07/18/1977-CC-Minutes-RegularCU Minutes: City Council Meeting July 18, 19?7 Presents Mayor Cole, Cooper, nlow, Coker, McDaniel, and Bridges. Others Presents City Mgr. City Sec., L. Carr. L. The minutes of the July 5, 1977 regular meeting and the July 13, 1977 Emergency meeting were approved as written. 2. On a motion by Enlow, seconded by Cooper it was voted unani- mous to accept the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission with regards to Zoning Case Z-32 (Albert Lynch petition) to rezone AB 39, R. Bebee Survey, 4 acres to Light Industry. Enlow made a motion to accept the recommendation of the P, & Z. to deny the request for change with regards to Zoning Case Z-33 (W. R. Chatfield petition). Voting for were Cooper, McDaniel, and Enlow. Voting against were Bridges and Coker. Motion carried 3-2. 3. Sanger Electric Audit Bill_,- Discussion. Coker stated it has been four months since the interim bill was received from Main Laf rentz and felt it was a shame Brazos has not paid the bill. Mayor Cole commented that Brazos would be willing to meet with the council anytime. Coker suggested we invite Brazos up here for the meeting next week. Cooper stated he would get John L. to write the attorney's letter to Main La- frentz as requested _ in _the• -July 7, 1977 letter from Roger Lippert. 4. Lindon Carr discussed with the Council Brougham's request for an additional 100 amps to their existing load at the main plant on Bolivar St. He showed the Council pictures of the existing type structure and the proposed new type structure. We now have an H Frame platform mount transformer bank and one rotten pole is in the H frame. Mr. Carr recommended that we go to a single pole cluster mount transformer bank and retire the H frame structure. The estimated cost to accomplish -this is $1706.00. On a motion by Coker, seconded by Bridges it was voted unanimous to go with the single pole cluster mount transformer bank and retire the R. frame, n a motion by Enlow, seconded by Cooper it was voted uanimoum a. Mayor Cole introduced Thomas Edward Norton, our new night patrolman to council members. b. Coker made a --motion that the City secure storage for diesel fuel. Bridges seconded. Voted unanimous. Coker made a motion that we advertise for bids on gasoline, Councilman Coker directed questions to City Manager regard ing the disposition of the following 'items as stated in the minutes • voted on by • 1. Street Signs 2. Hiring attorney to assist John L. - 3. Bring Sanger Electric Accounting books back to Sanger. 4. Purchase of cutting torch, cement mixer and pads for backhoe. 5. Clean overhead tower. • 1- _ •newspaper • to • Preliminary study •Site Triangle• - 0. Field notes on annexation of land 1. • division and • • ordinances 2. Bids on - police Alter questions and answers City Manager was advised to notii'y Highway Department with regards to drainage problem on 5th and Peach, State requires one year notice, 7. Mayor Cole inquired about the Ordinance regarding large trucks. He instructed City Manager to write�a letter to Willis McPhaul regarding the weatherization program, A health clinic -.-for the City was discussed, Meeting adjourned. A„ ATTEST --Minutss City Council Meeting August 1, 1977 Present: Mayor Ralph Cole, Cooper, Enlow, Bridges, McDaniel and Coker Others Presents City Manager, City Sec., City Att., B. Carr, Bro. Richardson and associates ?. Bridges motioned that August disbursements be paid with ths 3. On a motion by cooper, second by Enlow, it was mooted unani- mo�zs.to approve Sanger Electric Capital Improveffients for J e, �977. ® Health Clinic - Mayor spoke regarding health clinic. No action taken. 5. Mayor Cole declared the public hearing open on the Plan Use • •� �• starting in October, 1977.MayorCole closed public hearing, 6. It _was .motioned by Cooper to .accept the recommendation of the . P, & Z. to approve zoning cases Z 34 and Z-35, Coker seconded. Voted unan, Bolivar Water System Council discussed the possibility of tvinz into the Bolivar Svstem in case of an emererenc Coker Officials illis s City Manager presentedremarks regarding Ordinance. This iten