed 4-0. The Council agreed to have a closed study session concerning the 1977 Sanger Electric System budget.. The meeting was set for Thursday, December 30, at 7:00 p.m. 5. Electric System Revenue Bonds: This matter was tabled until after the budget study session. 6. Water Pump: The Council discussed the matter and, in view of the situation, decided to declare an emergency. Coker motioned to declare the emergency and purchase a water pump.without taking bids. McDaniel seconded the motion and it passed 4-0. 7. Monthly budget reports No questions were asked. 8. Other Matterss A. The Council agreed to the idea of placing a Bicentennial vault in the City park with information about the community inside it. It is to be dug up_.in the year 2076. John Coker has agreed to donate the vault. B, Old Sanitation Trucks The Council agreed to ask for bids on the old_.truck. Cooper motioned to do so and Coker seconded the motion. It passed 4-0. 1111111111111 Fill III: • s M ATTEST Minutes: City Council Meeting January 3, 1977 Presents Mayor Cole, Cooper, Enlow, McDaniel, City Manager Absent s Coker, Moore 1. The minutes of the December 20 regular meeting were approved as written. O -m 2. January Disbursements: The Council approved the disbursements in the amount of $199222.87. McDaniel made the approval for payment motion and Cooper seconded it. It passed 3-0. 3. Sewer Line Invoice: The City Manager recommended payment be approved less 20 days liquidated damages.:($1,000).. The actual payment will not be made until Ned Wilson receives settlement on his claim of $380 for a cow killed due to an access gate being left open. Cooper made a motion to approve this action and Enlow deconded it. It passed 3-0. 4. Fire St ati.on/Vehi.cle Storage Building Invoice: The City Manager said that he had been told that the building would be completed around the middle of February if the weather was good. The Council then approved payment of the first invoice for the foundation in the amount of $4,037.50. Cooper made the motion and McDaniel seconded the motion. It passed 3-0, 5. Other Matters: A. Streetsweepers The City Manager explained that the City is on the list to bid on the truck when it becomes available in March. B. Electrical Inspection Rates: The Mayor directed the City Manager to check the City!s current electric inspection rates with the idea of making them more relative to the actual cost of an inspection. C, Volunteer Fire Department: The Mayor explained that the VFD wants no more area unless it receives more pay. The VFD also believes that the County should approach them concerning any change in jurisdiction. He advised the Council of a letter the VFD had written to the Commissioners Court concerning this matter. The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. ATTEST Minutes: City Council Meeting January 17, 1977 Presents Mayor C , Cooper, Enlow,C�ker,., McDaniel, Moore, City Manager, 1. The minutes of the regular meeting of January 3 were approved as written. 2® Sanger Electric Invoice: The Council decided to approve payment but withhold actual payment until the other parties had remitted their share. The invoice totaled $840.28. Cooper made the motion for this action and McDaniel seconded the motion. It was approved 5-09 3, County Commissioner Bill Switzer: Mr. Switzer expressed his desire to work with and for the citizens of Sanger and this area. Mr.