08/01/1977-CC-Minutes-Regular City Council Meeting August 1, 1977 Present: Mayor Ralph Cole, Cooper, Enlow, Bridges, McDaniel and Coker Others Presents City Manager, City Sec®, City Att®, L. Carr, Bro. Richardson and associates ?. Bridges motioned that August disbursements be paid with tka • • On a motion by Cooper, second by Enlow, it was voted unani ® Health Clinic -Mayor spoke regarding health clinic, o action taken. 5. Mayor Cole declared the public hearing open on the Plan Usirg • , , # ,i starting in October, •- •{ Cole closed public 6. I-t was.motioned by Cooper to .accept the recommendation of the _ P® & Z. to approve zoning cases Z 34 and Z-35® Coker. seconded. Voted unan. 7. Bolivar Water System Council discussed the possibility of tying into the Bolivar Sv .stem in case of an eme Cnk # 4LY_ presentedremarks regarding Ordinance, This iten City Manager Officials and Willis McPhauls. ommendation from engineert attorneyt and water quality boa a•City Manager reported to Council• - questions asked at last meeting, Special. •rney�ur�ay ;:ihelton requested That we list his Systemsfirm name (Griffen, Shelton & Eames) in lieu of Gray Shelton. CouncffiLl requested that Shelton be notified to check out T.R.A. sr collecting delinquent Cokerto Sanger and being maintained under control of City, Counci man • the minutes to reflect Sanger Electric st•' t back to ouncil decided to allow Brazos to wait on bill to Main Letter to Main LaFrentz forcouncil#' • • spi•.." off: f •Council•:.s agreement o continue using CourierSanger official newspaper. One Fireman attended school at A. & M. i • . • displayed maps with proposed • mercial _ • r-Fortyins • i need 3 i' containersand six would f: d 2 t containers, There would be an approximate $12,000 investment to go into this type of service, City will receive sample ordinances from TML, COG t • 0) Annexation�Council discussed with John L. the valid valid. John L. stated the effective date of the action determines what is Johnsaid he would O • •: # - 11) Subdivision and Pro/rata Ordinance�John L. gave to the Council by letter his leTal o inion of the aDDlica:F#1j1i+Nr ♦ r• t •I 1 1•- - ♦• i' •' - or connecting streets outside the perimeter of a su •9 & a ivision* Police12) ,< WIC !<- �. .: Council .it» a la a» -:„_tin documents.He e-qUb e that ,»e reflect following . . �.� :>_ »-,»��, � <�»:gym e© CZ IL IL CL A»». ,e »_<:�«».a w «::d, r»,v■° » ate: t, », <, match t§- x*st »g «<»», . .,: ;»-© have City extending first 100 but he o o t eq ,: ::- «.«1< of property. :,z,« »:. »,. vr:.» wouldthey have the City extending first 100' b.: vishes to not be required o installline the full width ,f property. :beduce from 6, o 0 he pavement >..t». This is to natch existing street, ra iance to allow street to be constructed ,cross 50 ,< , open .inste « of full width of property, �- . J=-L"Ij-IjLoeU t, «,_ anC Lay TF the church, Mayor advised deligates not to rove: any 2 », until inspectedby City, Preacher stated he had talked with Bill wit..r and J. We Buckle» and they out De wi lling to grant the easement in order for the Church L.o ,_`and geese ■z I'll ,» w rest West Church of Christ, - as:c;;v,. !rid-s »-«e,etas r«zxc�,'. »:1, «:,: th : ties choo «,» -see o - .. � . _. a�. . . .. .�,. <��< <, »;.. iolt about _ igh ».«., to extend es Cott to Freeway. �II£SI Si&Q±es; ±±East I/, 197E 2=eSe&±: Ss/o2 Sole, Soo2e�, Co\e2, SCSe&iel, 3� 6/es, £32oy. Sec., Swenke, C. Calgeb±es, Be Anthony, £, ljppe2±, T. 32&e, and 3e7, B. Richardson, 1. Minutes of the 2a/as± 1, 197E meeting were E22»o22J as y2i±±e&,