04/18/1977-CC-Minutes-RegularCITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 18, 1977 MINUTES APRIL 4, 1977 HONORED MRS. MCDANIEL WITH A PLAQUE AND MR. NORMAN COOK NEW COUNCIL MEMBERS COOPER, BRIDGES AND MCDANIEL OPEN AND READ BIDS 5/8 TON TRUCK ACCEPT THE LOW BID NOLAN WILLIAMS CHEV MR FRED SIMMONS AND WENDALL THOMAS BUILDING AT 213 ELM BOARD OF EQUALIZATION MR. JP HAMPTON METHODIST CHURCH CLEANING AND MAINTAINING DITCHES DRAINAGE NCTOG VOTING REPRESENTATIVE RALPH COLE FIRE STATION STORAGE PHAS II OF FSS BY MAY 5, 1977 TML LEGISLATIVE REPORT CITY MANAGER ADVISED HB 1043 ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY GENERAL LAW CITIY CITY MANAGER OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER LONE STAR GAS NEW RATE ORDINANCE CITY MANAGER FOUR MAIN PROJECTS PAVING OF STREETS SEWER REPAIRS DRAINAGE STREE SIGN PROGRAM MIDWEST TANK COMPANY JOHN COKER AS MAYOR PRO TEM NEW TRANSFORMER BANK BROUGHAM EXTENSION the motion to let Sanger Electric go ahead with the installation of the new Transformer bank P Totion i dges. Voting for was Cooper, Enlo , was seconded by Br Coker, and Bridges, with McDaniel abstaining, Mot* on carried. City Manager was advised to contact Dan Allmon and see what it would cost to sell 150,000 of the bonds. The City Manager -is to bring back the necessary information on the bongs for the Cc , ncil's consideration d® Council directed CITY Manager to contact MAIN LAFRENTZ;. Lafrentz dz and see if the bill for Y1500 had been paid. e, Jerald Jerkins met °ith the Council regarding thee:GENE HUGHES Hughes Property to be used as a Little League Field, Jenkins stated that Sanger Electric would do the elec- trical if the Little League could get an electrical permit from the City® The Little League plans to build a l2 X 161 concession stand and is requesting that the City absorb the fees for both the electrical and building permit fees® City Manager was advised to get with JOHN L . and get a lease agreement draWn up and to check into whether fees could legally be absorbed by the Cite® f, Ronnie Beard discussed the DRAINAGE PROBLEM AT BROUGHAM The new extension will be No action taken® t drainage problem aBrougham® sitting in the drainage area. Cooper made the motion to adjourn. Seconded by Bridges. Voted unanimous.. n2eeting adjourned at g ®3? pR m ' luiayor ATTEST Ma.nutesm C=tr Council j'feetiTlg r42ay 2, 1977 Present ® Mayor Cole, Cooper, Enlow, Co'_ er, Bridges, nlcDrniel. Others Present® City tZanager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Baker, Huff, Mr® and Mrs. Lee Head, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Coffey, Bryan Goedger, Bruce Anthony.;_ 1. The minutes of April 78, IQ'?7 were approved as written, 2 ® Di sbursements i n the amount of $l2, 727 ®52 T,nTere approved on a motion. by Cooper seconded by Enlow, voted unan. gib® The Cit;r Manager discussed with the Council the funding Of two cr Rossi bly three firemen to attend the fire school at '=. & r:,78_ City T7anager stated that the Fire n!arshal would be willing to attend if trip and school were funded. The City Manager was instructed by the Council to get with the Fire Department and see if they could may one-half from their budget. 3. Monthly budget report accepted by the Council.