05/02/1977-CC-Minutes-RegularCITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 2, 1977 MINUTES APRIL 18, 1977 DISBURSEMENTS FUNDING FIREMEN TO ATTEND FIRE SCHOOL AT A7M FHA GRAND SEWER AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS ELECTRIC REVENUE BOND SALE SEAL ESTATE ELECTRIC LINE SANGER ELECTRIC GARBAGE SERVICE BIDS ON POLICE CAR CENTRAL TELEPHONE FRANCHISE POLICE INCIDENT IN CITY HALL CARTER MRS. HEAD LONE STAR GAS TOWNE NORTH SUBDIVISION OF BRUCE ANTHONY TWO FOUR PLEXES 6TH STREET ®& 6® The City Manager explained the process forobtaining the .HA Grant for sewer and drainage 1=ro v ements m TF the pro- Ject is approved they will allow a. grant For 50% of the nro- ect and will Finance to rest For 40 years at an interest rate of 5 The necessary paper work has been For yarded to City Engineer® Bob Shawn The necessary resolution For this. nro ?ect was anroved and will be available at the next G '? Y ^z y^-A, 7n - m ,,__u. . - d_ d gale =. ,F as d-sc ,_Ssed 77 W";,e ud ;' n=. m =tv anaowe r taT e d ;it) yaab rke t was very gOOd e He Stated that we would prO oably get aYl r n i`e-s -s good. I^e ; ;e I e gat ng the less intereST Wfe Will nay® It was further explained ''pere S nnfs Sold t'-le IeS t{te Fees i S rm to the financial a_ adv o Oi ty .1ilana,_'er estimated i ±:rated the cost OF selling t' _e ': ones "`d 'oe a. oLLL $ J00 to 6000, Cokermade the mclCidn to seld all the no 0 1^ " , .uvm econ led by McDaniel, voted '1^ O tine I !Foils Since he iS attorney FOr bothdartieSm Can,,Sr Elec O es `vi7ma tea" a P500 cost For removal of the electric UO_e vvnicn h. a s b e e TM, p n this sits p >, -r o x in+i e ? F 2 0 years, m 4 ` o s. fl c i -- s_ V__ aJ t+-. for a ."xli_ VS]_.t_... 'V v _ V Te aY V V. was advised that the burden d- prOdF as -t0 whether " pol :vas n Ma::t do Sea die, r S17aS L71 to the Clai i?ant `(+Seal), I Joker suggested teed that the ud._.lcil wait and see i the r.d7p 7 t _ .,,t on Sea -oronertym The Mayor SuggSs ed tha, we amd See `47^at c0I1 L7t° tes a^i easemner_t, 9m Garbage Service diSdi,3.SSidn- Tt I`STaS ii.z'"d.?b1r!-; td tie Oti::l^_O l®S teen wion that the Sanger s% i00ls were Only paging m )o ear ,clod For everyday marbage aid J n =k p a_"d twice av On Occasion due to other activities. city I4:a ages was i reefed - 0 gal i L Supe ii l endel It Baker regarding those was iL urt"o.. discussed wlt.;. regards to the t'y-r)e OF container to be used Fdr aartentd ses and wha 4Wype it may e necessary `p use _.i° e Fu tui e m = +e^ A I be oudg , Out OF lrte'T e`1£'a' ue C'!a '' i'lg un'd m ity a' `lar,aoei v''aS directed ,d bring back speciFica Lions For Council approval and they,. ad- vertise For bids, lm Oentrai "'eie ,ohdiie ``rarchise- Mr. Bryan Goodge. - mete with - - the _ %Ouln_Ol and said the telephone 4.'OtTipany =^V0t11 e it i? O negotiate On a new pde sharing agreement Oitizens as Well as Council members directed questions to `Zrm "oodger regarding telephone Service in this area. He explained the system tinTas trying to improve Service and? that they 1^La's spent one tilils iOn on ImprovementS to upgrade the Service m 1 g l .g tedrgia lead and Husband met with the C udunc it regard a pOliCe incident in city ?all Oet Tee:(I pOlid.e yhieF art'.^'r and Ivlrsm xeadm Mrsc Head explai 'ed td the Council ;=:That had happened on the morning of Tuesday, Apr7* l 26, 7977m Mrs, Head and Tier husband 'were offended and wanted Council t ,O know they resented the conduct OF Chief Carterm % dcuncil ex -tended their apologies and Iklrsm Head Said that she had accepted the letter dF apology from hieF Oarterm l3 m Other ''`'"afters %dEunci td urge t'"i.e;i tO OdgiSider f_i'2e proposed i 'i^drGaSd: OF l a p,.,9 as discussed in .e p evious meetig0 htid notion could be taken at this imeeting but will be scheduled On -nor Iay bm ' ity Manage-_^ gave the P. & Z. report of April 20, l9i°7® The P. & Z. recommended approval dF the `!'Ol ,rl"te 10_ tlo Cud- di TiS .Oi'i Oi- vruce '-nthdny t; ai ; 1 :O=iS St O tTO-ids,?'" j: 1- cS and one new home, The Sub3lvlsf o . includes a lz - m S^t ad L= e iSU79LOtse to lei' thouseJadk V1the v+7ibe remodeled and the pecan tres will not.oe cut down® : i S i l' iLc t o - 7 s..rn L t ^ S tiildSSivl r be sold* Cooper jade t1Le OtIOn that the Council ado-Q. 'cvf ne Norte Subalv_Sidn as recomimended by -Cre ?m & Z m Enlow seconded, voted unanw RONNIE JONES VARIANCE SANGER ELECTRIC PIERCE MOORE DENTON HOUSING AUTHORITY SANGER'S HOUSING AUTHORITY DISPOSITION OF THE MAIN LAFRENTZ BILL BRAZOS DOG PROBLEM STOP SIGNS SPEED BUMPS O ini_e UlieS Variance was recko=z aided by the > & G. %Cider made the mOtOn t0 approve the variance g seconded by ?flw Voted unan. The P® & ZZ ^equested Counci? to give them gui deTi_nes -for granting future Variances. c , The ity received a eater from Sanger'Tectri c wan ti ng to know if the City or Pierce Moore would be responsible for ^ eCtrlc 7i is f Cr service from 2/ 15 to 3/ 15 for the anion t 57 ®° Q and the iT1 ng fro 311 to r=i'T j or ®93 ® c a F = h agreed that fierce M c c r e 17ou 'fia'D18 fCr 57.49 and the CLty file Y 1® 93 cue to our occupying a port cn Of idle buil ding d. Several peop e frOi" the Sanger area have requested ass st- ance from the Den==on Housing Au Mori ty® This is an agent associated w1i^i HUD. The t Ci°.S3 io viiC ^y 3ndS rent property far the elderly in Sanger and pays a portion directly to the la ^dTord and trhe tenant pays a _specified r amour . agree .. at,po ? ® They have strict {gu del rLe S . The lousing Authority in Benton caY1OL Yie_p Sanger re ide i S unless the Denton A'athorlty is designated as Sanger's ZCitis2n8 - Lt$rI II$t,y® Since he is an employee oftheState he is unab e to accept payment for council service. i . t''Ot;ai ll... 1 reQueS Le`O ' O i'ir'iOw L__e dispCiwS. 1 t,-0n 1;3 :,1:1 . ibyaj _ afrent2 i T for l$ . ity Iv anager was instructed to cal. the General Manager of 3razos and find out why we canat get an answer to our correspondence from Mr. Dan Swenke. Council requested tills item to be placed on the agenda for act. cn Pay6ti . g. aunci? discussed 'n i.eflyT the dog prop=em and the reed for stop®signs and speed Dumps at uhe ne=farigh school. Uoun^iI went into closed session to consider personzle7 ounci reconvened to open session® .4 m .✓S ' 'aieetl.ng ad,jOurned. P P Mayor .71'1,h-. iC'4i g 1v CC Pr Seri . '=a,j O_Y' Cole, Sargeltg ? - i! anagerg `.:1 ter S=C a g i j' Etta R The mutes of 14'?aj? Cr/ 7 R were v rnvr d n o g `-% t f ranee '' =i3c - vV re a p.. ass tY. yt n, 2. ganger L1C^c:,i^iC SyS eitl '.saiJL ta --t':1v_"O %eLiie?-i S -i.OL .-. tt.i_g 7 7 inpile a.i 0u it Of -^® ( . were approved on 'i0 101"i by E r ' O tiig - e - t _ i "v :'. < ei se`. onefen. ,.✓fir Cooper, it 1 as voted l%? , rn a mo on L tfl aave^tl" se for bids On a new police car,