04/04/1977-CC-Minutes-Regular5® The Amtrak Resolution was not available at the meeting. Mayor Cole explained that a passenger stop was need in Fenton County and Sanger is the last City before the tracks split In order to board the train now it is necessary to go to Gainesville or Fort Worth. There is a condition if Sanger is accepted in that we will pave an area type platform 201 X 200 yds. The Chamber of Commerce has agreed to fix up the inside of the depot. Ralph requested that he have authorization to approve the resolution and the Council would be given a copy of what was submitted. Cooper made the motion to approve the resolution to provide service to this area and Thous Moore seconded. Voted unanimous, 6® The attached policies for Sanger Electric System were approved on a motion by Cooper, seconded by Enlow, voted unanimous. 7. Other Matters® a. On a motion by �'Tcl�aniel, seconded by Cooper it yeas voted unanimous to sign the Maintenance Agreement with Pitney Bowes on the 358 copier. The annual charge is $208.00 for a year®s service and parts. b. Mr. Horstman and Mr. Ward were at the meeting to answer any questions the Council might have regarding the Gas Rate Increase. The gas company is requesting a 20.47% Increase. A discussion followed about rates and gate rates etc. The Council requested that LEG advise them of the construction cost spent in Sanger for 1976. No action taken. c. Eleotrical Inspection Fees- It was motioned by Cooper, seconded by nlow that the charge for an electrical inspection commercial or residential be based on 1/2 cent per square ft. with a $15.00 minimum and a rein- s-Dection fee of J$10.00. Voted unanimous. d. It was discussed that Pierce Moore would be unable to put an 11° door ir. the Fire Station Storage and it was agreed that 3 (12, X 101) doors would do. e. It was agreed that Gelman ?'>'Ioss could continue to mow -the park. f. City Secretary was advised to tell John L. Sullivan to proceed zrzith quitolaim. also, that Gray Shelton would be willing to help with the tax suits. His charge for service would be 15%. Meeti ng adjourned at 8045 p.m. 1�TTEST k'�ir�utes ® City Council ia7eeting 4pri1 �, 1�77 Present® Mayor Cole, McDaniel, En1o�Ur, Co'�er, Cooper ar�d �>oore. 0-thers Present ® City Manager, City Secretary, Baker, duff, Carr, Pointer, Dyer, Inman and Bridges. 1, The minutes o Narch 2l® T977 were approved as written, 2, Disbursements for April in the amount of 12,2?�2,b3 were approved on a motion. by McDaniel, seconded by Coker, voted unanimous, 3, Cooper made a motion that weapprove Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for January (1,680.02) and February (1,192,42) for the total amount of $2872,44, Moore seconded. Voted unanimous, The Council canvassed the election return with the following results: Electric Revenue Bond Election City 0�'�icials Elections Gerald H. `Jerr�t) Jenkins Rev, Burge Richardson Ronny Jones Henry Cooper Daniny McDaniel Bruce Anthony Benny L. Bridges 'rite In Candidates as �ollows9 Mrs® Paxton Gray Mrs, Tommy McDaniel Homer Riley Richard Muir H. S. Freeman °ark ReWPerendum� Proposition �` ? Proposition � 2 VOteS Received - 195 .For 181 Against Votes Received 148 76 l35 93 2l3 . 92 2 2?1� - Qne vote cast f'or each, For l58 Against lbl For 746 Against l8� The results o€ the erection were approved orl a.:motion by Coker seconded by NTcDaniel to be correct as tabulated, The winners of the Citv Officials Election are, Benny L. Bridges, Danny McDaniel, and Henry Cooper, Voted unanimous, 5. Coker :Wade the motion to .�ejeet all bids on the 5/8 tosL truck Cooper seconded® Voted unanimous. Coker (made the motion to readvertise for bids on the 5j8 ton truck, Enlow seoonded, jToted unanimous. b, Nr, Freddy Inman and Mr® Don Pointer representing Brougham Industries met with the Council to discuss the sewer line problem which now exist under the new proposed Brougham addi- tion, It was estimated by 3rougham that the cost to reroute 785 ft. of cast iron sewer line would be $11,750. Brougham said they would pay 500 o the cost and give the City up to 5 yrs. to pay the other DO% back to Brougham. If the line is rerouted Brougham_ would have rho. 1) a cost plus clause on damage to existing lines® (No. 2) a Rock Clause, No rock clause would be used if the lime is put back in the existing place. Coker made the motion to let Brougham bear all the expense for the replacement or relaying of the sewer line, McDaniel seconded the motion. McDaniel, Coker, and Enlow voted for the motion, with Cooper and Moore abstaining, 7, Electric Inspector's Fee- 0n a motion by Coker, seconded by Cooper, it was voted unanimous to raise the inspection 'Lee From5,00 to8®00 per residential dwelling and irom5,00 to 30% on Commercial Inspection, Coo -per jade the motion permit fee to iO,OQ in unanimous 8, The letter from Brazos ing payment of audit on taken I to raise the minimum add -on electric ieu of 5®00® EnLow seconded® Voted and response letter of the ayor regard- canger Electric was discussed, No action ;® uene fiughes cfered his ? and on seand Street to be used as a Little league practice field if the City would be willing to waive the taxes, The City Manager advised the Council to lease the land for the amount of the taxes and let Gene Hughes pay the taxes® McDaniel made a motion that we lease the land for the amount of the taxes, Enlow seconded Voted unanimous, �®, Cther ��Zatters a® ire Ba��er and fir®-��d'�° ��'e�:�esentatives off' Lone star Cas met with the Council in regards to the rate increase of 20,47% which they are requesting, It was established teat the t� el adjust? ent made up part of the rate in- crease, The Mayor asked if the six Steno method could be used in lieu of the two step method, Mr. Baf�er stated that we could continue with the six s vep met god but they were trying to Phase out the six step method, The Mayor asked is the minimum billing charge could be changed and Mr. Barer said it could, Mr. Huff game the actual maintenance CWe V M.ger in y`ajI to be 350 , his is labor and sup�olo es ® It was f rt er stated the 8% allowable was a fair value rate base, t is a return on investment but is not a fixed allowable Lease Star is planning to meet with the Mayor and some of the CflxnC-1 to study further before a decl sion is made about the rate increase, b, 'Vrs, rVTeBaniel requested that the park equipment and garbage cans be fainted® she would dike the gazebo cleaned out and the -oark benches moved out into the pari�:® Cooper made the :.notion that we have the equip- ment and garbarge cans painted and gazebo cleaned out, Cok=r seconded Voted unanimous, C , Coker requested that we ass the City !attorney to attend trite �e etiif'i�'S® - 0 d, Coker mae the Notion that Ronny Beard be allowed to �u�°chase Street dads Lor the bac?�hoe, a cutti?�g torch and a cement mixe_r at an ap�roxi mate post of 5 7C'Ci, CC3, n.Daniel seconded® Noted unanimous® e, it was mentioned by Ralph that we need to get asphalt but do=��i� under the durn�sters and a Letter to oommercial customers regarding the use of the dusters,