02/07/1977-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutes City Council Meeting February 7, 1977 Presents Mayor Cole, Cooper, Enlo, McDaniel, Moore, Coker, City Manager 1® The minutes o the regular meeting of January 17, 1977 were approved as written. February Disbursements: Disbursements in the amount of $13,56 3® Sanger Electric Capital Iproveentss after a few questions, Coker motioned that they be appro€Ted and McDaniel seconded the emotion® The notion to pay capital improvements in the mount of $5,000.82 passed 5-0® 4® Fire Station Invoice: Moore motioned to pay the invoice for the amount of $6,555.00 and Cooper seconded the motion® It passed 5-0e 5. Lone Star Gas Rate Increasees The Mayor explained the 90 day suspension of action concerning the rate increase, Lester Horstman of gas companies,- on, Coker motionedo suspend increase-forthe rate 0 daSrs and Enlowi •, timotion, The motion_. Rate Increase: The 111ayor suggesteC that instead ol theproposell r , the minimum residential• second$5.00 and $6,00 respectiVely. The first and oe increased to rate increments• -concerning adjusted WH are to read 30 and 70 in that order. The rate 0 ill• ` billing, motion,;oker made a motion to adopt these charges and McDaniel seconded passed motioned to accept the budget and Moore seconded the motion, It passed now known as Rauscher Pierce Securities Corporation, He exiiiiiii plained the new contract,Cooper motion sign • accept the contractd Enlow secondedmotion, It carried 5111111110. FINANCIAL ADVISOR 3. Revenue Bonds: After questions and discussion, the Council authorized Dan Almonto prepare the necessary documents o allow• call a bond election.election will be for utility system revenuebonds in the amount 00 for •`• Almon said that he FEVENUE BONDS would bring the necessary♦ - City Council on March 7, 1977. VARIANCE REQUESTS ALLOWING THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION BE THE FINAL AUTHORITY FOR BRUCE ANTHONY'S VARIANCE REQUEST ORDINANCE 77-1 CouncilCity - decided to allow the Planning a Zoning Commissiona bs,Anthony's variance request, Cooper made such a motion and McDaniel seconded It -s 5111111110. III • • • .•. .s _ • :a • •; -• ssr and Moore seconded the motion, It passed 5 0, '' _ s •, as _ -e • position,vacated ' • and Cooper The motion 11. Bids for pick up truck: The Council tabled this matter until 12. City Council Elections Coker made a motion to call an eledtion on April 2, 19?7 and Enlo r seconded the motion® It carried 5-0. 13. Street Signs< The City Manager explained that the City needed 37 new four-way signs, 50 new poles, and repainting of several other signs® He estimated the costs to be 800.00. Coker motioned to purchase the signs and Moore provided a second. It passed 5-0® 1.4. Personnel Policy hooks This matter was tabled for further study. 15. City Manager Resignations The City Council accepted Ed Moore's resignation® He is assuming the position of City Manager of Edna, Texas® l6 ® Other lf�a tiers s A® The Council directed the City manager to check into the de® liguent tax proceedings. a nozzleI the new fire truck to make it an all some equipment for purpose vehicle. $187 for a d CO2 fire extinguisher were approved, 3® Pick-up trucks Coker motioned to advertise for bids and meanies seconded the motion. It passed-C® 4. Assembly of Cod® The Council discussed the development of the lot and when a building permit could be issued® The problem of street dedication was also discussed, 5. Personnel Policy Coker motioned to adopt the personnel polio handbook as amended® �nlow seconded the motion and it passed 4-C® S. Building Codes: The matter was discussed briefly and then tabled rate schedule, nouis To cover Tne wee .� secondedai a passed ® insurance® Coker explained to the Council the details of the Texas municipal League liability ins1xranceC. Brazos Electric Audits& Coker explained that an audit would motionCity. McDaniel seconded the D. City Parkes The Council agreed to put a referendum with the approaching election to determine whether or not the communit The Council approved a resolution encouraging the Texas Legislature to pass a bill giving the power ot annexation seconded and Enlow