03/07/1977-CC-Minutes-Regular`$1inutesm vity Council Mleeting 4jarch 79 1977 Present® Mlayor Cole® Cooper, Enlow, McDaniel, Coker, Amon, City Secretary, Absent W l'homas Moore . 'he minutes of t City Council Meeting of February 21, 197` were read and approved. The minutes of the Special Session Council meeting February 24, 1977 were approved with the following corrections to shove John Coker present and on Item 2 change the word side to end® 2. March Disbursements I'he Council approved the disbursements in the amount of $15, 40'7 ®L 0 . YcDaniel made the approval for pav- ment motion seconded by Cooper. Unanimous, 3. Mr. Dan Al aon read the ordinance for calling a bond election -.for , the aggregate amount of v360,000. Motion to approve the ordinance was made by Enlow, seconded by Cooper. Unanimous. . Public Nearing Coker made the motion to approve the coning case Z-30 of Mr. Gene Hughes. Cooper seconded. Unanimous. 5. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements® After a brief discussion it was motion by Cooper and seconded by Enloe to pay December Capital Improvements in the amount of 2196.99. Unanimous, 6. Pierce Moore Invoice RITotion was wade by Cooper, seconded by En1ow that the 3rL and final bill of the first phase of the new fire station stora e in the amount of $6,307.50 be paid. Unanimous. Tiess 1C% (-1690vCO) of total contract until building is accepted® The Council discussed the new Fire Station storage Building and although the estimate for charges exceeded the 3,080®00 agreed upon in Special Session of February 24, 1977, the notion was made by Cooper and seconded by McDaniel to go ahead with the changes for the amount of Y3840.00. Unanimous, 7. Park Referendums It was agreed by the Council that the referendum should read as follows Proposition # 1. For or Against the construction of a new City Park and issuance of $75,000 ad valorem tax bonds to pay the cost Proposition # 2. For or against the construction of a new City Park with a municipal swimming pool and issuance of $150,000 ad valorem tax bonds to pay the cost. Referendum not binding on the City® 8® Electric Installation Policys P ayor Cole discussed the need for having some type of ;olicy regarding electric installation where ar exist- ing service is already available. Coker made the _notion that it be a Council policy when there is an existing service available it will be up to the individual or firm if they want or reed to convert to a different type electrical service and this conver- sion will be at the expense of the individual or firm. Cooper seconded, motion carried 4-0. 9® McDaniel made the motion to approve the final invoice to Hunter Associates totaling $4599®21. Seconded by Coker. Unanimous. 0. Other Matters A. City Secretary was advised to call John Sullivan and te11 him to hold up on the quit claim of a portion of First Street for Erougham Industries® Cole wanted to know from John L. the disposition of the tax suits . Coker made the motion to hire another attorney to help John L. with the tax suits. McDaniel seconded, voted by 3 with Enlow abstaining. B, City Secretary was advised to have Qlty employees put up a blockade at the end of Freese Drive where Bruce Anthony's subdivision ends and at the South end of the proposed exten- sion of Freese Dr. where it joins with Old Highway 77. C. Moving expenses for the new City Manager was discussed and it was motion by Cooper and seconded by McDaniel that it be Council policy to pay two weeks salary toward moving expenses. Voted unanimous. D, Mr, Coker requested that the City Secretary pall Main LaFrentz & Co., auditors to get their pros and cons in re- gards to moving the accounting books of Sanger Electric from Waco to Sanger and why checks couldn't be written from the Sanger office instead of through the Waco office. E. Mr. Coker requested the City Secretary to f urnish the Council with a list of the money we have on deposit and what it is designated for. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. ATTEST T7inutes: City Council Meeting March 2l, 1a77 Present: Mayor Cole, McDaniel, Er�low, Coker, Cooper and Moore. Others Present® City Secretary, Cundiff, Horstman, Ward and Males l® The minutes of March 7, 1977 were approved as dv7°1tten. 2A The Council received 3 bids on the new 5%8 ton truck. They are as follovJs ® Nclan_�'�� llaams Che•Jroyet, Inc . i�39O9.07 � , T`2arler Ford Mercury (3993. 0) 9 Hilz Ford Sales <�' , 075. ll . No action was taken on the bids. Council felt that the Sauter Supt, should check the specifications on each before action was taken and a bid awarded. 3. Mr. Joel Males, Representative of Midwest Tank Co., inspected the overhead tower and reported his finding to the Council. The roof '_aanger boats need replacing and the interior of the tank needs cleaning. Mr. Males explained that his company would replace the roof hanger bolts and clean the tower at the cost of $300.00 per day, not to exceed days. He said the outside of the tank needed to be sand blasted, with one coat of primer and one coat of aluminum put on at a cost of $7,256.00. Cooper made the motion to replace the roof hanger bolts and clean the interior of the tower. Coker seconded. Voted unanimous. �. Zoning Case Z-31, Petition of John Porter. Coker made the' motion to accept the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission to rezone that portion of Tract 106B. H. _Tierwester now zoned Single Family to Local Retail, and the zoning of Tract 106A.,H. Tierwester to remain Light Industry and those portions of Tract 106B., H. Tierwester now zoned Local Retail and Light Industry to remain as zoned. McDaniel seconded, nanimous vote.