08/15/1977-CC-Minutes-RegularAUGUST 15, 1977 2. Disbursements were approved on a motion by Cooper, seconded by Bridges, voted unan. 3 ® Sanger Electric Audit - Officials of Brazos and lvlar.n =a- Fs`rentz were present to discuss with Council the audit of ,anger Electric. it was stated that Brazos had paid the bill to Main LaFrentz. D''7gayor. Cole ask how much the cost of book- keeping was with regards to Sanger Electric System Books. Mayor reques led to knowif the customer deposits held by Brazos could be put in say,=lags. Brazos is to check into this and let us know, . City parking lot- City '`tanager advised Council that the City would discontinue to use parking lot for dumping street materials except for coal mix in far north corner. Agreed. 1. F�eliminary study or9 �'°nature growth of Ci �Officies - City Mgr, was instructed to contact postal authorities to see what their plans fog° future growth. �. It was agreed by Council to change first meeting in September to the 6th in lieu of the jth being labor Day Holiday. 7, City Auditor _ Council was riot in fa�ror of using ,mite, Baines_ and Solana as City auda tors. ?'?a�n La3rentz re- quested to give City an estimate o3 their and s t charges. 3. j- Frelm.inary Flats �l) It was motioned by Cooper, seconded by Coker to accept the F & recommendation on tie Alta leas ,mith preliminary plat. Voted unan. �2 ) On a motion by ri dges, seconded by Coker it was voted unan. to accept the F � � reco�rmendation on the � . rk'T.. ,ims preliminary plat. �3 � Assembly of God Church - - Cooper Trade the motion to aocept the F � � recorrlmendation which is as follo�rs a °""fie F & Z recommends that the wateryine, sewer line and street be extended 15' to 25' to the South boundary of the Holson property. The �ommISsaon further recommends that the water and sewer line be extended on the basis of a residential pro-rata. The Commission also feels an assurance should be received from the Church that if the property td the South is developed and the water, sewer and street are extended the Church will bear their portion of the cost." .Enloe seconded motion. Voting for were Enlow, Cooper, and Mc- Daniel. Against, Bridges, Abstaining Coker. Motion carried. �. City budget- Freliminary budget was presented by City Mgr. Date of Pu'olic hearing was set for August 2o, ? �77 at 7 y 00 -evShGring budget set for the same date . 10. Other such matterstl a. �indon Carr met with Council and explained that the power loss was considerably higher this year as co�n- to last year. e explained �-hat was need and where to help correctthe loss. Estimated cost $6250. It was motioned by Coker to install capacitor banks in the electric system in the approximate amount of c6250. Seconded by Bridges, voted unan. b. lindon stated that Harry Downs line behind his new facility ae City says C.K. he will grant a utility gees in front the cost 608 CCU, to go behind facility as he rec taested t cost approximately �183C�. C�C�. City instructed l:indon to see if Dogs would be € filling to pay the difference or what portion he willing to pay. would e`Yran.d.s to run a Utl3ty rasa the interstate. if ? 8 utility easement, if ould be approximately c. �indon sta ed that it Vrould cost approximate a Tabor a.r3d materials) to upgrade service to building of Ken Cornell at corner of -th and FIK 455. He is going to a 3 phase service. This will require a transformer. Cooper made the motion to put service in. Cofer seconded. Voted unan. d. Ted Nuke its-. TRH. �yster�s explained their program for the collection of delinquent taxes. Gray Shelton is to go over the contract before the City signs contract for service. Meeting ad�o��°ned 9��C p,��i. Minutes® Emergency C�.11ed Meeting �.ugust �5 � 1977 Present: Mayor Cole, Bridges, McDaniel, Enloe, Corer, and Cooper. Others Presentee City Mir., City sec. 1. It was motioned by Cooper to adopt the follo in.g Annexation Ordinance No. 77-4c AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF SSANGER, TEXAS, A ��TU:�yyltlt7ClP�l CC��Ci�4`I'ICI�Tn, CERT�.II�' T�tA�DT� �ITU.�TED l� DE�TC��V C t.)Un I1, 17 J�Z, "' �.SY s lWL)IN'SIiTUUUZ) 11°U �` (all � ±..•IfVU`T ;'� CES ACaER, fE S, DESCRIBING SAID ANNEXED TERRITORY B TES iND BOUNDS, AND PR. SCIRiBING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS C?RDIINANCE unanimous, Enlow second. ��7eeting adjourned . Voted