02/21/1977-CC-Minutes-RegularFEBRUARY 21, 1977 PICKUP TRICK ADVERTISE FOR BIDS ASSEMBLY OF GOD - DEVELOPMENT OF LOT WHEN PERMIT COULD BE ISSUED; STREET DEDICATION PERSONNEL POLICY BUILDING CODES LONE STARE GAS RATE INCREASE SPEED LIMIT VIOLATIONS INSURANCE - TEXAS MUNICIPAL LEAGUE LIABILITY INSURANCE BRAZOS ELECTRIC AUDIT CITY PARK - REFERENDUM TO DETERMINE WHETHER OR NOT THE COMUNITY IS IN FAVOR OF A NEW CITY PARK RESOLUTION ENCOURAGING THE TEXAS LEGISLATURE TO PASS A BILL GIVING THE POWER OF ANNEXATION TO GENERAL LAW CITIES l/® Other 'utters s A. The Council directed the City Manager to check into the de® liquent tax proceedings, some equipment for the new fire truck to make it an all purpose CO2 fire extinguisher were approved. The VULIL;il event into ecUti e essiL n a ;ray ✓ '(' ' ' aj a of streetdedication was also ® Personnel P®licvti Coker motioned to adopt the personnel pclicv handbook as mended® nl® seoonded the otic n and i t passed 4-o Building lone Star Gas Rate Increase: The Mayor explained the way Lone navre o worR.65 cover Trie weeTena p- seconded - motion and it passed Insurance: Coker explained to the Council the details of t >c Brazos Electric Auditoo Coker explained that an audit would motionCity. McDaniel seconded the . City Parkas The Council agreed to put a referendum with the approaching election to determine whether or not the communitl t The Council approved a resolution encouraging the Texas Legislature to pass a bill goving the power ot annexation seconded and Enlow passed WATER TANK AND TOWER INSPECTION EXECUTIVE SESSION EMPLOYEE SALARY INCREASE SPECIAL SESSION TO INTERVIEW APPLICANTS FOR CITY MANAGER