01/17/1977-CC-Minutes-Regular2. January Disbursements.: The Council approved the disbursements in the amount of $19,222.87, McDaniel made the approval for payment motion and Cooper seconded it. It passed 3-0. 3. Sewer Line Invoice: The City Manager recommended payment be approved less 20 days liquidated damages:,($1,000).. The actual payment will not be made until Ned Wilson receives settlement on his claim of $380 for a cow killed due to an access gate being left open. Cooper made a motion to approve this action and Enlow seconded it. It passed 3-0. 4. Fire Station/Vehicle Storage Building Invoice® The City Manager said that he had been told that the building would be completed around the middle of February if the weather was good. The Council then approved payment of the first invoice for the foundation in the amount of $4,037.50. Cooper made the motion and McDaniel seconded the motion. It passed 3-0. 5. Other Matters: A. Streetsweeper= The City Manager explained that the City is on the list to bid on the truck when it becomes available in March. B. Electrical Inspection Rates: The Mayor directed the City Manager to check the City's current electric inspection rates with the idea of making them more relative to the actual cost of an inspection. C. Volunteer Fire Department: The Mayor explained that the VFD wants no more area unless it receives more pay. The VFD also believes that the County should approach them concerning any change in jurisdiction. He advised the Council of a letter the VFD had written to the Commissioners Court concerning this matter. The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. ATTEST 'resent: Mayor C , Cooper, Enlow, C�k��°_.-, McDaniel, Moore, pity Manager. Absent : None 1. The minutes of the regular meeting of January 3 were approved as written. for • and McDaniel seconded the motion, i wantedwitzer to-knowould work with concerningre matters. It was discussed as to whether the Volunteer shouldrconclusion ffas reached, Lone Star Gas Rate Increases Two Lone Star Gas representatives were present® The Council discussed the proposed increase in detail with the representatives and decided to table the matter for farther study® The issue will be on the agenda for the February 7 Council meeting. The proposed increase would amount to about $3.00 on the average bill® Enlow motioned to table the matter and Cooper seconded the motion® It passed 5-0® 5® Sanger Electric Budgeta This matter was tabled due to incorrect figures submitted by Brazos® 6® Building Codes: A brief report on the status of the building codes was presented to the Council® After some discussion, the Council decided to get the builders together and solicit their comments concerning adoption of building codes, book distributed to the Co r be considered for s adoption r r r r i , a •• r resoluTion maKing Tne CiTy Manager tne ollicial contact person r" all matters concerning grant applications, Coopero r-d the motion and it passed The meeting adjourned at 9025 ATTEST: r Mayor Presents Mayor Cole, Cooper, E'nlow, McEaniel, Moore, Coker, City Manager &IMMM"43000TIM - r February Disbursementsto Disbursements in the amount of $1395 seconaeu Tne motion, r :r 3® Sanger Electric Capital Improvements After a few questions, Coker motioned that they be approved and McEaniel seconded the motion® The e�otion to pay capital improvements in the amount of $59000.82 passed 5-0® 4® Fire Station Invoice: Moore motioned to pay the invoice for the amount of $6,555,00 and Cooper seconded the motion. It passed 5-0® 5. Lone Star Gas Rate Increase: The Mayor explained the 90 day suspension of action concernin the rate increase, Lester Horstman companies.of gas Afterdiscussion,o o to suspend the rate Oncrease 1 for 90 days and Enlowseconded, motion. motione 0: