08/29/1977-CC-Minutes-Regulari4linutes s City Council ;'Testing August 29, 1977 Present: FIayor Cole, Cooper, Coker, Bridges, DIcZ.?55niel sbSent o Bnlow ® The City Budget and Revenge Sharing Budget Hearing opened at 7®00p.m. Cen eral disoussionam®rag the Council concerning the budgets. Bridges made the motion to adept the budgets as presented. Coker seconded. Voted unanimous. T 3leeting adjourned. ATTB'S s I'3Tinutes: September b, 977 Others Present: City T'Tane.ger, City .Sec , IN% TvlcCoy, J. BucTKlew, ® Trs® B. Traelstead, BTaylor, d. garland, A. Burke, Bev. B@ Richardson and C. Adams and C. Thomas. l® I4inutes were approved as printed wit the exception off' correctio ° s on lte r and tem r . They are as Follows s $ Preliminary stu.dd on Future growth of City Gfficies City T gr. was instructed to contact postal authorities to see what their plans are for future growth, 7 7 } City Auditors- Council in lieu. oi' Coker. 2® Cn a motion by Cooper, second by Bridges and a unanimous emote it was agreed to pay disbursement a-ith tine exee tion c Iterc ; l7 to Simons itioning until the unit at the Post Office is checked out as agreed. it was requested by Council that the disbursements be pre- sented twice a month and prior to the mLeeting. 3® Sanger Electric Capital lmproVements - Item postponed until Sept. 19, 1977 meeting® re. commendation :2ssembly of mod Church Plat- M'ayor Cole read aloud the letter from the Planning and Zoning Commission, The P ® Z ® reoc° ends Tith the ollos ing stipulations s °°By unanimpus vote the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends the plat be accepted assuming the letter concerning the ex- tention of the street and utilities which was previou ly